User talk:Andrew

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References[edit source]

Yes, there are a few articles, without references. I was unable to find references for them at that time. I will complete the articles with references today most probably. Thanks for bringing it to my attention Muhammad Ali Khalid

categories[edit source]

Andrew, can you check categories when you check people articles? Thanks Ray

Company Logos[edit source]

Do you need help with those? Ray

I haven't tried to do them yet as I've been working on my parent's computer and don't want save images to their I imagine I'll have to do... I'll add them tomorrow when I switch to my own laptop.Andrew

ok great, I sent you an e-mail too Ray

Redirecting Articles[edit source]

Yeah, I redirect them at the end of the project when I have completed the set of 50 articles, somehow it makes the work easier for me :). You do not need to redirect the articles, I will do that myself.

For the getting more content. Sure I will try to dig deeper to get more about the people. Muhammad Ali Khalid

Articles needed[edit source]

Can you update this page with Pulasthi's work and as well consolidate other completed batches, thanks Ray

Great, and keep the done articles neatly on the user pages of the folks who did them? Ray

hi![edit source]

Thanks for the feedback. I try to keep the names consistent...specially the company names and initials..but I am not really very good with the technical stuff cctld tld etc are okay but sometimes there are more and I dont really know what to do with them except simply interlinking them by putting a [[]]. The only content I have copied are either from the old icannwiki or icannn site. And creative common the same bios that have been used in 4-5 websites( official website, yahoo finance, crunch base, linkedin) I thought these are okay. Let me know if its not. I will still go through the articles and see if there are more. As for regular work, I will sure love to work more. But I have a little complicated situation right now. I am involved in a national project right now and today I have been told that they are going to offer me a full-time job. So lets finish the last batch right now and we can take it from there. Regards

Glad to be here[edit source]

Hi, Andrew. First of all, nice to meet you:) Secondly, thanks for your help and assistance. Third of all, thanks for feedback. I will get some sleep now but in the morning I will introduce the references (will check your articles), and will also do 2 more articles. It will take some time until i get used to all the features, but I will manage it. Keep in touch! User:Dana Silvia Hi, Andrew! Thanks for adding the part with ICANN and DNSSEC, looks great. I saw you added the references, should I add some more? Soon I will start writing 2 more articles.

Article References[edit source]

Hi, Andrew. I added the references for both articles, finally I managed to understand how it should be done:D Soon I will upload some more articles.Please do check the references of my 2 articles when you have some spare time and let me know if there are any problems. Thanks, Dana.

Glossary[edit source]

Hi, Andrew. Thanks for your feedback, I checked all articles until now and added the category:Glossary. Will upload 2 more articles soon. Regards, Dana.

Table of contents[edit source]

Andrew, I saw that in an article it was inserted _NOTOC_ and this makes the table of content to disappear. Should I do this in some other cases or not..? Thanks, Dana.

Ok, then it's good I asked. I will check all articles and make the necessary changes. In the case of articles with the length of TLD article I will not introduce the Table of Contents. Thanks for a quick answer. Dana

Domaining Glossary and definitions[edit source]

Thanks for your feedback. I removed all Domaining Glossary sources because I noticed that this section will be deleted and the link will no longer work, but somehow it was left for domain kiting. I changed it. Regarding the links for definitions at Direct Navigation, I copied the wrong link there for that definition, changed it:) Thanks for feedback, and please do not hesitate to tell anything else regarding mistakes or discrepancies. Thanks, Dana

What is RGP?[edit source]

Hi Andrew, I am now trying to finish the articles but I do not what RGP refers to.... please help me if you can :) How are the articles? I wrote to Ray yesterday and asked him to take a look over the articles and tell me if there are any problems but received no answer. What is your opinion regarding my work? Regards, Dana

Ok, thanks, got it! Can please also help with the acronym "SO" what does it stand for? Yeah, in the short overview there are cases when i give another definition of the concept to make sure it is properly understood. There are still 3 articles which I will not be able to finish until the deadline on do you think this will be a problem?I will finish the project in around 4 hours, but the deadline is arriving in around 40 minutes or so... could you please talk to Ray? I hope everything will be ok.

