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Craig Schwartz

From ICANNWiki

Country: USA
Email: craig.schwartz@icann.org

   [craigschwartz.tel craigschwartz.tel]

LinkedIn:    [Craig Schwartz Craig Schwartz]

Craig Schwartz served as Chief gTLD Registry Liaison of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers. He was appointed by the ICANN Board on August 2006. He supervised the coordination of the technical role of ICANN to all gTLD Registries.[1] Schwartz left his position at ICANN and joined BITS, the technical division of Financial Services Roundtable as General Manager of the proposed .bank gTLD.[2]

Education[edit | edit source]

Schwartz holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Finance and Economics from the University of Maryland College Park.

Career History[edit | edit source]

Shcwarts held different positions before joining ICANN and most recently General Manager of BITS. He worked for Widmeyer Communications for almost 10 years as Vice-president of Operations from November 1996 to March 2006. In 1993, Prior to his position at Widmeyer, he served as Executive Assistant to the Vice President of Public Affairs & Development of the Youth for Understanding (YFU) International Exchange, a non profit organization dedicated in promoting global understanding through student exchange programs for three years. In 1990, he worked for Westinghouse Savannah River Company as Records Management Specialist and in 1987, he serves as Business Analyst for Dunn and Bradstreet.[3]

References[edit | edit source]