Hey marie! I'm an editor for the site... it seems your trying to figure out how to work the site. Please use my talk/discussion page if you need to ask any questions. But for starters it seems you mean to be placing that information regarding .jobs on a page other than you own user page. Your user page is for information pertaining to you!

So to create a new page you fill in the end of the URL with the desired new page. so, for example, you want to create a page for Apple you would enter http://icannwiki.com/index.php/ into your address bar, and then the desired page directly after the last backspace so it would read: http://icannwiki.com/index.php/Apple you then have the option to create the page, (by entering text).. so you can then import the business template by copying and pasting from here.. and then let me know what questions come up next! Andrew

Hi Andrew Thanks for your assistance. My questions is, How to link the page for example to ICANN?

Hi Marie, I'm another of the editors. You can link to internal pages like this: [[article name]], like [[ICANN]]. If you want to make the link read something different than the article name, it's like this: [[ICANN|Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers]] Caterina Edit - kind of hard to see, but that's a | between ICANN and the full name.


Okay, I'm going to make some sytlistic changes to your article you should take note of. Also, could you start the article off with a strong definition of .EU ADR, what that stands for, and what it is. As it is now I'm confused how it is related to EURid, and the CAC. Thanks, be in touch Andrew

Referencing needs to be addressed as well. Look at the edit page for any article and you will see how this is done. generally speaking, after the period of the sentence that needs to be you have to put in ref tags. which read like this:

"This statement needs to be referenced".<ref>[www.thisisthereference.com The Reference]</ref>

so the ref tags on either side enclose the source inside of brackets, the space between the site and "The reference" is nec. to provide a shorthand for the reference, in this way the shorthand "The Reference" will replace www.thisisthereference.com in the reflist.

The reflist is then introduced under the References section that is written: {{reflist}}

This may have been very confusing so it might just help to look at a few random pages and to mess around with it on your .EU ADR page. Andrew

Further Edits

So as I work through your article I'm going to keep a list going of edits I'm making and why, this way you'll catch on to our goals for the site much quicker. Please check out the "View History" tab on the top of the page for .EU ADR, that way you can see how the article changed to get to its current state.

-In general bolding should be used to highlight the term at the beginning of the article, it is not needed that much afterwards. Sometimes they are helpful in lists though, which you used in the list of people that are a part of the CAC board. In this instance though, the people should be internally linked using a double bracket on each side (i.e., [[ICANN]] because we want to build the site, and having new people linked in will allow us to eventually create pages for them. Bolding would have been the right decision if it were a list of an individual's previous position or something that doesn't have any need to be linked but should stand out.

-In the above referencing tips I used "The reference" as an example, I didn't mean for you to actually copy those terms! So, your reference for <ref>[http://www.eurid.eu/en/content/icann-board-approve-agreement-eurid The Reference]</ref> shouldn't look like that but should instead look like <ref>[http://www.eurid.eu/en/content/icann-board-approve-agreement-eurid Eurid.eu]</ref> note the difference: I put in a shorthand version of the site (Eurid.eu), this will be the term that appears as a clickable link the the reference section, that way you don't have 'The Reference" as your link, or the whole URL "http://www.eurid.eu/en/content/icann-board-approve-agreement-eurid" but instead have an accurate shorthand- Eurid.eu. Also, don't forget to create a references section and then use {{reflist}} to automatically create the list - that is, you don't have to add the references in the bottom because if you do the right wiki citations it will create the list for you!

-You're going to need to add a few more references. Statements such as "The CAC was established in 1949 under the Economic Chamber of the Czech Republic and Agricultural Chamber of the Czech Republic located in Prague" need to be back up by a reference, it is clear that this information goes above and beyond basic knowledge and as an author you need to let the reader know where you're drawing your information from.

-I removed the bold in your headers and changed them from 3rd level to 2nd level (==Header Example==) this is just how every article has been written before, so while it may seem arbitrary it will help the site retain the same overall aesthetic. Though I did use a third level heading for the last section, "The CAC Advisory Board" because it fits in nicely as a subset of the previous section "The CAC", both aesthetically and thematically.

SO! while I know this has been a process for you, after take a stab at fixing the references in the article already, and adding a few more where necessary, this article can then be considered complete. Thanks so much, and I'm sure you'll get the hang of it very soon!Please write on my Discussion page if you have any questions, it can be found by clicking my linked name. Andrew

Thank you for all the information and assistance, yes it's been a process for me but because of your help I'm getting the hang of it and hopefully I'd be able to upload more articles soon. Again thank you very much.