Editing Process[edit source]

Hi Andrew. I am ready to make the changes you say, while you are reviewing the work. I have to mention the fact that I am leaving for Barcelona from 24th until the 28th and I will be unavailable. I will try and improve the articles but regarding what you said "either they need reference attention or just felt like certain sections could be stronger" - I tried to present in each article what I found as more useful and interesting since you and Ray did not mention what subjects I should focus on each article or so.... I will wait for your comment and do my best. Will wait for your reply. Regards, Dana

Yes, you are right, and I appreciate your feedback. Then, when you have some time to sum up some conclusions/changes/improvements regarding to some of my work you have already reviewed, let me know and I will start making the changes. Then, you can check the content once again and tell me it's ok. I hope I will also have a great time in Barcelona. Until the 24th I will try and do my best to finish the project so that we will all be satisfied with the results. Thanks, Dana

Ok, I notice those, now I understand the comments. If I want to modify something based on your comments, I will make the changes, and check the "watch this page" button or "This is a minor edit" button? Or how should I let you known that I have made the changes - write in summary? thanks, Dana

Hi, Andrew. I started making changes to what you mentioned in the list. Tomorrow will finish the changes and let you know, so that you can check these modifications. Keep in touch, Dana

Hi Andrew, I finished making the changes. Please check the changes made:) Still, there are five changes which I didn't know how to deal with - listed below:

  1. Semantic technology- very unclear
  2. ARIN - Will need Business template imported from here and filled out as much as possible. - don't know how to do that.
  3. LACNIC - Will need Business template imported and filled out as much as possible
  4. RSEP - This article is very unclear.
  5. W3C- will need business template imported and filled out

Thanks Andrew, Ok, I will take a look at the articles when I get back. Yes, I would be interested in another project of 50 articles, I am now used to the system. Whether you want me to write about "People" or articles as before - what you prefer and need. Thanks. I can't wait:D I will also go the basketball match of Fc Regal Barcelona with another team in the ACB League since I am a big fan and player of basketball. I can't wait:D I will definitely drink Sangria, hope I'll like it! Thanks for everything. Will let you know when I get back. Regards, Dana

Alexander Phoenix[edit source]

Hi Andrew, Thanks for all the kind words and support, it's really appreciated.

I've already added a list of 'articles being worked on'.

My Immediate Plans:

Now, a few thoughts.

First, I hope to move around 50 articles from .org to .com before the end of the week. This doesn't mean that I'll only be moving articles, obviously - I'll also be creating new ones, as you suggested. If you would like to suggest any particular articles that you'd like created, please go ahead and do so.

Obviously, I'm working on moving pages first, because that goes a little faster, and I want to get it out of the way.

Regarding References for articles:

As for references, as the articles from .org are original work, they aren't as easy to find references for from the net (in searches) as it would be to find references for articles I write myself, for example (as I did when I wrote articles upon companies earlier).

I'll gladly put in references for the moved articles from the internet, but would like to do them at the end of moving all the (around 40) articles, if you don't mind. This should only take me two days or so.

So (extremely temporarily) the articles I add here will have no references at all.

But this will only be for about two days or so, when I will add references for them all simultaneously. I find this system more time efficient. In any case, the new articles will be unreferenced for just two days, which shouldn't really be a problem, as they can all be considered 'works-in-progress' until the references are in place.

Take care, and it's a pleasure to work with you, and on ICANNWiki.

- Alexander

Spam[edit source]

So we finally got our first spam. You can see it in recent changes, I reverted it already. I'm sure this will happen more and more as the site becomes more popular so we'll have to be on the lookout for it and take action as needed Ray

Ugh, beginning to see more of it ...

