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Industry: Internet governance
Email: sec@aprigf.asia
Website: http://aprigf.asia
Facebook: @APrIGF.Asia
Twitter: TwitterIcon.png@aprigf_
Key People
Rajnesh Singh, Chair
Chester Soong, Vice-Chair
Sylvia Cadena, Vice-Chair
DotAsia Organisation, Secretariat

Asia Pacific Regional Internet Governance Forum (APrIGF) is a platform for discussion, exchange and collaboration at a regional level, and also where possible to aggregate national IGF discussions, ultimately advance the Internet governance development in the Asia Pacific region.

Asia Pacific Regional Internet Governance Forum

Today, Asia has the strongest growing demand for Internet addresses. That is more and more people in Asia are using the Internet. In contrast to North America and Europe, demand for the Internet in Asia is not only growing, but also growing at an accelerating rate.

In 2010, while the global IGF[1] is already in its fifth and final year of its initial charter, and Regional IGFs have been established in many other regions, including Africa, Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean, to date, Asia has seen no parallel forum for discussing Internet governance issues at a regional level. For the first time, the APrIGF is therefore being convened in Hong Kong with objectives to raise awareness and encourage participation from relevant stakeholders around the region on Internet governance issues, as well as to foster multi-lateral, multi-stakeholder discussion about issues pertinent to the Internet in Asia.

The multi-stakeholder approach is a core principle of the APrIGF with the emphasis on the diversity of participants and openness of the discussion. Valuing the youth as an important stakeholder and the future generations of the Internet, a Youth IGF also become an integral part of the APrIGF whereby they are held in parallel annually featuring a simulation of the multi-stakeholder discussion model among the young people on various Internet governance issues.

Multi-Stakeholder Steering Group (MSG)

The Multi-Stakeholder Steering Group (MSG) of APrIGF is a self-organised committee with members from around the AP Internet Community formed with the below objectives:

  • To support and ensure the proper conduct of the organizational work of the annual Asia Pacific Regional IGF,
  • To promote and encourage dialogue among all stakeholders involved with Internet governance related issues in the Asia Pacific region, and
  • To act as an interface between the Asia Pacific IGF community and the global IGF community.

The membership emphasizes the inclusion of multi-stakeholders and so is open to any interested individuals within the AP region who are committed to:

  • The Organisational Principles of openness, transparency and multi-stakeholder cooperation,
  • Devote some time and effort in support of the APrIGF, and
  • Maintaining and demonstrating respect for all other members.

Any interested individuals who would like to join the MSG must read through the Operating Principles[2] of the MSG as well as acknowledging and accepting it. If you wish to become part of the MSG, please kindly contact the secretariat.

An Election Procedure[3] has been adopted by the MSG on 2 July 2015 during the APrIGF Macao 2015.

We welcome any comments and feedback on the Operating Principles from the community whereby amendments could be made under the discussion and decision from the MSG from time to time whenever necessary.

Upcoming Meeting

APrIGF Vanuatu 2018

Date: Prep-Day 13 Aug (Mon); Main Conference 14 Aug (Tue) - 16 Aug (Thu)

Venue: Iririki Island Resort, Port Vila, Vanuatu

Host: Office of the Government Chief Information Officer (OGCIO) & The Telecommunication & Radiocommunications Regulator (TRR) of Vanuatu

Event Website: http://2018.aprigf.asia

Overarching Theme: Empowering the Communities in Asia Pacific to Build an Affordable, Inclusive, Open and Secure Internet


  • Cybersecurity
  • Online Privacy and Protection
  • Access and Empowerment
  • Digital Economy & Emerging Technologies
  • Diversity
  • Multi-Stakeholder Participation in Internet Governance

2018 Program

List of Submitted Workshop & Workshop Description Links: http://apps.2018.rigf.asia/submission/proposallist

Accepted Workshop List (Last updated on 30 May)

