Difference between revisions of "Acronyms"

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(72 intermediate revisions by 3 users not shown)
Line 7: Line 7:
! Acronym !! Organization or Group !! Spanish Translation
! Acronym !! Organization or Group !! Spanish Translation
| AC || [[Advisory Committee]] ||  
| [[AC]] || [[Advisory Committee]] ||  
| AGB || [[Applicant GuideBook]] ||  
| [[ACPA]] || [[Anticybersquatting Consumer Protection Act]] ||  
| [[AFRALO]] || African Regional At-Large Organization ||  
| [[ADNDRC]] || [[Asian Domain Name Dispute Resolution Centre]] ||
| [[AoC]] || [[Affirmations of Commitments]] ||  
| [[AfriNIC]] || The African Network Information Center || Central Africano de Información de Redes
| [[AGB]] || [[Applicant Guidebook]] ||
| [[AFRALO]] ||[[African Regional At-Large Organization]] ||
| [[AfriNIC]] ||[[The African Network Information Center]] || Central Africano de Información de Redes
| [[aiesec]] ||[[International Association of Students in Economic and Commercial Sciences]]||
| [[ALAC]] || [[At-Large Advisory Committee]] || Comité Asesor At-Large
| [[ALAC]] || [[At-Large Advisory Committee]] || Comité Asesor At-Large
Line 19: Line 27:
| [[ALS]] || [[At-Large Structure]] ||  
| [[ALS]] || [[At-Large Structure]] ||  
| [[APNIC]] || The Asia Pacific Network Information Centre || Centro de Información de Redes del Pacifico Asiático
| [[APNIC]] ||[[The Asia Pacific Network Information Centre]] || Centro de Información de Redes del Pacifico Asiático
| [[APNGC]] || [[Asia Pacific Next Generation Camp]] ||
| [[APrIGF]] || Asia Pacific regional Internet Governance Forum ||
| [[APrIGF]] || Asia Pacific regional Internet Governance Forum ||
Line 25: Line 35:
| [[APRALO]] || Asia Pacific Regional At-Large Organization ||  
| [[APRALO]] || Asia Pacific Regional At-Large Organization ||  
| [[APRICOT]] || Asia Pacific Regional Internet Conference on Operational Technologies ||
| [[APT]]  || Asia Pacific Telecommunity ||
| [[APTI]]  || Asociația pentru Tehnologie și Internet ||
| [[ARIN]] || American Registry for Internet Numbers || Reg. Norteamericano de Números de Internet
| [[ARIN]] || American Registry for Internet Numbers || Reg. Norteamericano de Números de Internet
| [[AROS]] || Automated Registrar Onboarding System||  
| [[AROS]] || Automated Registrar Onboarding System||  
| [[ASN]] || [[Autonomous System Number]] ||
| [[ASO]] || [[Address Supporting Organization]] || Organización de Apoyo Para Direcciones
| [[ASO]] || [[Address Supporting Organization]] || Organización de Apoyo Para Direcciones
| [[ASOAC]] || [[Address Supporting Organization Address Council]] ||
| ASOAC || [[ASO#Address Council|Address Council]] ||
| [[ATRT]] || [[Accountability and Transparency Review Team]]
| [[BAMC]] || [[Board Accountability Mechanisms Committee]] ||  
| [[BAMC]] || [[Board Accountability Mechanisms Committee]] ||  
Line 38: Line 58:
| [[BGC]] || [[Board Governance Committee]] ||  
| [[BGC]] || [[Board Governance Committee]] ||  
| [[BIND]] || [[Berkeley Internet Name Domain]] ||
| [[BIPA]] || [[Barbados Information & Communications Technology Professionals Association]] ||
| [[BTC]] || [[Board Technical Committee]] ||  
| [[BTC]] || [[Board Technical Committee]] ||  
| [[CADNA]] || [[Coalition Against Domain Name Abuse]] ||
| [[CCAOI]] || Cyber Cafe Association Of India ||  
| [[CCAOI]] || Cyber Cafe Association Of India ||  
| [[CDN]] || Content Delivery Networks ||
| [[CLDP]] || Commercial Law Development program ||  
| [[CLDP]] || Commercial Law Development program ||  
| [[ccNSO]] || Country-Code Names Supporting Organization || Organización de Apoyo Nombres de Dominio con Código de País
| [[ccNSO]] || Country-Code Names Supporting Organization || Organización de Apoyo Nombres de Dominio con Código de País
| [[CNIC]] ||Computer Network Information Center ||
| [[COP]] ||Community Onboarding Pilot Program ||
| [[CPIF]] ||Consensus Policy Implementation Framework ||
| [[ccTLD]] || Country-Code Top Level Domain || Dominio de Alto Nivel con Código de País
| [[ccTLD]] || Country-Code Top Level Domain || Dominio de Alto Nivel con Código de País
Line 59: Line 93:
| [[CRISP]] || Consolidated RIR IANA Stewardship Proposal ||
| [[CRISP]] || Consolidated RIR IANA Stewardship Proposal ||
| [[CROP]] || Council Of  Regional Organizations in the Pacific ||