Hi again![edit source]

Hey, got your note! Sorry for replying so late, been really busy :( The section looks great... And yes, I am hoping to continue working in site as well, decided to pass the job offer. And I am really really sorry that I couldn't get around to edit the articles like you suggested. I will start checking them from tomorrow and make changes if necessary. In the meantime, please keep me updated and let me know if you have any more suggestion. Regards

Caricatures and references[edit source]

Hi there, putting in the caricatures and references now. Don't worry, it's very easy to keep track of things because the site is still up and provides reference. I decided to do the portraits at one time because I'm resizing them to fit more neatly and need to use graphics editing programs to do that, so of course it's more convenient to do all the graphics editing at once

completed my 2nd batch[edit source]

hi there,

I completed my 2nd batch. I'm really sorry for being late, since it was a busy week last week. Hope it's ok. Take a look at it n give me a feed back. thank you --Pulasthi 23:12, 12 February 2011 (PST)

thanks[edit source]

hi andrew thanks for the feedback. Will fix them before tomorrow. Yeah i'm ready for another batch. Thanks again. --Pulasthi 02:00, 15 February 2011 (PST)

Balram Mahendra profile - couldnt find sources[edit source]

i fixed the other two pages. But for Balram Mahendra, i could not find any sources. May be he is using another name or something. --Pulasthi 04:12, 15 February 2011 (PST)

Company Template[edit source]

Twitter Field Added (but not tested) Ray

Can we move the twitter field above key people? Caterina

completed my 3rd batch[edit source]

hi andrew,

Completed my 3rd batch. Please check it out. But couldnt find usable references for few of the profiles.

Thanks --Pulasthi 05:50, 21 February 2011 (PST)

Daniel and Marie[edit source]

Look like they might need a little help getting started :-)

Uh...[edit source]

so sorry, check your e-mail, I think we're going to need a disambiguation page ...

3rd batch[edit source]


Thanks for the feedback. But it was not clear where the noted that you and catrina have put. Yeah you are right. most of the content that i took from the the .org site i did not change since we are going to delete that content afterwards. for most of the content, i did google search to see if there are copy issues.

thank you. --Pulasthi 00:46, 27 February 2011 (PST)

PS: I have sent a note in vworker to ray, regarding accepting work before 28th. Hope that can be done.

Alexa[edit source]

Nice job with her article! Ray

hi[edit source]

yeah of cos. will do the fixes. thanks --Pulasthi 14:26, 28 February 2011 (PST)

unfinished work[edit source]

i andrew, I will be finishing the unfinished tasks before 6th march 2011. This week got un expectedly busier. So i will surely finish them before end of this week end. Thank you. --Pulasthi 07:42, 3 March 2011 (PST)

Under Construction[edit source]

This is probably late, but an idea would be to make an "Under Construction" image, that way we can easily see what's under construction by seeing what links to that image Ray

Just wanted to let you know[edit source]

Hi, I just wanted to let you know that, these three articles Brandon CS Sanders, Cassio Vecchiatti Chung-Hee Jin are incomplete. I started working on these articles in my first batch, but because of less resources (or I don't remember the reason) I stopped working on these articles and added some other articles to my work. You can delete these pages. Though, I have added the under construction image to them so that they stay in your sight.

People category Dana[edit source]

Hi Andrew, I am trying to find people with relevant and useful information to create articles of around 500 words. However, I have seen that there are some articles created by other people of around 200-300 words... So, i only wanted to check that I am doing the right thing: I should focus on relevant people and write around 400-500 words, right? I see that there are more writers working on this section and I hope I will find plenty of relevant people and information about them. Plus, I cannot find facebook id and twitter for all people, is that a problem? Tell me your opinion if you can, please. Thanks for your support. Dana

Checking the work[edit source]