Please keep track of the articles you have worked on our completed in the Articles Needed section, I have created a section for you to make a list of all the articles you work on and complete. To get there: Click "Community Portal" in the lefthand column, you will then see a link for "Articles Needed", scrolling down you will find your section. This is also where I will mark out what edits need to be done to each article. I have placed the two articles you've worked on there, along with the edits that need to be finished. Ask me any questions by going to my Talk/Discussion page. Thanks Andrew

Also, The photos you are attempting to work don't work because it isn't enough to link the URL of the photo. You must save and upload the photo. The easiest way to do this is to do a screenshot of the image (command+shift+4 with macs, search for instructions for PC), when you have a saved file of the image, you upload it to the site using the "upload file" link under the toolbox on the lefthand side, be sure to name the file ".Music" logo, or something to differentiate it from all other files.


Marie, please don't roll back or cancel my edits without contacting me. I had edited out some information from the .nz Registry article for a reason, either it was basic and unnecessary or otherwise not what we generally look for in the article. I also make linking and wording choice for a reason. If you feel that any of my edits are detrimental to your overall article please use my talk page to discuss it with me. But, as the editor, I will make executive decisions regarding word and content choice, and I do not mean to offend you or your work but it is important that I am allowed to do this. Andrew

Hi Andrew I am sorry, I am not aware that I cancelled or roll back your editing, I was working earlier on the logo because I saw your note that picture needs to be fixed. I am not offended if you edit my articles and make necessary changes, I expect that especially that I am still learning most of the technical terms. I did not made any changes on the wording of the .nz Registry article today, just the logo. I am so sorry...


To all writers: Can you start marking the very top of each and every page you work on with UNDER CONSTRUCTION, when Caterina, Ray, or myself have edited and checked off on the page we will remove it. (just copy and paste that wiki code which starts and ends with "span" in after the template) Thanks! Andrew

UPDATE: We've created an image that will make the "Under Construction" process easier: Please insert [[Image:UnderConstruction.png]] as the first text in every article you make. Thanks for putting up with the notes as we perfect this process. Be well, Stay in touch, Andrew


TAG-org refers to Talal Abu Ghazaleh Consulting Co. as AGCON and TAGCON. The main website's (www.agcon.com) About US page refer to it as TAGCON.Mr. Talal Abugazaleh's personal page refer to it as AGCON.

Cool, maybe just go with AGCON but note that it is aka as TAGCON. Also, if you use my talk page (Clicking on my name then my Discussion tab) I would be notified of your comments, It's hit or miss whether I will see them on your page!

You're writing has been stellar, and I can tell you're picking up the Wiki formatting- I hope that after I return from the ICANN conference (March 12-18th) we can have a Skype session to go over anything that still doesn't make sense. With a few tips you'll quickly become a top contributor. Be in touch! Andrew

Could you please keep your section of the Articles needed page updated? Let me know if this doesn't make sense to you, but basically every time you create a new article add it to the list under your name that I have been managing for you. It's hard for me to stay on top of every article you do, and this way we have constant and convenient access to them. Hope things are well! Andrew


No Problem :)

RE: Your Questions

Hola, just getting back to the site after a busy week at the conference and a long weekend. I'll look into your questions shortly, I just wanted you to know that I saw your questions today and will work on getting back to you. Sorry about the delay! Andrew

Technical Difficulties

Can you run a test? Can you try and insert in an external link to a given page, try it on my page: Andrew Merriam, and just insert a link to any external site. You should get the "captcha" box where you type in some garbled words to prove your a human being and then the link should go through. Does this work for you? Can you see the captcha box? One of our writers is not able to see the captcha box so if you could please run this test asap and get back to me on my talk page that'd be great. Thanks! Andrew


Hi Marie, please make note of the change in process for keeping track of your batches. There is a note on the Articles needed page explaining what is different. Thanks. Caterina

Editing Batch

Hi Marie, I have begun to edit your batch,and other workers may join in as well. I will keep a running list of general points to take note of for future reference. This way, for your next batch you'll be able to avoid some of the same mistakes.

