ICANNWiki:Articles needed
Here's what needs doing! Both to be created and to be edited. Let's get stuck in!
Pages to be created/cleaned up + edited edit
To Create edit
- There should be a page explaining ICANNWiki.org
- Create page for Sebastian Brun of United Domains (ask Andrew)
- .ml, .cf
- CTAG - this
- fTLD Registry Services
- For Uniregsitrar
- EBERO (Emergency Backend Registry Operator), this, other research
- Domain Name Parking. See http://domainnamewire.com/2014/12/04/researchers-study-the-dark-side-of-domain-parking/
- Registry Agreement, this, To RySG, etc Registry Agreement, reaction, good summary, new, update from Beijing
- Update to Whois and ARDS
- .tel
- Domain hack like this
- .组织机构 PIR application
- Internet
- Registrant
- GI2L
- Table page of SUnrise and landrush periods like this
DRSP or Dispute Resolution Service ProviderCompleted 13 Dec 2013 --Jonah (talk) 13:06, 13 December 2013 (PST)- Priority Number
To Update edit
- this, create section on "DNS Services" (avoid marketing feel/spin)
- Consolidate info on EmployMedia's new tld apps (ask Ray for details)
- this, other research for new section on IGOs on GAC page
- this, GAC, New gTLD create section on "Plural gTLD Applications"
- this to Verisign, New gTLD; Further Update
- Update post-elections (GNSO), etc.
- To .biz, .info (possibly Neustar & Afilias) & also create section focused on biz/info on the RAA article.
- New gTLD Program, GAC, this, this (also to gTLD), this
- To relevant TLD pages
- To ICC, Community TLD
- To TMC and GNSO
- to all relevant pages
- update all elections and SO and ACs; example
- This to New gTLD Program or Trademark Clearinghouse
- Update all gTLD apps that have signed RAs this
- Update closed string apps from Amazon and Google with this
- To .通販, update with this
- This and this to respective applications. First new gTLDs delegated to the root - add this and this
- [1] Brazil calling for change in internet laws
- Add more content and actual outcomes to Community Objection - String Confusion Objection
- To IPO or Trademark Clearinghouse, [this]
- This to Trademark Clearinghouse
- this to ICANN Fellow
- Uniregistry
- This to ICANN 49
- THis to Paul Mockapetris
- 2 Dec 2014: ICANN and new_gTLD with this
- KB updated all new GTLDs August through december 2nd 2014, need to do mid June to end July; go over all .xn GTLDs; check for sunrise and landrush, website for that is http://ntldstats.com/
Major Update edit
- these links Implement all Objection status
Random Edits edit
- Work on Books and ICANN related sites of interest
- Drafting team, work team, working group, etc differentiation, possibly on the PDP page?
- ICANN page needs more info under "structure" re: NomCom, ALAC, GAC (..) & how the SO's report back and are hierarchically structured.
- Fix up FF, FFWG
- Alternative Root Server rewrite.
- Work on most Wanted Pages
- Alantron - this
- .ga, this
- ICANN Academy, see here
- Create pages for ALL domain extensions (gTLDs and ccTLDs, categorize them as such) (vWorker Project?)
- Create Pages for past ICANN conferences
- Edit Pulasthi's old articles
- Changing over URLs so that they are SEO-friendly, such as Working Groups instead of WG
- For some of the larger portfolio players it would be nice to see which ones are uncontested and which ones contested
- Update Playing Cards page to include Toronto and Beijing Deck
- To RA
Templates edit
Template:UBX-GNSO-C, Template:UBX-NEWGTLD, Template:UBX-ASO-C, Template:UBX-NTAG-C, Template:UBX-NTAG-P, Template:UBX-ALAC-C
Technical edit
- Sponsor collapsibility in left-hand menu info here
- URL Shortening: Yourls, Lifehacker article
- Add LinkedIn to sidebar under Follow Us
- possible useful extension to globally replace text [2]
gTLD Coverage Pages edit
Articles ready for sponsorship:
- Batching
- GeoTLD
- Independent Objector
- Trademark Clearinghouse
- String Similarity Panel
- Financial Evaluation Panel
- Technical Evaluation Panel
- Geographic Names Panel
- DNS Stability Panel
Articles to Create:
- GAC Advice - and applicants receiving it
- Withdrawn Applications - Lets make this a category page
- Application Objections
- page for all of the "generic company ending" type apps, like .inc, .llc, .gmbh, .corp, .llp, .group, .ltd, .enterprises, .foundation, .solutions and any others we can think of
Conferences edit
Past Conference Coordination edit
ICANNWiki: Content Guide | Documentation | Development Categories: Articles needing attention | Candidates for deletion Projects: Internet & Digital Governance Library