Hi Andrew! I hope you are doing fine. I just wanted to let you know that in 1-2 days I will finish the content so that you cans start checking my work when you can. I hope I did a good work. Really did a lot of research regarding the available people, but I will wait for opinion:D Regards, Dana

Batch 3 finished[edit source]

Hi Andrew! How are you doing? I only wanted to let you know that I have finished Batch 3 of articles and you can start checking. I also added the links on the old website. But I forgot to add the link with page under construction. Tell me if it is necessary and I will do it myself. I have some observations regarding this batch: -For "seth coman", I found a picture on the Internet but I am not sure that it is the right one -For "olle aberg" the picture does not work.. don't know why You will definitely see longer and shorter articles because the number of people left to write about decreased heavily and I was unable to find so much information about some people as compared to other people... But, I really did spend a lot of time for each person to look for details such as emails, facebook and work experience. I hope I did a good job. Will wait for your feedback. Regards, Dana

New section[edit source]

This is a test Caterina

BJscout, Audience Call, SCA Society[edit source]

Hi Andrew,

I need some guidance with these companies assigned to me by Ray.

BJscout -no information available on the web, it seems like it is for sale domain name.

Audience Call is it the company about hearing system technology (audience? I am not sure if that's the Audience Call company you want me to write about.

Another thing is SCA Society. What does SCA stands for? Is it the The Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA)?

Thanks, Marie

=[edit source]

Hi Andrew,

Thanks for your reply, I also made my inquiry with Ray and he instructed me to just replace those companies from the list of articles needed because he already looked into those companies and he said he can't also find info about them.


Captcha[edit source]

Sent the email again to

Some additional info, not in the email. After receiving you email, I tried working on Internet Explorer, it gave the same error. I thought, it was occuring in my account only, so tried to create a new account, but on the screen of new account, where it asks for the captcha, I still could not see any captcha box, so the error is not with my account. Then I thought, it must be something in my computer, so I used my laptop (right now working on desktop), but I got the same error. Also, past midnight, here in my timezone, so I might not be able to reply you now as I am going to bed. I hope we can fix it till the morning (in my time zone). Muhammad Ali Khalid

Thank you. Have a good day or night (whatever it is in your time zone) :-)

Captcha Fixed..[edit source]

It is fixed now. I just tried editing an article, and I got the captcha box. its working again. Muhammad Ali Khalid

Edits for the Current Batch[edit source]

Yes, I will keep an eye on your notes on the articles needed page and will edit them. After editing, I will put a signature there, so that you can check the edited article.

  • For the education, I will keep it in mind. Should I change for all the articles that I have written and you have not checked yet (that would be all articles in batch 6).
  • I will keep the title thing in mind.
  • For the NOTOC, I will keep in mind to use it in my future work. should I put it in batch 6 (the one you have not checked) articles myself right now? Muhammad Ali Khalid
  • I have a question, you said that education should come last, what about publications, and presentations? Should they come before the education or after the education. It would be great if you can send me the ideal order of headings that you want on the site. Muhammad Ali Khalid

batch 3[edit source]

Hi Andrew, Thank you for assigning us a new batch of articles. We will be happy to work on it and will start on it once we complete the previous ones. Thanks again!!!! saassoln

Re:Edit[edit source]

Thanks for the appreciation. I made the changes you marked on my user page. For my next batch (7th batch). I have not uploaded the pictures yet, I have put the picture links in the pages but will upload them at the end of the 50 articles. Muhammad Ali Khalid

re:ay![edit source]

haha, oops! this might start happening more often, i'm keeping normal person hours now. Caterina

Re: Thanks[edit source]

Hi Andrew, Thank you very much for giving me pointers, I will make the necessary changes on the logos. Instructions are noted.

