Hector Ariel Manoff

Country: Argentina
Email: amanoff[at]vmf.com.ar

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Hector A. Manoff is a partner at the law firm Vitale, Manoff & Feilbogen. He deals with Internet and intellectual property.[1] An interview with him is published in e-Commerce in 24 jurisdictions worldwide 2011 edition.[2]

Hector has a wide practicing area which includes Intellectual property law, Franchise law, computers and softwares, copyrights, media law, patents and ICANN.[3]

Current Positions

Mr. Manoff is currently working as head of the Intellectual Property Department at Vitale, Manoff & Feilbogen. He joined this firm back in 1985. Hector is also the Legal advisor for CABASE. He is Co-Chair of Board of Intellectual Property Journal of Ad-Hoc publishers, Buenos Aires;[4] and has acted as Chairman for various subcommittees. He is President of the Industrial Property Committee of the Association of Lawyers of Buenos Aires.


His memberships include:

  • INTA Legal Services industry from 1996 to 2010
  • ICANN IRT Legal Services industry 2009.[5]
  • AIPPI-International Industrial Property Protection Association.
  • Argentine Transference of Technology Studies Association.
  • A.A.A.-Argentine Industrial Property Agents Association.
  • INTA-International Trademark Association.
  • ASIPI-Interamerican Industrial Property Association
  • ABA-American Bar Association.
  • AIPLA-American Intellectual Property Law Association.[6]
  • IPC constituency in ICANN.
  • Copyright Society, LES-Licensing Executive Society.[7]
  • Argentine Chapter of ISOC.
  • Chamber Member Database and Online Services CABASE.
  • Academic Advisor of the Journal of Intellectual Property Ad-Hoc Editores, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  • Board of the Alumni Association of The John Marshall Law School, Chicago, Illinois.[8]


Hector has participated in several meetings as a speaker. His participations include:

  • He dealt with WHOIS information controversy and presented a report on September 13, 2007.[9]
  • Industrial Property Commission was chaired by him on April 27, 2010.[10]
  • He participated in HSTLD advisory group volunteers on December 23,2009 and February 11, 2010.[11] [12]
  • He attended ISOC-AR (Internet Society Argentina Chapter) meeting on September 13, 2007.[13]
  • ICANN Public Meetings on November 12, 2001 in Marina del Rey, California.[14]
  • Speaker in the meeting held on July 27,2008 in Buenos Aires.[15]
  • Speaker at 2004 NYSBA (New York State Bar Association) Spring meeting, Santiago de Chile (IP in Latin America).
  • Speaker at 126th INTA Annual Meeting, in Atlanta (Intellectual Property in Latin America) 2004.
  • Speaker at 125th INTA Annual Meeting, in Amsterdam (Rights Derived from the Use of Unregistered Marks and Cancellation for Nonuse in South America) 2004 AIPLA.
  • Speaker at Latin America Committee (Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights in Argentina after the Implementation of the TRIPS Agreement) 2004.
  • Speaker at Buenos Aires Translator Bar Association Annual Meeting (Translators Rights) 2003 “Domain Names and Trademarks.[16]
  • He was a member of Implementation Recommendation Team IRT on March 23,2009.[17]


He attended Universidad de Buenos Aires from 1980 to 1985 and got the degree of Industrial Property Agent Advocate.[18] After that he got his Master Degree in L.L.M. in Intellectual Property Law from The John Marshall Law School, Chicago, IL USA in 1997.[19] He did two intensive courses on International Business Law from The John Marshall Law School and Chicago Board and Trade Technical management from Chicago Board and Trade. He did a postgraduate course in "Corporate Governance" from Universidad del CEMA in 2006.[20]

Mr. Manoff can speak Spanish, English and Portuguese.[21]
