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Industry: Internet governance
Website: AFRALO Community Page

The African Regional At-Large Organization (AFRALO) is one of the five RALOs that make up the ALAC constituency within ICANN. It provides news, resources, and information for individuals and end-user groups in the African region who are interested in ICANN.[1]

AFRALO Board[edit | edit source]

Mohamed El Bashir, SudanISOC SUDAN
Fatimata Seye Sylla, Vice ChairSenegalBokk Jang Senegal
Sarah Kiden, ALAC MemberUgandaInternet Society Uganda Chapter
Seun Ojedeji, ChairNigeriaOpen Source Foundation for Nigeria
Tijani Ben Jemaa, ALAC MemberTunisiaFédération Méditerranéenne des Associations d'Internet
Hadia Elminiawi, ALAC MemberEgypt
Aziz Hilali, Vice ChairMoroccoISOC Morocco

ICANN 42[edit | edit source]

In 2009, an AFRALO Working Group created a document that outlined the capacity-building needs of AFRALO to inform and educate its representatives on ICANN activities and to establish a communication policy well-suited for the African region.[3]

AFRALO held a series of capacity-building sessions at ICANN 42 in Dakar, Senegal in October 2011. More than 20 representatives from each of the African At-Large Structure joined the meetings, which had about 300 people in attendance. The five-day program, conducted by ICANN officers and staff, aimed to provide ALS representatives with briefs on key policies, issues, and facets of ICANN.

According to AFRALO's own metrics, the participation of ALS representatives increased by 30 percent in the two months following the conference. The organization also expects this participation level to extend to the At-Large policy development process and in At-Large Working Groups.[3]

ICANN 76[edit | edit source]

AFRALO and the African ICANN community discussed best practices for DNS operations in Africa, including:[4]

  1. Reinforcing the use of Anycast, which routes to the nearest server, instead of relying on a single server.
  2. Offering incentives to DNS operators to accelerate the implementation of DNSSEC, which enhances DNS security by digitally signing DNS records and prevents man-in-the-middle attacks and DNS Spoofing.
  3. Partnering with local stakeholders so that DNS services are adapted to the regionally specific needs.
  4. Collaborating with local Internet Service Providers to guarantee DNS services are well-connected to the local Internet infrastructure.
  5. Strengthening ccTLD development in Africa to build technical capacity by providing technical assistance and support.
  6. Enhancing local cooperation with CERTs

See also[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

External Links[edit | edit source]