No. Workshop Title Contact Person Organization Sub-Themes
4 Sharing Best Practices and Concerns of NRIs in Asia Pacific Region Kuo Wu TWIGF Multi-Stakeholder Participation in Internet Governance
6 Biomedical Big Data in Asia Pacific Region - Privacy, Public Medical Policy Development and Its future for the community Yeseul Kim Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology Online Privacy and Protection
8 Effective eGovernment for empowering Pacific Citizens Maureen Hilyard Cook Islands Internet Action Group Access and Empowerment
9 AP* 2018 Community Update Maureen Hilyard ALAC Multi-Stakeholder Participation in Internet Governance
20 Impact of National Cyber Security Strategies on Internet Governance: A South Asian Perspective Rohana Palliyaguru Sri Lanka CERT|CC Cybersecurity
28 Youth Participation Fills in Gaps, Niches Too Benjz Gerard M. Sevilla Department of Information and Communications Technology Multi-Stakeholder Participation in Internet Governance
30 Responsibilities of Internet Platforms for Tackling Online Abuse Against Women & Other Marginalized Groups Monika Zalnieriute University of New South Wales Diversity
38 How can we enhance the collaboration between Tech and IGF communities in APAC? Mariko Kobayashi Keio University/WIDE Project Multi-Stakeholder Participation in Internet Governance
43 Securing continuity and availability of your IOT, beyond malicious hacking Nuwan Waidyanatha LIRNEasia Cybersecurity
44 Putting digital accessibility policy into practice – Case studies from Vanuatu and Asian countries Gunela Astbrink ISOC Disability Chapter Access and Empowerment
47 Community Networks – Internet access for the community by the community Naveed Haq Internet Society Access and Empowerment
56 Harnessing ICT for building resilient and empowered communities in AP region (Withdrawn) Ashirwad Tripathy Educating Nepal(EN)/ Internet Society (ISoc) Access and Empowerment
76 Least Developed Countries and Issues of Access: A Land Locked or Island Country Perspective Babu Ram Aryal Forum for Digital Equality Access and Empowerment
83 Digital literacy, libraries and information services: supporting the community on the platform of the Internet’ Mr. Winston Roberts IFLA (international NGO for library & information services sector) Access and Empowerment
85 Preparing for Natural Disasters Hiro Hotta JPRS Access and Empowerment
89 “Whois” collected, disclosed and protected: How we care about protecting data privacy? Pablo Hinojosa APNIC Online Privacy and Protection
91 Privacy in the Digital Age & the Rule of Law: Mapping Privacy/Data protection and ICT Legal Frameworks in the Global South Gayatri Khandhadai Association for Progressive Communications Online Privacy and Protection
94 Empowering Change with Data: Measuring Youth Digital Mobility Edmon Chung DotAsia Organisation Access and Empowerment
105 Digital Trade and Development Burcu Kilic Public Citizen Digital Economy & Emerging Technologies
Merger 1 Cybersecurity
39 Consumer IoT Security – are we prepared ? Naveed Haq Internet Society
Merger 2 Online Privacy and Protection
106 Cross-border Data & Contents Regulation in Asia Pacifc Region Srinivasan Ramakrishnan Independent Consultant, Technology and Management
29 E-commerce and data protection in Asia countries Ying-Chu Chen Taiwan Network Information Center
Merger 3 Online Privacy and Protection
11 Case Studies of Censorship, Surveillance, and Transparency Reporting in Asia Jungbae An Korea Internet Transparency Report
12 Digital Rights Protection and Transparency of Chinese ICT Companies Benjamin Zhou Suibin The University of Hong Kong
14 Let's fight Internet censorship, together! Szeming Tan Independent
Merger 4 Online Privacy and Protection
22 Secure internet spaces and children’s rights: An exploration of how global partnerships empower communities to protect children online David Ng DotKids Foundation
42 Launching Vanuatu's reporting mechanism for CSAM online Jenny Thornton Internet Watch Foundation
Merger 5 Multi-Stakeholder Participation in Internet Governance
62 Internet For All: Empowering Communities in APAC through engagement in the IG process Amrita Choudhury CCAOI
37 SIGs in Asia-Pacific: Relevance and Emerging Challenges Satish Babu APSIG
57 Taking Internet Governance to the masses: A move to strengthen the Multistakeholder model Mili ISOC Mumbai
Merger 6 Cybersecurity
16 Cybersecurity capacity for nations in the Asia-Pacific James Boorman Oceania Cyber Security Centre
61 Cybersecurity and the Pacific John Chand PICISOC
Merger 7 Access and Empowerment
19 Internet Restrictions in Asia Pacific Region and how to mitigate Maheeshwara Kirindigoda IGF Sri Lanka
40 Internet Shutdown Ritu Srivastava Digital Empowerment Foundation
Merger 8 Digital Economy & Emerging Technologies
93 Labor issues in the digital economy in Asia-Pacific Gulshan Banas Jawaharlal Nehru University
7 Reframing labour rights for the gig economy Ritu Srivastava Digital Empowerment Foundation
Merger 9 Cybersecurity
35 Empowering the Internet Community – Public Safety and investigating Identifier Abuse Joyce Chen ICANN
52 Know Your Net - Enabling A-Z competences with Net Tech in the Pacific Bart Hogeveen ASPI International Cyber Policy Centre

