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Revision as of 16:09, 31 August 2021 by Jessica (talk | contribs)
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Welcome to ICANNWiki
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  • The DNS
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  • DNS Abuse Responses
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    If you know, you know! ICANNWiki has a new t-shirt for wiki aficianados with two of the most common wikitext elements in an attractive and eye-grabbing shade of CRT phosphor green. Buy one today!

    Featured Updates - The Domain Name System

    ICANN's job is to ensure the stability, security, and resiliency of the Domain Name System (DNS). The stability and security of the DNS is undermined in a variety of ways, which ICW Editor Jessica has been working to catalog. In addition, she has been focusing on responses to abuse from ICANN, such as DAAR and SAC115, other institutions in the private, and inter/government agencies, such as the European Council, FBI, CISA, and NIST.

    The stability of the DNS is the central focus of SSAC and enshrined in the ICANN Bylaws in multiple places. ICANN's performance of this critical task is also periodically reviewed as mandated by Article 4.6 of the bylaws. The First Security, Stability, and Resiliency Review took place in 2010, while the Second Security, Stability, and Resiliency Review is ongoing.

    If you work within this sphere, you might want to connect with fellow members of the ICANN community focused on cybersecurity.

    "Review fatigue" has been a persistent complaint within the ICANN Community. As our timeline graphic (above) shows, there have been very few points in ICANN's history when there were no reviews, or only one review, in progress. The Third Accountability and Transparency Review has addressed this review glut head on. Among other reforms, the ATRT 3 team made the following recommendations:

    • Convert organizational reviews to "continuous improvement processes" within each SO & AC;
    • Utilize the feedback and findings of these continuous improvement processes, as well as annual meetings of the SOs and ACs, to inform a new, "holistic" review that engages with the ICANN organization as a whole; and
    • Reform or remove most of the reviews required under Article 4.6 of the ICANN Bylaws.

    These changes would represent a massive transformation to ICANN's review practices. The ICANN Board, while accepting the proposals in principle, has requested ICANN staff to develop plans for pilot programs for continuous improvement and the holistic review. The modifications to the Article 4.6 specific reviews, because they would require amending the Bylaws, are subject to community buy-in and support.

    About Us

    ICANNWiki is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to supporting the Internet community's collaborative development of wiki articles on ICANN and Internet Governance-related topics. The wiki provides neutral, third-party information for ICANN meeting attendees and Internet citizens at large. It is an open platform grounded in wiki values. Want to help? Create an account today!

    ICANNWiki is not ICANN. ICANNWiki is a separate non-profit organization independent from ICANN. This website is operated by the ICANNWiki organization and any donations made to the ICANNWiki website are for the ICANNWiki organization only.

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    About ICANNWiki

    ICANNWiki is a nonprofit organisation dedicated to providing a community developed wiki on ICANN and Internet Governance. We specialize in outreach, engagement and accessibility. Our mission to "give everyone a voice in the future of the internet" by providing educational resources, workshops and building a strong sense of community. (Learn More...)

    Thanks to our Sponsors
    • NicheWork
    • PIR
    • ICANN
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    • FairWinds Partners
    • GMO Registry
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