Batch 7[edit source]

Hi Andrew, You can start checking my batch 7. There was one problem, I mistakenly named Esteban Andujar as Ernesto Garcia and the moved the information to the correct page, because of which both the pages have the same info. Please delete the page of Ernesto Garcia. Thanks.

some problems[edit source]

For some people I am just unable to find more than a line. And when I save a page its category is always the name of the country. The page does not show up in the people listing here as well. I have resized some images but when I upload them they don't match each other. What should I do? Tehreem

Ok thanx. I resized the picture of Jonathan Shea to match in height at least and it does on my computer but not on thumbnail. How do I edit that?

Fixed the category and contents. Yeah I uploaded the resized version. Sometimes I get phone number and city of people. Do I have to mention them as well?

Ok thanx

Batch 7[edit source]

Hi, I got your point about the explaining the acronym. Yes, you are right, I put the explanation there with it to make it easy for the reader, as sometimes people know the full name of an organization but are not aware of the Acronym. I will use the format that you have mentioned. I fixed issues with some of the articles, for the rest I will do them today or might be tomorrow. Thanks Muhammad Ali Khalid 10:07, 8 April 2011 (PDT)

FIRST BATCH[edit source]

Thank you very much for all the compliments, pointers and guidance you've shared with me. It's really a great help. I made all the necessary corrections as instructed. Again, thank you very much!!! Marie

--- Of course you can do it, when i saw the note "self-editing" i thought i'm suppose to arrange my page as well, just like the way you did it.

The CPA Global--- you commented is this original? It seems like the timeline is longer from the website. Yes it was originally written based from the company timeline. I re-phrased the introductory sentence to make it sound better. Tag-org---i removed the subsidiary companies in the list that are not internet related because it's huge. Bsoft--the photo i downloaded the best resolution i can find nz registry---photo is working now IBM-I added current history as per CP instruction CDT---you commented to double check on the Chairman it appears they have two---Jerry Berman was the founder but not Chairman of CDT but Chairman of IEF---I also added the info. The rest were about photo use the TAGI logo coz the photos available were too small

Thanks and have a great weekend!!!

Batch 8 and Previous Corrections[edit source]

Hi Andrew. I fixed the problems with the previous articles, you can check them. You can also start checking my batch 8 of articles. Muhammad Ali Khalid 03:17, 9 April 2011 (PDT)

Help needed[edit source]

I was just working on Markus Schnermann, and found this info. It is all regarding his personal life, should I put it in the article? I started writing it in the article but then felt it would make the article personal rather then professional. Let me know Muhammad Ali Khalid 09:18, 9 April 2011 (PDT)

Forwarding Links on[edit source]

Tehreem made a good point here about how missing forwarding links can cause new writers to do unnecessary work. We should probably modify the work description and maybe also have someone go through the balance on again. We can do this when we meet today. Ray

Re: intro[edit source]

Ok i will correct that. Should the name be bold throughout the article? Tehreem

References[edit source]

Yeah, you are right we are hitting the bottom of the barrel. Therefore, I am doing all the articles, instead of handpicking the ones that have a lot of content. Sure, I will double check the articles for references. I have fixed the things you marked on my page. Thanks. Muhammad Ali Khalid

Research[edit source]

I wasn't done with the batch 9. You might have noticed the photo problems and that none of the articles had the underconstruction image. I would have completed the batch yesterday, but there was some unexpected internet connection problem. I revisit the articles while inserting the underconstruction photo to decrease the mistakes. Anyways, there is no excuse for the less research. Though, I will try harder next time. For this batch, I will fix the mistakes you have marked and go through rest of the articles again today. Thanks. Muhammad Ali Khalid

Its complete now. You can start checking whenever you get time and I have also fixed the errors you pointed out.

Forwarding Links from .ORG[edit source]

Noted, Will follow. Muhammad Ali Khalid

Iron Mountain[edit source]

Hey Andrew, I saw you updated the Iron Mountain page with some info from an interview from the conference. Any chance you remember who the person was and can stick it in the ref? Caterina

Category[edit source]

I have edited things according to style guidelines. However I am not getting which categories to add? Should any other category be added to people articles except people and country? Tehreem

Yeah I am checking your comments and I will include these references now. I was wondering whether I should use bullet points or describe things in paragraphs? I generally use bullets because I think that makes the article easy to read. However I would happily edit if anything is not according to the style followed here. Thanks for helping me improve.

