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Nacho Amadoz

From ICANNWiki
Region: Europe
Country: Spain
Email: amadoz[at]domini.cat
LinkedIn:    Nacho Amadoz
Currently a member

Nacho Amadoz is the Policy and Regulation Manager of Fundació puntCAT, a non-profit organization responsible for managing the registry operation of the .cat generic top-level domain name (gTLD). He is responsible for developing regulations and policies for the foundation. He is also the Chairman of the European Cultural and Linguistic Internet Domains (ECLID) and a contributor to CircleID.[1]

ICANN Involvement[edit | edit source]

Mr. Amadoz is a Member of ICANN's Generic Names Supporting Organization GNSO gTLD Registries Stakeholder Group. He is also a member of various Working Groups, such as the Zone File Advisory Group, Vertical Integration PDP Working Group, Registration Abuse Policies Working Group, RAA Amendments Drafting Team, and the Policy Process Steering Committee.[2]

In a letter dated December 8th, 2011, Nacho, along with twenty-seven other domain name industry representatives, wrote to Sen. Jay Rockefeller and Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison to support ICANN's new gTLD program, in response to the Senate Hearings taking place on the same day. They supported ICANN's argument that the program would be innovative and economically beneficial and noted that the program took a diverse group of international stakeholders years to develop.[3] The letter can be found here.

Education[edit | edit source]

Nacho holds a Master's Degree in Intellectual Property (IP) and Information Technology at the Universidad de Barcelona in ESADE.

References[edit | edit source]