Asia Pacific Regional Internet Conference On Operational Technologies

The Asia Pacific Regional Internet Conference On Operational Technologies (APRICOT) is organized by the Asia Pacific Internet Association (APIA) to provide conferences about the technical operations of the internet for entities engaged in the industry within the Asia Pacific Region. APRICOT conferences are held annually for ten days in simultaneous with one of the meetings of the Asia Pacific Network Information Center (APNIC), Asia Pacific Networking Group (APNG) or any other Internet Organizations in the region.

Industry: Internet
Founded: 1996
Key People
Jonny Martin, Chairman APRICOT Program Committee
Mark Tinka, APRICOT Program Committee Co-Chairman

Philip Smith, Chairman APIA Board
Paul Wilson, Chairman APRICOT Fellowship Committee & Vice Chairman APIA Board


The main objective of APRICOT is to promote growth and development of internet infrastructures as well as the enhancement of the skills and understanding of the internet community within the Asia Pacific Region.[1]