I will try improving my focus on everything I get. I do not include things unless I find reference other than its going to be removed). So, I have no other option but to skip that part if I don't find any other option.

I am done with adding info to the articles you specified. you can check them

Thu Hue Nguyen[edit source]

I think her name is Nguyen Thu HueMuhammad Ali Khalid

Batch 9 and 10[edit source]

Hi Andrew I have fixed the errors in batch 9. Also I have completed batch 10. Muhammad Ali Khalid

Latest Guidelines[edit source]

Everything is clear and understood, will follow instructions. Thanks! Marie

Checking articles[edit source]

Hi, I spoke to Ray that we will not include stubs in the articles of regular batches. So, I have changed my page a bit. I will put all the articles under the section "Working" while I am working on them. When I am done with the articles I will move them to section "Being Checked". When the editors check the articles, I will move the regular articles to a "batch" and the stubs to to the section "stub". I hope this is making sense. Let me know if you want to change it. Thanks Muhammad Ali Khalid


I see you converted batch 9 from list to a block. Actually, I made that in the list format to keep track of the number of articles in it. Batch 9 in not complete yet (technically). It has 31 articles right now and it will be completed when it has 50 articles. I will now take the "Checked and approved" articles from being checked section to batch 9 and make a list. When 50 articles are complete, I will put them in a block and start entering "checked and approved" articles to batch 10. I know this is very confusing but this is easy to track as I will only be paid for batches with 50 complete "regular" articles and I will not be able to decide which articles are stubs and which are articles. As my decision will be a bit biased... for obvious reasons :-)..
The 31 articles in batch 9 are already checked by you. I will mark them with AM and yes, I will only move the edited articles to batches with the signature of the editor..

Mactar Seck[edit source]

I am unable to determine if this this and this are same. Could you please check it.


Batch 1[edit source]

I am done with Batch 1. Please check it and let me know if anything needs to be edited.

RE: Editing[edit source]

I have removed cities and bolded names from articles. What does AM mean?

This article[edit source]

So, this is a lady Melissa Rexach, this is her linkedin profile. There is no apparent connection between her and ICANN or an Internet Company. My guess is that she must have been at the meeting because she worked at the hotel where the meeting was held. Should I put this article here? If not, the please delete her page, its empty. If yes, then let me know.Muhammad Ali Khalid

Batch 2[edit source]

Thanks for your feedback. I have seen stubs and got the idea. Will compile them separately now. Tehreem

These pages are created accidentally, please delete them. Mukesh kumar Mohammed slaoui Farin farzin

4th batch[edit source]

I am back on the project and started working on the 4th batch. Added 23 profiles upto now. Data on rest of the remaining profiles are hard to locate. For example most of the names does not have a connection with ICANN on google search. Few does have references in ICANN meetings, but does not contain contact points or further details. Please advice on how to proceed.

I have started fixing errors in my previous batch as well. Hope to finish it by tomorrow.

Thanks - User:pulasthi

Site Down[edit source]

Did you notice it was down last night at all? I just noticed it and had to restart it about 10 min ago (8AM) ... Ray

company profiles[edit source]

hi andrew,

Ray suggested that i should take up company profiles to substitute for the rest of the work remaining in the current set. So I hope you can give some guide as to what company profiles you would want me to do and so on.

Thanks - user:pulasthi

Further Instructions[edit source]

So I received an email from Ray that he is busy so you will be helping me...Therefore, I think its appropriate to ask to you what I should do now? As all the people articles have been transferred (the left ones are kids, wives, irrelevant, or they do not have an affiliation, just 82 articles left)Muhammad Ali Khalid

Somewhat yes... the people articles are almost done... I did not do Li qiang because there is a person of the same name who is a domain name hijacker, but this person works with I am not sure if they are same people or not, or how to put his article together...