Potential Speakers List

This Potential Speakers List aims to help workshop organizers to enrich their proposal with diverse speakers and especially assist them to look out for speakers from the local vicinity as well as those with funding to travel for the event.

If you are planning to participate in APrIGF whether in-person or remotely and are open to sharing your expertise as a speaker, we encourage you to sign up as a Potential Speaker. Person on the Potential Speakers List may be invited by workshop organizers to be speaker/penalist on workshop relating to their field of expertise and experience

Please follow the steps to add yourself to the list.

  1. Create your account on ICANN wiki and create a profile page outlining your expertise & past experiences (Guide)
  2. Add yourself to the below table and type [[Your Name]] to link your wiki profile or any external profile
  3. Outline briefly 3 area of expertise that you can contribute to a session in the table. More in-depth references and details shall be included in your profile instead.
  4. Leave your contact email in your profile should you wish to be contacted directly by the workshop organizers or leave your contact details to the secretariat via the online form for any future enquiry from the community.
  5. Please specify your planned attendance in order to assist the planning of workshop organizers. **Note: No funding support will be given to any potential speakers on the list.
Salut. Name Job Title Organzation Stakeholder Group Geographical


3 Area of Expertise Secured Funding to Attend


Mr Rajnesh Singh Regional Directior of Asia Pacific Internet Society Technical Australia Multi-Stakeholder Cooperation, ICT4D, Future of the Internet Yes
Mr Edmon Chung CEO DotAsia Organisation Technical Hong Kong IDN, Universal Acceptance, Youth Mobility in Asia Yes
Ms Doreen Leona Chairlady Women and Girls in ICT Vanuatu Civil Society Vanuatu Access and Empowerment No
Ms Georgina Faerua Provincial Planner and Acting Secretary General Penama Provincial Government Council, Department of Local Authorities Government Vanuatu My experience as a Planner during a mass evacuation of 11,000 people out of the island of Ambae to other islands as a result of a Volcanic eruptions in Vanuatu. 

My experiences with technology as a key government personnel in the rural areas.  My experiences with Climate Change and Climate Change projects.

Mr Tamedal Joseph Elwin Teacher Education Government Vanuatu No
Mr Melteck Jean-Pierre Teacher Rensarie College Government Vanuatu Cyber crime 

Social Media 


Ms Jenny Thornton International Development Manager Internet Watch Foundation Civil Society United Kingdom Cybersecurity, Child Online Protection, Multi-stakeholder Participation in Internet Governance Yes
Mr Chia I Cheng Legal Researcher Science & Technology Law Institute, Institute for Information Industry Civil Society Taiwan Network Neutrality, Internet Shutdown & Online Regulation, Spectrum Management & Broadband Policy Yes
Ms Sylvia Cadena Head of Programs APNIC Foundation Technical Australia Internet infrastructure development, Regulatory frameworks for equitable access, Community engagement on ICT projects 

