This acronym list, or something similar, is found in every copy of the ICANNWiki Quick Guide.
Spanish translations provided courtesy of the South School on Internet Governance and Dominios Latinoamérica.
Acronym | Organization or Group | Spanish Translation |
AC | Advisory Committee | |
AFRALO | African Regional At-Large Organization | |
AfriNIC | The African Network Information Center | Central Africano de Información de Redes |
ALAC | At-Large Advisory Committee | Comité Asesor At-Large |
ALS | At-Large Structure | |
APNIC | The Asia Pacific Network Information Centre | Centro de Información de Redes del Pacifico Asiático |
APRALO | Asia Pacific Regional At-Large Organization | |
ARIN | American Registry for Internet Numbers | Reg. Norteamericano de Números de Internet |
ASO | Address Supporting Organization | Organización de Apoyo Para Direcciones |
BC | Business Constituency | |
ccNSO | Country-Code Names Supporting Organization | Organización de Apoyo Nombres de Dominio con Código de País |
ccTLD | Country-Code Top Level Domain | Dominio de Alto Nivel con Código de País |
CCT | Competition, Consumer Trust, and Consumer Choice | |
CSG | Commercial Stakeholder Group | |
DMLA | Dominios Latinoamérica | Dominios Latinoamérica |
DNS | Domain Name System | Sistema de Nombres de Dominio |
EURALO | European Regional At-Large Organization | |
GAC | Governmental Advisory Committee | Comité Asesor Gubernamental |
GNSO | Generic Names Supporting Organization | Organización de Apoyo para Nombres Genéricos |
gTLD | Generic Top-Level Domain | Dominio Genérico de Alto Nivel |
IAB | Internet Architecture Board | |
IANA | Internet Assigned Numbers Authority | Autoridad de Números Asignados en Internet |
ICANN | Internet Corporation For Assigned Names and Numbers | Corporación para la Asignación de Nombres y Números en Internet |
IDN | Internationalized Domain Name | Nombres de Dominio Internacionalizado |
IETF | Internet Engineering Task Force | Grupo de Trabajo en Ingeniería de Internet |
IP | Internet Protocol | Protocolo de Internet |
IPC | Intellectual Property Constituency | |
IPv4 | Internet Protocol Version 4 | |
IPv6 | Internet Protocol Version 6 | |
ISOC | The Internet Society | Sociedad de Internet |
ISP | Internet Service Provider | Proveedor de Servicios de Internet |
ISPCPP | Internet Service Provider And Connectivity Providers Constituency | |
JNC | Just Net Coalition | Coalición Just Net |
LACNIC | Latin America and Caribbean Internet Addresses Registry | Registro de Direcciones de Internet Latinoamericano y del Caribe |
LACRALO | Latin American And Caribbean Islands Regional At-Large Organization | |
NARALO | North American Regional At-Large Organization | |
NCSG | Non-Commercial Stakeholder Group | |
NCUC | Non-Commercial Users Constituency | |
NPOC | Not-For-Profit Operational Concerns Constituency | |
PDP | Policy Development Process | Proceso de Desarrollo de PolIticas |
PTI | Public Technical Identifiers | |
RIPE NCC | Reseux IP Europeens | RIR de Europa y Medio Oriente |
RIR | Regional Internet Registry | Registro Regional de Internet |
RrSG | Registrar Stakeholder Group | |
RySG | Registry Stakeholder Group | |
RSSAC | Root Server System Advisory Committee | |
SO | Supporting Organization | Organizaciones de Apoyo |
SSAC | Security, Stability, and Resiliency Advisory Committee | Comité Asesor de Seguridad y Estabilidad |
SSIG | South School on Internet Governance | Escuela del Sur de Gobernanza de Internet |
TLD | Top Level Domain | Dominio de Alto Nivel |
UDRP | Uniform Dispute Resolution Policy | Política Uniforme de Resolución de Disputas |
W3C | World Wide Web Consortium | World Wide Web Consortium |
WIPO | World Intellectual Property Organization | Organización Mundial de Propiedad Intelectual |
ICANNWiki: Content Guide | Documentation | Development Categories: Articles needing attention | Candidates for deletion Projects: Internet & Digital Governance Library