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Ferdinand Atta

From ICANNWiki
Organization: LARIT
Affiliation: DNSSEC
Region: Africa
Country: Côte d'Ivoire
Email: amanvon183@yahoo.fr
Facebook:    Ferdinand Atta

ATTA Amanvon Ferdinand is a PhD student in computer science at the INP-HB[1] of Yamoussoukro in Ivory Coast. He is co-founder of the Python community in Ivory Coast[2]. Currently he is doing his researches within the laboratory LARIT[3] located in Abidjan Cocody Danga and his research topic is in the field of computer networks and more precisely on the optical networks and SDN networks

Career History[edit | edit source]

ATTA Amanvon is currently a PhD student at the polytechnic doctoral school of INPHB Yamoussoukro. They do their research in Abidjan in a computer lab, LARIT (Research Laboratory in Computer Science and Telecommunication), led by Professor BABRI Michet and OUMTANAGA Souleymane who are both full professors in computer science. Mr. ATTA is active in the field of computer networks, specifically optical networks and SDN (Software Defined Networking) networks. Its research theme is: Reconfiguring Multicast Routing in WDM Optical Networks with Partial Wavelength Conversion.

Team[edit | edit source]

Mr ATTA Ferdinand is in IREF[4] team of LARIT.

References[edit | edit source]