  1. Often times your photos end up small, I think this is because the long, horizontal ones don't size well. Look at AllNetBusiness.com, it's a very long logo and gets sized poorly. Try changing to a more compact logo whenever possible, for example, make the logo image for allnetbusiness.com just a snapshot of the blue earth symbol instead of the whole banner.
  2. We have categories that belong at the bottom of the page: the ones relevant for your batch are:

Companies, Registrars, Registries, Constituencies, Working Groups, Associations, Organizations. If you have questions between the differences between them I can help with that. But say your doing a page for a company, at the very bottom you would add the following wikicode: [[Category: Companies]]

  1. We use a neutral point of view here, which means we aren't recommending certain companies or saying that their services are "groundbreaking"/"industry leaders"/generally better than any other services unless we have third party sources that say as much. That is, they could very well be industry leaders but this has to be attested to by the rest of the industry and not just their own site. Please bear this in mind.
  2. Something that goes hand-in-hand with the above point: try as hard as you can to bring in sources outside of the company. That is, using only the company website for the info is the worst possible scenario. If there is nothing else available, then by all means rely on that site, but try to cast a wide net. (The articles are still looking good overall though!)
  3. Also, please don't sign your articles with your username, this is a wiki and even the writer can't claim the article as solely their own as it is likely to undergo contributions from other people. That is what your user page is for, keeping track of all your articles there is a good way of building a writing portfolio here.
  4. A note on internal linking: it's very important to internally link, it helps us identify where we need to build the site. Please internally link all key people. However, you want the links to be consistent. In one article you link "Mr. Jim Bezos", this is not a good link because we are not going to build a page with the title MR included - but here's a cool trick: If you want to make the link say one thing and lead to a different page then you separate the actual page from the desired wording with a straight bar (shift+\) = | , that is, you could link Mr. Jim Bezos to the right page, just Jim Bezos, like this: [[Jim Bezos|Mr.Jim Bezos]]. This is cool because you can switch up how you word things but always lead to the right page. Like if you want to say the "Internet Corporation of Assigned Names and Numbers" because you keep using ICANN too much, you could: [[ICANN|Internet Corporation of Assigned Names and Numbers]]. Hope that makes sense!
  5. Always have an eye on ICANN... You're article for Amazon.com is awesome, really well developed, really well written, almost comprehensive enough for the site. You go above on beyond with its history, which is great- it makes for an interesting read.However, there is nothing about ICANN in the article at all. Which may be the case, maybe Amazon.com has had very little interaction with ICANN, and nothing that can be found. (I just searched a bit for news related to ICANN and Amazon and found nothing, so in this case no ICANN section is fine)..but please always try to connect the articles to the company's interaction with ICANN whenever possible.
  6. Consistency is key for linking, as mentioned above. Creating links for "Mr. Talal Abu Gazaleh", "Talal Abu-Gazaleh", and "Talal Abugazaleh" will all lead to different places, use that aforementioned trick of internal linking to be able to switch up how you say the name while still creating the same consistent link.

Done Editing

Great work on that batch, your thoroughness is really noted and appreciated.. I'm compiling your batch and leaving the articles that need one more thing below. Thanks for being so responsive during the editing process as well. Andrew

  • In the future can you allow me to compile and collapse your batch? I appreciate that you are keeping up on your own page and keeping it looking good, but in this case it is important that I can follow the entire editing process and make sure that I explained the editing issues well and they were addressed by you. I trust you did a good job. Thanks. Andrew


Style Guidelines

I've been updating the Style Guidelines to specifically address issues that our new writers face, please take a look at it and let me know of any suggestions you have. Also I'd like to bring to all of our writers' attention the section on Forwarding Links:

"It is the writer's responsibility to wipe the old pages from icannwik.ORG and create links to the new icannwiki.COM. An example of this can be seen here. Explain in similar terms that the site is moving, that this particular article has been moved, and then point to it with a link. Something like: "ICANNWiki.org is being moved to ICANNWiki.com, this article has already been moved can can be found [(link) here]"."

Also, please take note of the rule below, it also addresses the procedure for wiping and linking from the old site that we will expect from everyone from now on. Thanks for you attention to this, we're trying to get a clearer system in place so please follow these new rules as you continue working. Thanks for your patience as we get this all systemized and explained! So,:

The wiped page should contain the disclaimer & link to the new site but it should also contain the category "ICANNWiki.com" (with that exact spelling and capitalization). As you know, the formatting for this is: [[Category:ICANNWiki.com]]. This is the only category that the wiped pages need, it should no longer contain a "People" category. This will help us to track our progress of moving over the old site.

