2018 Nominating Committee
The 2018 Nominating Committee (NomCom) was convened at the conclusion of the ICANN Annual General Meeting (AGM) at ICANN 60 in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. The group selected eight leadership positions within ICANN.[1]
Selections[edit | edit source]
The 2018 Nominating Committee announced its' selections of a total of eight leadership positions on 2 August 2018, including three Board Members, two ALAC representatives, two ccNSO Council members and one GNSO Council member.[2]
ICANN Board of Directors[edit | edit source]
- Rafael Ibarra, Latin America / Caribbean Islands
- Tripti Sinha, North America
- Danko Jevtovich*, Europe
*The Nominating Committees original selections for the ICANN Board of Directors included Lousewies van der Laan. The committee announced its updated selection after Van Der Laan announced she would be unable to extend her tenure on the board due to unforeseen family obligations.[3]
At-Large Advisory Committee[edit | edit source]
- Joanna Kulesza, Europe
- Javier Rúa-Jovet, North America
Council of the Country Code Names Supporting Organization (ccNSO)[edit | edit source]
- Laura Margolis, Latin America / Caribbean Islands
- Ajay Data, Asia / Australia / Pacific Islands
Council of the Generic Names Supporting Organization (GNSO)[edit | edit source]
- Erika Mann, Europe
Membership[edit | edit source]
2018 Leadership Members[edit | edit source]
- Zahid Jamil, Chair;
- Damon Ashcraft, Chair Elect;
- Hans Petter Holen, Associate Chair
Committee Members[edit | edit source]
- Alejandro Acosta (RSSAC)
- Nadira Al-Araj (ALAC-AP)
- Alain Bidron (GNSO/ISPCP)
- Jonathan Cohen (IPC<)
- Anriette Esterhuysen (NCUC)
- Theo Geurts (GNSO/Registrars SG)
- Aziz Hilali (ALAC-AF)
- Sandra Hoferichter (ALAC-EU)
- Ole Jacobsen (IETF)
- Brajesh Jain (ASO-AC)
- Cheryl Miller (GNSO/CBUC-Large)
- Jon Nevett (GNSO/Registries SG)
- Pablo Rodriguez (ccNSO)
- Jose Ovidio Salgueiro (ALAC-LAC)
- Danny McPherson (SSAC)
- Jason Sudowski (GNSO/CBUC-Small)
- Leah Symekher (ALAC-NA)
NomCom Support Staff[edit | edit source]
- Joette Youkhanna (Senior Project Manager)
- Jia Kimoto (Project Manager)
- Interim NomCom Staff Support: Christine Willett (Vice President, gTLD Operations), Deborah Owen (NomCom Office Coordinator), Adam Peake (Senior Manager for Civil Society Engagement) and Jared Erwin (Implementation Project Manager)
References[edit | edit source]
- ↑ Nominating Committee 2018 ICANN.org Retrieved 2 January 2018.
- ↑ ICANN 2018 Nominating Committee Announces Updated Selections ICANN.org, 16 September 2018.
- ↑ 2018 Nominating Committee Announces Selections ICANN.org, 2 August 2018.
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