Some of the articles are like this:

The remaining are without affiliation...

10 are left to be checked... Out of the 18 in Being Checked section one is a stub, so I will have batch 11 with complete 50 articles.. Those stubs are already checked by you, I will mark them to avoid confusion. so just the being checked section is remaining to be checked and yes.. there were the templates to 33 articles from sabrina.

Yeah... Sabrina's articles require quite a lot of work. If you see this Don Ham, you might get a hint that she is making things up from her imagination and she has done like that in most of the articles and none of the articles have references... Should I erase this type of "fluff" from the articles? and Should I fish for references and put in them them? or do you just want me to rephrase the articles in a neutral way? I will probably start with her articles tomorrow.

Yeah, it will be harder then writing an article from the scratch.. and I know you people are always fair.. :-) Thanks..

Stubs[edit source]

Hi, Can you get Ray to clear the payment for all the stubs before the 1st of next month? You have a vworker account, so you can understand why I want it before the first. Its not necessary, just a favor. The stubs are all checked except Dakota King.

Also, on your user page Kathy Kleiman, Dirk Krischenowski are misspelled. ThanksMuhammad Ali Khalid

Thanks[edit source]

Yeah, I received the payment. Thanks. I have started working on my new task and I noted that Oscar Robles already has an article as Oscar Robles-Garay. So you might want to delete the former. ThanksMuhammad Ali Khalid

Batch 2[edit source]

Yeah I got it. I will just complete these articles and then move towards company articles.

re: random[edit source]

pretty sure those people got their pics lost. i'll switch em to the placeholder images. Caterina

List of Companies[edit source]

Hi Andrew,

I informed Ray about some companies assigned to me and he told me to wait for further instructions from you.

  1. Esoftwiz, de-accredited by ICANN
  2. the domain is for sale...should i still create a page for this?
  3. Geosign Corporation- went out of business
  4. Interactive Communications Florida based company website does not exist/unavailable

IBM- I already wrote the company profile from the first batch ICA and Melbourne IT- pages have been already created by other writers

Another thing, JotSpot has been acquired by Google and they launched it as Google Sites.

Thanks Marie

Replacements Needed[edit source]

Thank you for your prompt reply...I need 8 replacements.

Okay, I will write an article about ESoftwiz. Again, thank you for the replacements. Marie

I'm glad you inform me about Iron Mountain.

Second Batch Complete[edit source]

Hi Andrew, I just want to inform you that I already completed the 50 companies. Thanks Marie

Upload Problem[edit source]

Hi Andrew, I am trying to upload a new logo for Google however, I am experiencing a technical problem. I am receiving this warning The upload directory (public) is not writable by the webserver. Marie

Same info[edit source]

this and this profile have same contact info. Is this same man? Tehreem

Lawrence at is this man and he has got some info. isn't it?

yeah I just compiled it.

Thank You & Interested in Working on New Batch[edit source]

Hi, Thank you very much for all the compliments and I'm following through with your comments on the articles. And Yes I am very much interested in working for another batch. Again, Thanks a lot. Marie

New Batch[edit source]

Thank you and I'm happy working with you.

Company Articles[edit source]

Do company article pages have exactly the same name here as in Just asking so that there are no clashes this time.Tehreem

Was just busy with some other project which I could not inform earlier. Apologize for the delay in people articles. However I am free now and just starting company articles. Tehreem

Do I have to wipe the article from the older site? Should it also contain only category? What categories should I use for new articles here? I remember there was a list but I can't find where you mentioned that.

Replacement Articles[edit source]

Please provide us replacement articles for the companies which I have already mentioned.Also, as I said earlier Dreyfus and associés Company is in my list of 50 companies and I have a written an article on it, but someone else has already posted this article on icannwiki. Do let me know what to do?Anaya