Company Template Changes

Hi writers,We've updated the Company template. Please make note of the changes, and pay attention to the specific formatting. We'd like the appearance of the template to be as standardized as possible. Do not delete empty fields, as they will not show up anyway. I have gone through all of the old company articles and changed them to the new template.

Thanks, Caterina

List of Companies

Marie, I've asked Andrew to follow up with you to figure out what to do with those, thanks for letting me know Ray

Missing Companies

Hi, Ray forwarded me the problems you were having. So, if the company no longer exits - either because it has been purchased or because it went out of business then it is no longer a priority for the site. How many companies do you need to complete your batch thus far? I will provide you with some replacement articles. Sorry about sending you duplicates, it's been a slightly messy process trying to not send the same company to multiple people. Thanks for calling our attention to these issues!!! Andrew

Below you will find 10 companies, Please send me back the extras you do not do. I'm giving you extras in case some of these also already have pages/ no longer exist. I think the fact that ESoftWhiz lost its ICANN accreditation is interesting, go ahead and create an article for them and highlight who they were, what happened, and how ICANN intervened and carried the transfer out. Thanks!

  1. Thought Convergence
  2. Tluj.com
  3. TooBaRoo
  4. Verizon
  5. VeryMark
  6. Visible.net

Iron Mountain

Ah! we already have a page for them. You can stop working on the one you are currently working on. I'm going to clean up the future batches so this isn't a reoccurring problem. Andrew


Great! I'll begin editing today. Andrew

Upload Problems

Yes, so sorry, we are just encountering the same ourselves and are looking into it. I think it's because we just upgraded to a new version of MediaWiki so we need to get with the dev folks. Please bear with us, thanks Ray


Great work on your last batch, the patience and thoroughness you demonstrated on the longer articles was AWESOME! I've cleared you for payment. There remain few, minor issues for you to clear up - and I have yet to re-check the articles I already asked you to work on again. I know you'll continue to participate in the little editing that is left to do. I hope you are interested in another batch. Once again, great work. Andrew

New Batch

On your user page you will find a new batch, it is not quite 50 articles- I will soon identify another few articles to bring it to an even 50, and, as always, should the company seem irrelevant or if there is little info I will provide you with replacements. Thanks for your continued work with the site!Andrew

Same Articles

Hey Marie! Nice to see you here. There is a little problem with the articles we are doing. I saw you have a list of companies you are planning to do on your user page. Please add templates to them so that there are no clashes again as in MCI and ModernDomainer. I added templates to them as I did not know you were doing the same. I would delete these articles from my page happily but please make sure you add templates to other you plan to do as I cannot check your page every time I am going to create an article. Regards Tehreem

and please remove Name Administration Inc. from your list as I have already written an article on it.

That duplicate articles problem can be overcome easily. Just create blank pages for the companies assigned to you. That way you won't get a problem with any other user. Nice talking to you. Tehreem

Photo Uploader

Attn: The photo uploader is now working. Andrew


I am reworking the assigned batches to eliminate duplicates. Sorry for the inconvenience, I will keep you updated as I make any significant changes to your assignment. If you don't have enough articles I am in the process of completing your list. Andrew

Thanks. Whenever someone doesn't exist anymore just don't make a page, this is bound to happen, but the old site will be cleared off soon! Andrew


As you come to the end of you batch please let me know how many replacements you need, it seems like 2 at this point. Andrew On your user page!, thanks Andrew

Great! I will begin editing them today. Andrew Given that you had an article you marked as "no info available", I deleted it and placed a replacement at the bottom of your batch, it's IEEE

I'm going to clear you for payment with Ray, but I'm trusting you will finish the few edits that remain; one of which should be significant. I think the .com page could really use quite a bit more information. Let me know how that goes, and if there is any more help/direction you need. After which, will you be available for another batch? Andrew

Batch 3

Is on your user page! Get started whenever you're ready. Thanks for coming back for more! Andrew

Also, GREAT job on expanding the .com article; exactly the kind of history I was hoping for. Keep up the good work on the next batch! Andrew

Ha, I forgot you've always worked on companies. The batch I gave you is obviously a mixed bag of people, companies, terms, etc. I have so much faith in you I forgot to mention that! You can't create a caricature for the people. You should be able to insert this placeholder image file though: CaricatureComing.jpg - let me know if you have further questions regarding the randomness of the batch. Andrew

