Country: Austria
Email: woeber[at]

Wilfried Woeber is a senior staff at the Central IT Department, Network Operations Group of Vienna University. He is responsible in managing the internet protocol (IP) address for the Austrian National Research and Education Network (ACOnet) and the operations of the Vienna Internet Exchange (VIX). He also serves as part-time security team member of (ACOnet-CERT) and member of advisory team of the Austrian National CERT ( Wilfried also provides training for the Austrian ISP Association on IPV6. He also promotes new technology to the internet community particularly in his country.[1] He is a member of the Number Resource Organization (NRO) Number Council.[2]

Career Background edit

Wilfried’s career in Information Technology began in 1974. He was hired by the Physics Department of the Technical University of Vienna. He worked with a group at the department’s computer center that was responsible in establishing the ACOnet. During the latter of 1980 to early 1990s, he served as the coordinator EBONE Operation Team (EOT), a pan-European international networking service formed by the EBONE Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). EOT provided internal backbone service and inter-continental neutral access service to its members. In 1996, his group at the Vienna University established the Vienna Internet eXchange (VIX). In 2002, he led the WP3 Basic Network Services 6NET project to test if IPv6 is ready for deployment for the next generation of internet and to find out possible issues that would affect the security and stability of the DNS until 2003. At that time, he was also a member of the RIPE NCC Database Working Group. [3] [4] In 2004, he joined the Austrian IPv6 Task Force and serves as coordinator of the working group on infrastructure. [5] In 2005, he was re-appointed by the RIPE NCC Executive Board to the NRO Number Council as representative of the RIPE NCC region until 2008.[6] In 2011, the RIPE NCC Executive Board confirmed his nomination to assume the vacant position at the NRO Number Council (NC) for three years from January 1, 2012 to December 31, 2014.[7]

ICANN Involvement edit

Wilfried is a member of 2010 Nominating Committee (NomCom). He was selected by the ASO Address Council in 2009. [8] He was also appointed by the Address Council as delegate for RT4: Whois Policy Review Team, which was established under the provisions of the Affirmation of Commitments between ICANN and the United States government.[9]

Other Activities and Interests edit

He also served as co-chair of the RIPE Database Working Group (DB-WG) seasonally, member of the Team of Arbiters to support the NCC Conflic of Arbiters. He was a former member of the initial Executive Board of RIPE NCC. He serves as lecturer and provides training modules for TRANSITS courses and network technology courses including logistics and resource management, DNS, LAN technology, encryption and security at the University of Applied Sciences in Wiener Neustadt. He is also interested in travelling, digital photography, gardening and inviting and trying creating cooking with friends. [10] He speaks German, English and some Spanish.

References edit