At-Large Structures
At-Large-Structures (ALSes) are independent and self-supporting organizations within the ICANN At-Large Community which represents the voice of individual internet users all over the world who actively participates in the policy development of the internet governing body. ALSes provides an avenue for every individual internet user to take part in all the issues discussed within ICANN such as introduction of new generic top level domain names, transition of the current internet addressing system from from IPv4 to IPv6 and many other issues.
The At-Large Advisory Committee (ALAC) is responsible in evaluating, processing and certifying the applications of any group that are interested to become an At-Large Structure after the criteria set forth by ICANN for ALSes is met.[1] At present, there are more than 120 ALSes worldwide.
Regional At-Large Organizations[edit | edit source]
The different At-Large Structures are geographically located and affiliated with the five Regional At-Large Organizations (RALO) such as:[2]
- African Regional At-Large Organization (AFRALO)
- Asian, Australasian and Pacific Islands Regional At-Large Organization (APRALO)
- European Regional At-Large Organization (EURALO)
- Latin American and Caribbean Islands Regional At-Large Organization (LACRALO)
- North-American Regional At-Large Organization (NARALO)
Every RALO has a Chairman and Secretariat and conducts a yearly general assembly and regular monthly teleconferences to discuss and develop the position of the individual internet users community from each region in conjunction with the every current ICANN policy issues.
Criteria for At-Large Structures[edit | edit source]
Different types of groups such as professional societies,academic and research organizations,community networking groups, consumer advocacy groups,internet society chapters,computer user organizations and internet civil society groups are qualified to become an At Large Structure as long as they are able to fulfill the minimum criteria established by ICANN which include include:[3]
- The ability to display its commitment in supporting the participation of individual internet users in ICANN by disseminating information, offering internet based mechanisms to enable discussions regarding important ICANN activities, issues and policy development, discussions and decisions.
- It must be constituted to ensure that participation by individual Internet users who are citizens or residents of countries will predominate the ALS operation within the Geographic Region where the ALS is based. The ALS may allow additional participation of others if compatible with the interests of the individual interrnet users within the region.
- The group must Be self-supporting.
- The group must post its goals, structures, membership description, working strategies, leadership and contacts on a publicly accessible website such as the ALAC's website or elsewhere on the internet.
- Must assist the RALO in performing its function.
References[edit | edit source]
ICANNWiki: Content Guide | Documentation | Development Categories: Articles needing attention | Candidates for deletion Projects: Internet & Digital Governance Library