We're Back

Back from the ICANN Singapore conference. Thanks for addressing the issues that the spammer caused (by deleting your and other pages), I will be giving you replacement articles shortly. Keep in touch. Hope all is well. Andrew

Great! Please be patient as we are still finishing up some work from Singapore and also have some other editing to be done. Thanks for your hard work, and keep checking our editing progress on the site. Andrew

I just noticed that there were duplicated on your page; ISPCP and WLS. You must've noticed this as well...? Andrew

understood; I know it can get messy and I apologize that I did not notice that earlier. Your articles are REALLY awesome thus far, thanks again for all the obvious hard work and dedication, I hope to finish editing by Friday. Cheers, Andrew

You did a great job on your most recent batch, and there are very few edits left that I'd like you to address. Thanks again for such a great job. As soon as those last edits are taken care of I will authorize your payment, I will also be contacting you in the next few days regarding a new batch/project. Be well, Andrew

Once again, great job and thank you. I hope you can do another batch and I hope you continue to do outstanding work. I have cleared you for payment with Ray. Andrew

i'm working on it now, I will have it to you within the next day. Andrew

Batch 5

I've posted a new batch to your page, it is a variety batch - it includes people, glossary terms, companies, associations, etc. You've been very good about identifying and categorizing the articles, and working on a variety of different things.. I hope the different types of articles are okay, and of course let me know if I can help in any way. Ray will be opening a project for you on eLance shortly. Thanks! Andrew

Hi Marie, just wanted to let you know that I've made a few changes to your next batch. Please let me or Andrew know if you have any questions about the new additions. Thanks for all your hard work. Caterina

Writer Update Re: Refs

Hola, I hope all is well. I would like to notify you that from this point forward we would like you to cite references slightly differently. The only thing we would like you to change is how you name the reference. Before, we would just name it after the URL so http://singapore41.icann.org/ would be labelled as "ICANN.org". Now, we would like you to label the reference after the actual title of the article or page and not the URL. So that same reference would instead read "ICANN Singapore Meeting"... Does this make sense? Please continue to reference all material, but when naming the source within the <ref> brackets make sure to name the reference after its actual content as opposed to its URL location.

No need to fix old articles. But from now on please follow this rule. Please let me know if this is unclear. Andrew


Please do not use DomainGang.com as a source. It is a satirical, joke site that does parodies of domain news. The news itself is fake. Thanks, Andrew

For Future Reference

FYI- We are no longer being as specific regarding the distinction in ICANN's many parts.. that is, we are no longer using "constituencies" "organizations" "working groups" as categories pertaining to ICANN. Instead, if it is an embedded part of ICANN's structure we are marking it as "ICANN Body".. Thanks for switching to the new system whenever you come across an applicable page. Andrew

Hi Marie, we forgot to mention this earlier, but when you tag something as "ICANN Bodies," please go to the category page here and also add it to the top structure outline (in alphabetical order). Thanks! Caterina


Hi Marie. I've started editing Batch 5, but it's possible that that won't get finished until we get back from the conference in Senegal. I've also started compiling a Batch 6 for you on your page, feel free to start it whenever you like. We may end up exchanging some items on the list for others, just so you know. Thanks, Caterina

Email addresses

Hi Marie, I noticed on your last batch that you forgot to replace the @ sign with [at] in several email addresses. Please make sure you do not overlook this. Bots can scan websites for email addresses (they look for the @ symbol) to send email spam to, and we do not want anyone to receive spam because of our articles. Thanks! Caterina

Editing Batch 5

Thanks for the update. I'm still wrapping up some business related to ICANN Dakar, but I also now have time to help edit your articles. We hope to have this done very soon, and I will be dedicating the next few days to working on it. Of course, we'll be in contact as the editing process progresses. Ray is going to create a batch 6 for you on eLance. Thanks so much for your continued great work and dedication. Andrew

Great, thank you! Caterina

Batch 6

Hi Marie, Andrew and I have decided to add some new articles to your batch (CRIDO, NPOC, CADNA, Manwin, and Bob Liodice), as these are currently in the news a lot, and as such are important. I took off several of the people from lower down in the batch, sorry you've already had to make the pages and templates for them. I also did a little reorganizing of the batch, so that these important articles are next in line for you. Thanks! Caterina

I would say that 18-25 are most important right now, in the order that they are listed. Caterina