Borka Jerman Blazic

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Country: Slovenia
Email: borka [at]
LinkedIn:    [borka-jerman-blazic Borka Jerman Blazic]

BORKA JERMANBLAZIC is the head of the Laboratory for Open Systems and Networks Institute "Jozef Stefan" and a professor at the Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana. [1]

She is a member and chair of numerous international committees of organizations and associations, such as TERENA, ISOC, IETF, AACE, IEEE,ICANN President of the Slovenian Association for Internet - ISOC-SI and the representative of Slovenia in the committees of CEN TC304 and ISO JTC1.[2] She has published over 500 scientific works and technical papers and articles in different national and international journals including three books. [3] For her contribution to IT industry, she was awarded with a prize fund of Boris Kidrič. A permanent expert of the European Union in the field of ICT and e-business, she actively participates in the European Union's ,CEN projects and other national and international meetings and events.[4]

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