South School on Internet Governance
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Founded: | 2009 |
Founder(s): | Olga Cavalli, Adrian Carballo |
Website: | South School on Internet Governance |
Twitter: | ![]() |
Key People | |
Olga Cavalli, Academic Director Adrian Carballo, Institutional Relations Director |
The South School on Internet Governance (SSIG) trains new leaders in all aspects related to Internet Governance, from a global perspective and with a focus on the Latin America and Caribbean Region. The program trains university and postgraduate students from the region and from the rest of the world to understand the complexity related to Internet Governance and its importance in the future of the Internet.[1]
Every year a fixed number of students are selected for SSIG, after having gone through a heavy selection process. The cost to students and the expenditures of SSIG are borne by sponsors such as Verisign, Nominet Trust, Afilias, ICANN, Microsoft, and Cisco.
Vision[edit | edit source]
- Motivate the new regional leaders of opinion to actively participate in IG meetings and activities, where the future of the Internet is shaped;
- Make them the future leaders of IG in their countries and regions;
- Motivate young students of the Latin America and Caribbean region to get involved in the Internet Governance processes;
- Motivate young students from developing countries to visit, study and understand the LAC Region in relation to the Internet Governance issues;
- Increase the number of representatives of the Latin America and Caribbean region in international Internet Governance debate spaces.[2]
Topics covered during SSIG[edit | edit source]
- By whom the Internet is governed
- Political, economic, social and legal implications of Internet Governance
- The role of ICANN, RIRs, ccTLDs, gTLDs, IDNs
- IPv4 - IPv6 transition
- Legal aspects of security and privacy on the Internet
- Freedom of expression, privacy, e-commerce, gender and new market opportunities
- New digital economy
- Protection of intellectual property
- Fight against cyber crime
- Digital divide and its implication on the Internet's future and evolution
SSIG 2016[edit | edit source]
On 2016 the South School on Internet Governance will take place in Washington D.C., March 29 to April 1st. More than 150 attendees are expected.
The venue will be the OAS Headquarters.[3]
Topics Discussed[edit | edit source]
Closing Ceremony[edit | edit source]
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SSIG 2015[edit | edit source]

The South School on Internet Governance took place in Costa Rica, April 20-24, 2015. Speakers included ICANN President, Fadi Chehade and Costa Rica's Vice President, Ana Helena Chacón Echeverría. Vinton Cerf was slated to speak at the 7th annual event, but canceled due to illness.
Topics Discussed[edit | edit source]
- The Multistakeholder Model and the IANA Transition, Keith Drazek & John Curran
- Challenges & Perspectives in the Internet, Fadi Chehade, Christopher Painter, Oscar Robles, and Sally Wentworth
- Panel & Discussion: Freedom of Expression and Internet Access, Keynote Speaker: Belisario Contreras. Panelists: Carlos Alvarez and Randall Barnett
OAS & South Schools Initiative Agreement[edit | edit source]
During the event, The Organization of American States (OAS) and Uruguayan Civil Association Training Center in High Technology for Latin America and the Caribbean (CCAT-LAT) signed an agreement to support the South School on Internet Governance in its aim to train new leaders in the Internet governance sphere. [5]
Faculty[edit | edit source]
The Faculty is chaired by Prof. Olga Cavalli from Universidad de Buenos Aires.
This link includes the Faculty of the 2015 SSIG in Costa Rica.
Fellowship program and remote participation
More than 1000 students have participated as fellows in the South School on Internet Governance during the six face to face meetings held in 2009 (Buenos Aires), 2010 (Sao Paulo), 2011 (México), 2012 (Bogotá) and 2013 (Panamá), 2014 (Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago) and 2015 (San José de Costa Rica). All students received fellowship to attend the school thanks to the contribution of many companies and organizations that support this initiative.
The fellows in the six face to face training course came from the following countries:
Argentina Austria Barbados Belice Brazil Colombia Costa Rica Ecuador Grenada Guatemala Guyana Jamaica Japan México Montserrat Nicaragua Panamá Paraguay Perú República Dominicana Spain St. Kitts Trinidad & Tobago Uruguay USA Venezuela The SSIG fellowship program covers all expenses including the course, hotel, meals, course materials and social activities. The fellowship does not cover air transportation to the city where the SSIG takes place, visa fees (if applicable), travel insurance and taxis to airports.
Fellows are selected among those that express their interest answering a call for application that is distributed through social networks, web page of the SSIG and among universities, industry associations and other interest groups. The selection is made by a committee and the selection criteria are based on professional experience, gender, geographic and multistakeholder balance.
At the end of the course the students receive a certificate of participation in the SSIG.
