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New Top-Level Domain Applicant Group

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Revision as of 21:39, 23 November 2012 by Vivian (talk | contribs) (NTAG & ICANN)

The New Top-Level Domain Applicant Group (or NTAG) is an interest group formed under Article III.D. of the Charter of the gTLD Registries Stakeholder Group (RySG). The primary role of the NTAG is to represent the interests of entities that applied for a new gTLD(s) in ICANN's 2012 gTLD round. The NTAG represents the views of its members to the RySG, the GNSO Council, the ICANN Board of Directors, and other influential bodies.

All applicants who have applied in the 2012 gTLD round are eligible for membership. Upon delegation of their string(s) to the ICANN root, they will be eligible for full membership in the RySG.[1]


In September 2012, NTAG addressed a letter to ICANN staff, summarizing the consensus of NTAG members on a need for increased support and communication with new gTLD applicants.[2] NTAG summarized the following points and critiques in processing the new gTLDs:[3]

  1. ICANN should continue to conduct regularly scheduled webinars. After critiquing ICANN's first webinar on August 9, 2012, NTAG believes that the webinars should have lengthened durations, to allow more time for Q&A sessions. NTAG also believes the webinars should be more interactive and scheduled on a biweekly basis, with at least three weeks notice prior to each event.
  2. ICANN should take applicant comments into account prior to any decision-making process.
  3. ICANN should publish and regularly update a process dashboard or scorecard that includes metrics related to the status of background checks, initial evaluation reviews, string similarity reviews, withdrawn applicants, and budget information.
  4. ICANN should conduct an applicant survey to gather additional information for refining processes, with details and questions that NTAG has formed a team to aid with.
  5. ICANN should designate one or more new gTLD Applicant Liaison(s) to interact with and offer support to the community's 1,930 applicants.
  6. ICANN should publish all guidelines the ICANN Staff and Board have developed regarding appropriate interactions with applicants, so that applicants can understand and adhere to requirements.
  7. ICANN's New gTLD Program Director should regularly attend NTAG's bi-weekly teleconferences to provide updates on the program.

NTAG also expressed full support of a September 1 letter submitted by the RySG, entitled Timelines and Milestones in New gTLD program.[3]

In a letter to the ICANN CEO, Board, and gTLD Program Committee Chair, NTAG also expressed that they found an extended objection period beyond ICANN's established January 13th, 2013 date to be unnecessary.[2]

Current Officers

NTAG Teams

In September 2012, NTAG formed three new teams, responsible for monitoring developments within their area, updating memberships, and offering comment to the ICANN community as they deemed necessary. This resulted in eight total teams, broken down as follows:[2]

  • Team 1: Overall New gTLD Timeline Including GAC Issues & ANA - Moving forward and completing timeline processes
  • Team 2: Batching/Sequencing/Metering - Formulating ideas and suggestions for batching, sequencing, and/or metering methods
  • Team 3: 1000/year Rated Delegation Limit - Expanding the perceived 1000/year addition to root
  • Team 4: Operational Improvements - Increasing operational effectiveness
  • Team 5: Monthly Newsletter - Developing memberships and updates
  • Team 6: ICANN Survey - Constructing questions and offering advice on applicant surveys
  • Team 7: Objection Period Response
  • Team 8: 1 and 2 Character Names


  1. About NTAG, gTLDRegistries.org.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 NTAG October Newsletter, gTLDRegistries.org. Published October 2012.
  3. 3.0 3.1 Communications and Support NTAG to ICANN, Scribd.com. Retrieved 23 November 2012.