EPDP on Internationalized Domain Names

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EPDP on Internationalized Domain Names
Status: Active
Issue Areas: Internationalized Domain Names
Date Established: 2021/05/20
Charter: WG Charter
Workspace: Community Wiki

The EPDP on Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs) is to provide the GNSO Council with policy recommendations on the definition of all gTLDs and the management of variant labels to facilitate the delegation variant gTLDs in the root zone while maintaining the the security, stability, and resiliency of the DNS; and how to update the IDN Implementation Guidelines, with which Contracted Parties must comply.[1]

History[edit | edit source]

In October 2020, an IDN scoping team released its Final Report, which recommended an EPDP, which the GNSO Council initiated in November 2020. The charter drafting team built on the existing body of work on IDNs, such as recommendations from the gTLD Subsequent Procedures PDP, IDN variant TLD implementation, and the Root Zone Label Generation Rules (RZ-LGR). On May 10, 2021, the drafting team submitted its deliverables, such as the definition of all gTLDs and the management of variant labels and how IDN Implementation Guidelines should be updated. Ten days later, the GNSO Council approved the initiation request for the EPDP-IDNs and adopted its charter. The EPDP-IDNs working group held its first meeting on 11 August 2021. In August 2022, the working group completed its first substantive deliberations on questions related to

  1. the definition of all gTLDs using the RZ-LGR,
  2. the “same entity” principle at the top level,
  3. variants’ impact on the New gTLD Program, and
  4. string similarity review.[2]

The second group of issues includes:

  1. Same Entity at Second-Level,
  2. Domain Name Lifecycle,
  3. Rights Protection Mechanisms, and
  4. IDN Implementation Guidelines.[3]

In ICANN 75 Session 1, the WG presented its plan to break the initial report into "chunks." It has several reasons for doing so including:

  1. its charter deliberation is behind schedule due to the breadth and complexity of issues related to IDN variants,
  2. more data need to be collected from registries, registrars, and RSPs about second-level variant management,
  3. the impact on the New gTLD Application process and SubPro recommendation implementation, and
  4. “Second-level” charter questions following gTLD delegation that new gTLD applicants do not need to address.[4]

In ICANN 75 Session 2, the WG presented its findings from a survey among Chinese and Arabic ROs, of which 20/26 and 2/9 responded, respectively. In terms of interest in Activating Variants, 12 Chinese ROs and 2 Arabic ROs responded, "Yes.” Potential factors affecting their future decisions included market condition, business potential, registrar interest, variant domain use and access, the New Applicant Guidebook, IDN policies, contractual terms, cost/fees, the application, transactions, management/hosting, variant domain management, complexity, behavior, resolution system design, capacity expansion, specific gTLD launches, and timing.[5]

References[edit | edit source]