Capacity building

Mr Klee Aiken External Relations Manager APNIC Technical Australia Cyber Policy, Capacity Building, Cybersecurity Yes
Ms Shita Laksmi Project Manager for Asia Diplo Foundation Academia Indonesia Multistakeholder process, Capacity building initiatives, Transparency and Accountability Yes
Mr Sivasubramanian_Muthusamy President, Internet Society India Chennai Internet Society Civil Society India Multi-Stakeholder Cooperation, ICT4D, Future of the Internet Yes
Mr Champika Wijayatunga Regional Security Engagement Manager ICANN Technical Australia DNS/DNSSEC, Cybersecurity, 

Internet Identifier Abuse Handling

Mr Winston Roberts Senior Advisor IFLA / National Library of New Zealand Civil Society New Zealand Online information services for open government, Community digital information services, Protection of & digital access to cultural heritage Yes
Mr Naveed Haq Regional Development Manager Internet Society Technical Pakistan Access & Empowerment 

Multi-stakeholder participation in Internet Governance 

Online Privacy & Protection

Mr Min Hsuan Wu Deputy CEO Open Culture Foundation Civil Society Taiwan Civic Tech, Open Government, LGBT Yes
Mr Shreedeep Rayamajhi ICT4D Consultant RayZnews Civil Society Nepal Internet Governance Policy, Cyber Security, Youth Leadership No
Ms Sajina Karki Gender Experts RayZnews Civil Society Nepal Gender Equality, Women Leadership, Internet Policy No
Mr Talal Raza Program Manager Media Matters for Democrazy Media Pakistan CyberSecurity, Online Protection and Privacy, Access and Empowerment No
Mr Jahangir Hossain Vice Chair ISOC Bangladesh Dharka Chapter Technical Bangladesh Cyber security, Digital Economy, Internet Governance  No
Mr. Benjz Gerard Sevilla Planning Officer Department of Information and Communications Technology Government Philippines Promoting Access and Rural Connectivity, Broadband Deployment and the Digital Economy, ICT Planning and the Multistakeholder Policy Development Process No
Ms Sidra Jalil Director Operations Code for Pakistan Civil Society Pakistan Digital Empowerment for Youth and Women, Open Data, Civic Tech No
Mr Kritipong Jupoh Teacher Organic Family Civil Society Thailand Facilitator on political Economic, akha and Thai. Cross culture community development, and  Indigenous Knowledge and wisdom. No
Ms Anju Mangal Knowledge Management and ICT Specialist Pacific Community (SPC) Inter-governmental Organisation Fiji ·       Cybersecurity

·       Access and Empowerment

·       Multi-Stakeholder Participation in Internet Governance

Ms Argyro Karanasiou Assistant Professor of Law (SL) Bournemouth University Academia United Kingdom Data Protection, AI & Law, Data-Driven Governance No
Mr Satish Babu Chair, APRALO ICANN Civil Society/ Technical India Internet Governance, Multi-stakeholder Model, IDNs, DLTs, IoT, Open Source No
Mr Rohana Palliyaguru Director Operations Sri Lanka CERT/CC Government Sri Lanka Cyber security, Internet Governance, Privacy and Freedom of expression No
Ms Mili Semlani Media Consultant IGF Civil Society/Youth India Gender Youth, Media at IG, Multi stakeholder participation in IG No
Ms Ying-Chu Chen Assistant Research Fellow Taiwan Institute of Economic Research Private Sector Taiwan e-commerce, Internet Governance, Digital Government, Privacy, Data protection, Cyber Security regulation No
Mr Gertjan Boulet Legal researcher and lecturer Korea University Academia Republic of Korea - Cybersecurity law and policy

- EU privacy and data protection law

- Peacetime and wartime international law applicable to cyber operations

Mr Kenneth Katafono Entrepreneur and ICT Consultant TraSeable Solutions Pte Ltd Private Sector Fiji DLT/Blockchain, Digitisation and Enterprise MIS in the Pacific, Cybersecurity, IoT No
Mr Waqas Hassan President Internet Society Pakistan Islamabad Chapter Civil Society Pakistan Internet access and infrastructure , Digital Empowerment of Women in South Asia, Digital economy and internet taxation, especially in Pakistan  No
Mr Benjamin  Zhou Project Manager The University of Hong Kong Civil Society Hong Kong government transparency, corporate transparency, digital rights No
Ms Dikchya Raut Cyber Law Officer Campaign against Cyber Crime Youth Nepal 1. Cyber Crime 

2. The role of youth in building sustainable Internet ecosystem. 

3.Awareness on Cyber Security in developing countries. 

