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Article of the Week
Internet of Things (IoT) is anything that can be given an IP address or unique identifier with the ability to transfer information over a network via cloud computing and data gathering sensors. This data transfer would not require human to human contact and mostly relies on machine to machine (M2M) contact mitigated by sensors.

In a sponsored article, Wired Magazine outlined how building bridges and other integral infrastructure with "smart cement", using sensors involved in M2M would result in superior, more thorough tracking of bridge quality and strength. This could potentially alert engineers to any issues with structural integrity--ensuring the ability to monitor cracks and stresses.

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Acronym of the Week
RAP WG is the abbreviation for the Registration Abuse Policies Working Group (also known as WGRAP, or Working Group on Registration Abuse Policies). On 25 September 2008, the Generic Name Support Organization (GNSO) adopted a motion requesting a report on the issues regarding the abuse provisions for the registry and registrar agreements.
In the News
TLD of the Week

.motorcycles is gTLD delegated to the Root Zone in ICANNs New gTLD Program.

What We're Working On
Everyone should have a voice in the future of the Internet regardless of their native language or region. We're working on making that happen in: