Registries Stakeholder Group

Revision as of 06:42, 23 July 2011 by Caterina (talk | contribs)

RySG is the abbreviation for Registries Stakeholder Group. The RySG is a Stakeholder Group within ICANN's GNSO. It represents the interests of the gTLD Registries currently under the contract with ICANN and provides them with gTLD Registry Services. It also facilitates communication among the gTLD Registries and puts forward the views of the Registry Constituency to the GNSO Council and the ICANN Board of Directors, with a special emphasis on ICANN consensus policies, which relate to the technical reliability, interoperability and the stable operation of the Internet or DNS.[1]

Organization and Membership of the RySG edit

The membership of the RySG is open to all the Registries. Registries must apply for membership via the application process. Every Registry needs to identify a Voting Delegate and, if desired, alternate Voting Delegates.

Structure of the RySG edit

For the sake of collaborating on vital issues of common interest within the RySG, members self-organize themselves into different Interest Groups. The main responsibilities of these specific Interest Groups is to nominate candidates for GNSO Council Representatives, participate in the GNSO policy development processes, and develop position statements with special emphasis on the ICANN consensus policies.

The Executive Committee edit

The RySG also consists of an Executive Committee, which is comprised of a Chair, an Alternate Chair, and a Treasurer. The main responsibilities of the Executive Committee are to facilitate policy coordination meetings, to support the GNSO Council and the ICANN Board, as requested by ICANN, and to manage and administer elections.

Funding of the RySG edit

The funding of the RySG is initiated from its members. Every member joining the RySG needs to pay an initial membership fee as well as a fixed annual membership fee and a variable annual membership fee as per the schedule of the RySG. The member loses the voting rights if it fails to pay the fees as previously invoiced within thirty days after a written notice of non-payment. [2]

RySG and ICANN edit

The RySG has been putting forward its views on all the policies of ICANN from time to time. Right from the IP Clearinghouse to the proposed post delegation dispute resolution procedure (PDDRP), the RySG has provided its vital feedback on all the policies of ICANN. The RySG has also provided its valuable feedback on the Draft Applicant Guidebook (DAG) version 3 and the Expedited Registry Security Request or the ERSR. [3]

References edit