Bill Manning

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Country: USA
Email: bmanning [at] karoshi dot com
LinkedIn: LinkedInIcon.png   Bill Manning
ICANNLogo.png Formerly a member
of ICANN's NomCom

Bill Manning (also William Manning) is a Staff Researcher at University of Southern California – Information Sciences Institute.[1]

Career History

Manning has been working in the Internet industry since 1979 when he started working at Texas Instruments and helped in building its IP network.[2] After which he joined Rice University and made SESQUINET. He played a significant role in the migration of MIDNET and SESQUINET from NSFnet regional networks to commercial networks.[3]

He worked on the COREN and CALREN-2 technical committees. At ISI he worked in the Routing Arbiter Project.[4]

Bill has been working with the IETF and IEPG as an individual participant, working group chair, and code developer. He specified the method to add NSAP support to the DNS.[5]

Mr. Manning has been selected for the NomCom at ICANN three times, in 2002, 2007 and 2010. Bill was a contributing scientist on Neustar's UltraDNS.[6] He was also a member of the ARIN Board of Trustees.[7]


He completed his Ph.D. in Media and Governance from Keio University - SFC in 2010.