Mr Waruna Sri Dhanapala Senior Assistant Secretary (ICT for Development) Ministry of Telecommunication, Digital Infrastructure & Foreign Employment Government Sri Lanka 1. ICT for Development

2. Internet Governance

3. Development co-operation

4. Sustainable Development/SDGs and 2030 Global Development Agenda

5. Skills development for ICT Industries and digital inclusiveness

6. Development Issues of Small States

Dr Aris Ignacio Dean, College of Information Technology Southville International School and Colleges Academia Philippines Youth Engagement/Involvement in IG, Outreach through Digital Literacy, ICT for Development No
Mr Ali AlMeshal Head of Digital Business / Board Member of Bahrain ISOC CrediMax Bank / ISOC Bahrain Private business / Civil Bahrain Digital Business and Credit Card professional. E-commerec , cybersecurtiy No
Ms Annam Lodhi Project Media Matters for Democracy Civil Society Pakistan Digital Empowerment, Gender Equity, Access and empowerment No
Ms Komal Mughal Project Lead Media Matters for Democracy Civil Society Pakistan community journalism, access and empowerment, diversity No
Mr Prateek Pathak President/CEO The Internet Society India Mumbai Chapter/ Heterotopia Media and Entertainment Private Limited Media India Emerging Technologies,Digital Economy,Data protection and Cyber Laws,Technology policy,Multi-stakeholder governance,Consumer Trust,New gTLD,Capacity Building. No
Mr Babu Ram Aryal Executive Forum for Digital Equality Civil Society Nepal #Cybersecurity #FOE #Access #Cybercrime #law&policy No
Mr Sakib Adnan Solution Manager Huawei Technologies Bangladesh Limited Technical Bangladesh 1. Cyber security (For general and technical people) 

2. Communication Technology for Rural area people to fulfill the requirement of Education, Healthcare & agriculture. 

3.Impact of social media on the life of Developing and under-developed countries.

Ms Hasna Khairunnisa Founder FemaleTechPioneers PENS in Indonesia Youth Indonesia Diversity 

Access and Empowerment

Ms Zolzaya Shagdar Chief Operations Manager Mogul Service and Support LLC Private Sector Mongolia Gender equality in Mongolian ICT, Diversity, Inclusion No
Mr. Ali Hussain Technology Researcher (Digital Rights Management) University of Malaya Academia Pakistan ICT for development,

Digital Content Security and Gender balance for sustainable economic development.

.Dr. Sam Goundar Professor Multiple Universities Academia/Civil Society Fiji/Malaysia Cloud Computing, Fog Computing, Blockchains and Cryptocurrencies No
Mr Santosh Sigdel Vice President ISOC Nepal Civil Society Nepal Online Privacy and Protection , Online Freedom of Expression, Human Rights and Artificial Intelligence No
Dinesh Tech Director Janastu Technical / Civil Society India Web Annotation based content Renarration for low-literates, archives and indigenous media making, 3D spacial navigation of Information No
Mr Handoko Suwono CEO Datacom Informatika Private Sector Indonesia Cybersecurity in underserved area, open-source software for in-field deployment, good management practice, green environment and energy conservation, freedom of expression and responsibility, openness using the social media platform with cases from ASEAN regions No
Mr Priyatosh Jana Assistant Professor, Department of CSE Mallabhum Institute of Technology Academia India Digital Literacy, Access and Empowerment,ICT4D,Youth for Internet Governance,MOOC No
Mr Chester Soong Director ISOC Hong Kong Civil Society Hong Kong Information  Security 

Data and privacy protection (enforcement) 

Intellectual Property laws 

Cybercrime management and investigation

Mr Shahjahan Siraj Director Machizo Multimedia Communication Media Bangladesh Session Facilitation, Effective Use of Online Media, Multimedia Production on Development Issues No
Mr Ashirwad Tripathy Co-founder/ Executive Director Educating Nepal Civil Society Nepal - Developmental activities through Educating and Empowerment in marginalized community through use of ICT since 2012. 

