Alan Greenberg

Revision as of 23:21, 6 September 2011 by Caterina (talk | contribs)
Country: Canada
Email: alan.greenberg [at]
LinkedIn:    [Alan Greenberg Alan Greenberg]

Alan Greenberg is a self-employed Consultant at Greenberg ICT Services, where he works both paid and pro-bono with national and international donor agencies related to the ICT industry in developing countries.[1] He has been active in the ICANN space since 2006 in a variety of capacities.[2] He is a member of ALAC,[3] and is the ALAC Liaison to the GNSO Council.[4]

Career History edit

From 1967 to 1999, Greenberg was the Director of Computing and Telecommunications at McGill University. This position included software design and development, education technology support, management and policy development. He also taught courses in computer architecture and design. During this period, Alan played a large role in Internet development in Canada.

ICANN-related positions edit

Beginning in 1995, Alan began participating in and managing ISOC workshops teaching personnel from developing countries how to build, support, manage and use the Internet in their countries.[5]

Greenberg payed an integral part in the working group that developed the GNSO's organizational structure, and was a member of the the STI group that worked on developing consensus positions for trademark issues related to new gTLDs, where he helped to bridge the gap between the Non-Commercial Users and At-Large, and the Business and ISP Constituencies. He managed the progress of the Issues Report on Domain Tasting, which resulted in a PDP that eliminated Domain Tasting; he has also worked to protect the rights of registrants in the Post-Expiration Domain Name Recovery PDP.

Alan was an elected member of the ISOC Board of Trustees from 2001 to 2004, and has participated in WSIS 1 and 2.[6]

Education edit

Alan received a BSc in Mathematics and Physics and an MSc in Computer Science from McGill University.[7]

Videos edit


Alan is interviewed by Gray Chynoweth at ICANN 41 in Singapore about what new gTLDs will mean for the developing world.


Alan is interviewed by Gray at ICANN 34 in Mexico City about consensus and consensus policy in ICANN.

References edit