Status: Proposed
country: International
Type: Generic
Category: Commerce
Priority #: 279 - XYZ.COM LLC
500 - Starbucks (HK) Limited
729 - Global Top Level ApS
1083 - Amazon
1560 - A/S
1565 - Donuts (Grand Turn, LLC)

More information: NTLDStatsLogo.png

.now is a proposed TLD in ICANN's New gTLD Program.


  1. Amazon
  2. Donuts (Grand Turn, LLC) - This applicant submitted a Public Interest Commitment, which can be downloaded here.
  3. Global Top Level ApS
  4. A/S
  5. Starbucks (HK) Limited (Not the Coffee People, Richard Li's company)
  6. XYZ.COM LLC[1]


An official Legal Rights Objection was filed by the applicant Starbucks (HK) Limited, against all fellow applicants.[2]

A Legal Rights Objection, as defined by the ICANN approved mediator, WIPO, is when, "third parties may file a formal objection to an application on several grounds, including, for trademark owners and Intergovernmental Organizations (IGOs) [..] When such an objection is filed, an independent panel (comprised of one or three experts) will determine whether the applicant’s potential use of the applied-for gTLD would be likely to infringe [..] the objector’s existing trademark, or IGO name or acronym."[3]