- Connecting broadband Internet to disaster affected communities of Nepal after Nepal earthquake 2015  - Field research and papers on various ICT issues during and after disaster.

Mr Rejinel Valencia Information Officer Philippine Institute for Development Studies Government Philippines Regulatory issues of sharing economy, Social media and youth participation, Social media as a political public sphere No
Mr David Ng Co-Founder eHelp Association Civil Society Hong Kong Child Online Safety, Community and Multistakeholder Engagement, Youth Participation No
Mr Ziyam Abdeen Computer Network and Security Trainer WinSYS Networks Academia Sri Lanka Technical Training and Mentoring, 

Multi stakeholder Policy Development Process, 

Community engagement and woman empowerment  

Mr Waqas Naeem Project Manager Media Matters for Democracy Civil Society Pakistan Online Privacy and Protection, Digital Economy and Emerging Internet Technologies, Multi-stakeholder Participation in Internet Governance No
Ms Hazwany (Nany) Jamaluddin
  • Blogger
  • Multi-disciplinary data practitioner
  1. https://nanyjharon.net/
  2. Open Heroines
  3. Internet Society Malaysia Chapter
Civil Society Malaysia Data protection and privacy, inter-generational capacity/knowledge building, digital literacy, access to information, open data, open government No
Mr Keith Rozario Blogger​ / Creator sayakenahack.com keithRozario.com Technical Society Malaysia / Singapore InfoSec, Architecture, Blogging No
Dr Shawn Tan Principal Engineer Aeste Technical Society Malaysia Digital Economy and Emerging Internet Technologies (IoT, Blockchain, Cloud Computing), Cyber Security, Online Privacy and Protection. No
Ms Sidra Jalil Vice President Internet Society Pakistan Civil Society Pakistan Open Data, Civic Tech, Women Empowerment No
Mr M.C.L. Rodrigo Additional Secretary (Development) Ministry of Telecommunication and Digital Infrastructure Government Sri Lanka ICT Security, 

e-Government policy and governance, 

Social media and public policy 


Past Meetings

Event Year Date City/Region Link
APrIGF 2018 August 13 - 16 Port Vila, Vanuatu
YIGF 2018 August 13 - 16 Port Vila, Vanuatu
APrIGF 2017 July 26 - 29 Bangkok, Thailand 2017.aprigf.asia
YIGF 2017 July 26 - 29 Bangkok, Thailand 2017.yigf.asia
APrIGF 2016 July 26 - 29 Taipei, Taiwan 2016.aprigf.asia
YIGF 2016 July 26 - 29 Taipei, Taiwan 2016.yigf.asia
APrIGF 2015 June 30 - July 03 Macao SAR, China 2015.aprigf.asia
YIGF 2015 June 30 - July 03 Macao SAR, China 2015.yigf.asia
APrIGF 2014 August 03 - 06 Delhi, India 2014.aprigf.asia
YIGF 2014 August 03 - 06 Delhi, India 2014.yigf.asia
APrIGF 2013 September 04 - 06 Seoul, Korea 2013.aprigf.asia
YIGF 2013 September 03 - 06 Seoul, Korea 2013.yigf.asia
APrIGF 2012 July 18 - 20 Tokyo, Japan 2012.aprigf.asia
YIGF 2012 July 19 Tokyo, Japan 2012.yigf.asia
APrIGF 2011 June 16 - 18 Singapore 2011.aprigf.asia
YIGF 2011 June 16 - 18 Singapore 2011.yigf.asia
APrIGF 2010 June 14 - 18 Hong Kong SAR, China 2010.aprigf.asia
YIGF 2010 June 12 - 14 Hong Kong SAR, China 2010.yigf.asia

Join the Community

If you are interested to stay in touch and join the community for discussions or any workshop collaborations, please contact the Secretariat to be subscribed to our mailing list.