The first three meetings of the SSIG were organized as a traditional training and debate space with face to face interaction, including 40 hs of classes, permanent simultaneous translation Spanish, English and several social activities to integrate students and faculty members.
Starting in the fourth SSIG held in 2012 in Bogotá, Colombia, and the fifth SSIG 2013 held in Panamá SSIG in Costa Rica will also allow remote participation.and in the seventh SSIG 2014 held in Port of Spain, there was also remote participation, through video streaming with audio in two channels, English and Spanish. SSIG in Costa Rica will also allow remote participation.
Completed and Announced so far[edit | edit source]
- SSIG 2009 (March,2009) Buenos Aires, Argentina
- SSIG 2010 (21 to 26 March) Sao Paolo, Brazil
- SSIG 2011 (4 to 8 April,2010) Mexico
- SSIG 2012 (19 to 23 March, 2012) Bogotá, Colombia
- 22 to 26th, 2013) Panamá City, Panamá
- 2014 in Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago
- 2015 in San José de Costa Rica - 20 - 24 April 2015
Español[edit | edit source]
El principal objetivo de la Escuela del Sur de Gobernanza de Internet es lograr que jóvenes estudiantes y profesionales de distintas disciplinas de Latinoamérica y el Caribe se involucren en el debate de la Gobernanza de Internet y puedan comprender su importancia en el futuro de Internet y en el desarrollo de la región. El activo involucramiento de representantes de América Latina y Caribe es relevante para que se traten temas que son de importancia para el desarrollo de la región y su inserción en un mundo globalizado.
La misión de la Escuela del Sur de Gobernanza de Internet es la de:
Aumentar la representatividad de la región de Latinoamérica y Caribe en espacios donde se debate y define la Gobernanza de Internet. Crear un espacio de formación para nuevas generaciones de profesionales que participen activamente en reuniones donde se conforma el futuro de la red Internet. Formar a los nuevos líderes de opinión en temas relacionados con la Gobernanza de Internet en cada uno de los países de la región.
Los miembros del cuerpo docente de la Séptima Escuela del Sur de Gobernanza de Internet se pueden ver en este link.
El programa de actividades de la SSIG 2015 en Costa Rica se puede ver en este link.
Programa de Becas y participación remota[edit | edit source]
Más de 700 alumnos han participado como becarios de la Escuela del Sur de Gobernanza de Internet en sus seis reuniones realizadas en 2009 (Buenos Aires), 2010 (San Pablo), 2011 (México), 2012 (Bogotá), 2013 (Panamá) y 2014 (Trinidad & Tobago). Todos ellos recibieron becas, las que se otorgaron gracias a la contribución de muchas instituciones y empresas que apoyan esta iniciativa. También han participado unos 2000 estudiantes en forma remota en 2012 en Bogotá, en 2013 en Panamá y en 2014 Port of Spain, Trinidad & Tobago
Los becarios que han atendido la Escuela del Sur de Gobernanza de Internet son de los siguientes países:
Argentina Austria Barbados Belice Brazil Colombia Costa Rica Ecuador Grenada Guatemala Guyana Jamaica Japan México Montserrat Nicaragua Panamá Paraguay Perú República Dominicana Spain St. Kitts Trinidad & Tobago Uruguay USA Venezuela
El programa de becas de la Escuela del Sur de Gobernanza de Internet cubre para cada becado el alojamiento durante todos los días del curso, todas las comidas, el valor completo del curso, el material académico, la cena de gala y la participación en todos los eventos sociales.
Los becarios se seleccionan entre quienes envían su expresión de interés a un llamado a participar que se publica en la página web de la Escuela del Sur de Gobernanza de Internet. El mismo se difunde a través de redes sociales, universidades, cámaras de la industria y grupos de interés. La selección es realizada por un comité multiparticipativo que se reúne cada año, en base a criterios de antecedentes profesionales, balance de género, balance geográfico y de multiparticipatividad.
Al finalizar el curso los becarios reciben un certificado por su participación en la Escuela del Sur de Gobernanza de Internet.
Desde la SSIG 2012 organizada en Bogotá, SSIG 2013, en Panamá y luego en SSIG 2014 Trinidad & Tobago se incorporó la participación remota con canales de audio en español e Inglés, llegando a un total de 2000 participantes remotos.
En su séptima edición consecutiva la Escuela del Sur de Gobernanza de Internet se organizara en Costa Rica desde el 20 al 24 de abril inclusive del 2015, la participación remota volverá a formar parte de las actividades de la SSIG 2015.
References[edit | edit source]
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- ↑ SSIG 2011 Home
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