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Naseem Javed

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Revision as of 19:42, 7 November 2012 by Vivian (talk | contribs)
Country: Canada
Email: nj [at] njabc.com

   [naseemjaved.com naseemjaved.com]

Blog: [naseemjaved.wordpress.com naseemjaved.wordpress.com]
LinkedIn:    [Nassem Javed Naseem Javed]
Twitter:    @abcnamebank

Naseem Javed is the Founder of ABC Namebank, which he founded in 1982 in Toronto and New York. The company evaluates and offers services related to brand identities, naming architecture, and global cyber-branding and trademark solutions, and Javed himself advises CEOs and Fortune 500 Companies on global naming strategies.[1] Javed is a gTLD specialist and has written books on gTLDs and brand naming.[2] As a speaker, Javed has been invited to over 100 international conferences and has appeared on hundreds of radio and TV programs.[3] He also conducts online webinars via AZNA on topics such as the gTLD aftermarket boom, trade upswings, as well as business and marketing dilemmas related to changes in the rise of gTLDs.[4]

Publications[edit | edit source]

Early on in his career, Javed authored a 400-page reference manual entitled How to Name a Business or a New Product in 1979. In 1995, he wrote Naming For Power and Domain Wars, two books forecasting cyber-branding and what Javed calls "the dot.com epidemic".[5] His most recent book, Domination - The gTLD Name Game, discusses gTLD business models and naming issues, and was released in January 2012 via Metrostate Syndicate.[6]

He is also a contributing writer to CircleID[7], Adotas[8], creativebits[9], Business2Community[10], amongst others.

Videos[edit | edit source]

Javed is interviewed on CNN in 2007.


References[edit | edit source]

  1. http://www.linkedin.com/pub/naseem-javed/4b/0/464 Naseem Javed]. LinkedIn.com. Retrieved 2012 November 7.
  2. ICANN 45 Interview. ICANNWiki. Retriever 2012 October 25.
  3. Naseem Javed. Fibre2Fashion. Retrieved 2012 November 7.
  4. AZNA. Retrieved 2012 November 7.
  5. http://www.naseemjaved.com/ Naseem Javed]. Retrieved 2012 November 7.
  6. Domination - The gTLD Name Game. Metrostate Syndicate. Retrieved 2012 November 7.
  7. Naseem Javed. CircleID. Retrieved 2012 November 7.
  8. Naseem Javed. Adotas. Retrieved 2012 November 7.
  9. Naseem Javed's blog. creativebits. Retrieved 2012 November 7.
  10. Nasee Javed. Business2Community. Retrieved November 7.