Here is a list of resources related to the ICANN Community and Internet Governance. Feel free to add more to the list. Some resources appear in more than one category.

ICANN & The ICANN community

  1. ICANN blog
  2. Domain Incite - Kevin Murphy
  3. CircleID - Ali Farshchian
  4. The Domains - Mike Berkens
  5. Domain Name Wire - Andrew Allemann
  6. Domain Industry & Internet News - Michele Neylon
  7. Domain News - Roland Buck
  8. Domain Name Journey
  9. Domain Name News - Adam Strong, Frank Michlick
  10. Domain Pulse - Industry News
  11. Frakes on a Plane- Jothan Frakes

Internet Governance

  1. ICANN blog
  2. Internet Governance Project
  3. Center for Democracy and Technology's blog
  4. Electronic Frontier Foundation Deeplinks blog
  5. Robin's Cyberlaw Remix - Robin Gross
  6. Circleid Internet Governance
  7. Computer and Communications Industry Association Internet Governance
  8. Governance Lab at NYU
  9. trade association blog for Open Internet
  10. Open Internet Blog, moderated by US State Department
  11. Association for Progressive Communications Blog
  12. Access Blog
  13. Open Media Blog
  14. Public Knowledge Blog
  15. Internet Democracy project
  16. W3C: An international community developing web standards
  17. The Internet Society Blog
  18. Robin's Cyberlaw Remix - Robin Gross
  19. The Milathan Post - Stephane Van Gelder
  20. Open Internet blog


  1. Domain Incite - Kevin Murphy
  2. CircleID - Ali Farshchian
  3. The Domains - Mike Berkens
  4. Domain Name Wire - Andrew Allemann
  5. - Neustar
  6. Domain Industry & Internet News - Michele Neylon
  7. Domain News - Roland Buck
  8. Domain Name Journey
  9. Domain Name News - Adam Strong, Frank Michlick
  10. Domain Pulse - Industry News
  11. Frakes on a Plane- Jothan Frakes
  12. Gandi Bar - The English Gandi's Blog - French
  13. Nom de Domaine - Domain Name - Cedric Manara (English and French)