Country: Australia

Robert Elz also known as Kevin Robert Elz is a network programmer from the University of Melbourne and he was instrumental in leading the development of internet in Australia. He is a fellow of the Melbourne School of Engineering in the Department of Computer Sciences and Software Engineering. [1] and an honorary lecturer at the Computer Engineering Department of the Prince of Songkla University.[2]

Education edit

  • BA Computer Science, 1976, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia
  • LLB Bachelor of Law, 1979, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia

Career History edit

Robert Elz was one of the individuals who was responsible in running the Australian Computer Science Network (ACSnet) during the mid 70s to mid 80s together with Bob Kummerfeld and Piers Lauder from the University of Sydney. [3] In 1986, Jon Postel, administrator of the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority delegated the .au county code Top Level Domain Name (ccTLD) to Elz. For 15 years, he managed the .au ccTLD on a voluntary capacity until its management was re-delegated by ICANN to auDA in 2001.[4] [5] He also helped design the 4.3BSD implementation of the TCP/IP networking protocol suite.[6]

References edit