Volker Greimann

Revision as of 16:05, 28 November 2016 by Greimann (talk | contribs) (Updated to reflect recent end of council term.)
Affiliation: Key-Systems GmbH
Country: Germany
Email: vgreimann [at] key-systems.net

   [key-systems.net key-systems.net]

Facebook:    [volker.greimann Volker Greimann]
LinkedIn:    [volker-greimann Volker Greimann]
Twitter:    @vgreimann
Currently a member

Currently a member

Has attended 10+
ICANN Meetings

Volker Alexander Greimann is the Chief Legal Officer and General Counsel at Key-Systems, an ICANN accredited registrar, and a member of KeyDrive Group.[1] He is involved in various ICANN policy working groups for as member of the RrSG.

From 2012 until 2016 he served as councilor on the GNSO Council, two years of which as CPH vice chair.Cite error: The opening <ref> tag is malformed or has a bad name From October to November 2015 he co-chaired the council after the initial election failed to produce a new chair.[2]

Volker was elected as a Non-Executive Director to the board of Nominet on April 27, 2016[3].

Career edit

Volker joined the Key-Systems team in July 2008 as General Counsel. He is responsible for ICANN and registry policy management, contractual and legal compliance, contractual work, litigation management and providing legal and policy advice to the company. He leads the abuse teams of Key-Systems and Moniker.

ICANN edit

Volker was Secretary of ICANN's Registrar Stakeholder Group from 2011 to 2012. He represented European registrars on the registrar negotiation team for the 2013 RAA. He joined the GNSO Council in August 2012 during the 45th (Toronto) ICANN meeting as elected representative of the Registrar Stakeholder Group and held that seat until ICANN 57 (Hyderabad). From 2013 to 2015 he first served as Vice-Chair and finally as co-chair of the GNSO Council. He continues to be active in ICANN policy development in various working groups as well in his GNSO councillor capacity.

Education edit

Volker is a graduate of the legal faculties of the University of Trier, having studied Law and Japanese studies. He is an alumni of a post graduate scholarship program of the German Academic Exchange service that took him to Japan for 2 years. He is a fully qualified and licensed German lawyer and has working experience in both German law offices and law offices in Tokyo, Japan[4]. He has lived in various countries including, Japan, the Netherlands, the USA and Canada.

References edit