Revision as of 16:55, 30 October 2013 by Vivian (talk | contribs)

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Latest Feature

TLDs with signed Registry Agreements
As the expansion of the Domain Name space becomes a reality, dozens of new gTLDs are joining the ranks of current TLDs by signed Registry Agreements (RAs) with ICANN. Signing a contract is a significant step towards the delegation of a new TLD, and ICANNWiki has an up-to-date list of TLDs that have signed RAs.

Check it out here: TLDs with signed Registry Agreements

Article of the Week

Trademark Clearinghouse
The Trademark Clearinghouse (TMC or TMCH) is a database of trademarks that will be established by ICANN in order to enhance the protection of intellectual property on the Internet. The main role of TMCH is to serve as a central repository for the information related to the rights of trademark owners to be stored, authenticated and distributed. When a customer attempts to register a new domain and the domain matches up with a trademark existing in the TMCH, the customer will receive a warning that the creation of the domain may be considered cybersquatting. (Read full article...)


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