| [[CPE]] || Community Priority Evaluation ||
| [[CSC]] || [[Customer Standing Committee]] ||
| [[CSC]] || [[Customer Standing Committee]] ||
| [[CSG]] || [[Commercial Stakeholder Group]] ||
| [[CSG]] || [[Commercial Stakeholder Group]] ||
| [[CTU]] || [[Caribbean Telecommunications Union]] ||
| [[CZDS]] || [[Centralized Zonefile Data System]] ||
| [[DMLA]] || [[Dominios Latinoamérica]] || Dominios Latinoamérica
| [[DMLA]] || [[Dominios Latinoamérica]] || Dominios Latinoamérica
Line 69: Line 111:
| [[DNSSEC]] || [[Domain Name System Security Extensions]] || Domain Name System extensions  
| [[DNSSEC]] || [[Domain Name System Security Extensions]] || Domain Name System extensions  
| [[EURALO]] || [[European Regional At-Large Organization]] ||
| [[DRDWG]] || [[Delegation Re-delegation and Retirement Working Group]] || Delegation Re-delegation and Retirement Working Group
| [[DSCI]] || [[Data Security Council of India]] ||
| [[EAI]] || [[email Address Internationalization]] ||
| [[EBERO]] || [[Emergency Back-End Registry Operators]] ||
| [[EPP]] || [[Extensible Provisioning Protocol ]] ||
| [[EPDP]] || [[Expedited Policy Development Process ]] ||
| [[EPIC]] || [[Electronic Privacy Information Centre]] ||
| [[EPSRP]] || [[Extended Process Similarity Review Panel ]] ||
| [[EPSRP]] || [[Extended Process Similarity Review Panel ]] ||
| [[ERM]] || [[Enterprise Risk Management ]] ||
| [[ETA]] || [[Electronic Transactions Act]] ||
| [[ETSI]] || [[European Telecommunications Standards Institute ]] ||
| [[EUROSSIG]] || [[European Summer School on Internet Governance ]] ||
| [[EURODIG]] || [[European Dialogue on Internet Governance ]] ||
| [[EWG]] || [[Expert Working Group ]] ||
| [[EWG]] || [[Expert Working Group ]] ||
|-                | [[EURALO]] || [[European Regional At-Large Organization]] ||
| [[FOA]] || [[Form Of Authorization ]] ||
| [[FOSSFA]] || [[Free Software and Open Source Foundation ]] ||
| [[FOSSFA]] || [[Free Software and Open Source Foundation ]] ||
| [[FBSC]] || [[Foundation for Building Sustainable Communities ]] ||
| [[FSE]] || [[Full Time Staff Equivalent ]] ||
| [[FSE]] || [[Full Time Staff Equivalent ]] ||
| [[FTTC]] || [[Fibre To The Curb ]] ||
| [[FTTH]] || [[Fibre To The Home ]] ||
| [[FTTP]] || [[Fibre To The Premises ]] ||
| [[FTTN]] || [[Fibre To The Node ]] ||
| [[GAC]] || [[Governmental Advisory Committee]] || Comité Asesor Gubernamental
| [[GAC]] || [[Governmental Advisory Committee]] || Comité Asesor Gubernamental
| [[GCCS]] || [[Global Conference on Cyberspace]] ||
| [[GDD]] || [[Global Domains Division]] ||  
| [[GDD]] || [[Global Domains Division]] ||  
| [[GDDIS]] || [[Global Domains Division Industry Summit]] ||
| [[GDPR]] || [[General Data Protection Regulation]] ||  
| [[GDPR]] || [[General Data Protection Regulation]] ||  
Line 98: Line 179:
| [[IANA]] || [[Internet Assigned Numbers Authority]] || Autoridad de Números Asignados en Internet
| [[IANA]] || [[Internet Assigned Numbers Authority]] || Autoridad de Números Asignados en Internet
| [[ICA]] || Internet Commerce Association ||
| [[ICANN]] || Internet Corporation For Assigned Names and Numbers || Corporación para la Asignación de Nombres y Números en Internet
| [[ICANN]] || Internet Corporation For Assigned Names and Numbers || Corporación para la Asignación de Nombres y Números en Internet
| [[ICANNITHI]] || ICANN Identifier Technology Health Indicators||
| [[ICG]] || IANA Stewardship Transition Coordination Group
| [[ICG]] || IANA Stewardship Transition Coordination Group
| [[IDN]] || [[Internationalized Domain Name]] || Nombres de Dominio Internacionalizado
| [[IDN]] || [[Internationalized Domain Name]] || Nombres de Dominio Internacionalizado
| [[IDRC]] || [[International Development Research Center]] || 
| [[IESA]] || [[India Electronics & Semiconductor Association ]] ||
| [[IESG]] || [[Internet Engineering Steering Group]] ||
| [[IETF]] || [[Internet Engineering Task Force]] || Grupo de Trabajo en Ingeniería de Internet
| [[IETF]] || [[Internet Engineering Task Force]] || Grupo de Trabajo en Ingeniería de Internet
| [[IG]] || [[Internet Governance]] ||
| [[IGF]] || [[Internet Governance Forum]] ||  
| [[IGF]] || [[Internet Governance Forum]] ||  
| [[IGCJ]] || [[Internet Governance Conference Japan]] ||
| [[IGFSA]] || [[Internet Governance Forum Support Association]] ||
| [[IGO]] || [[International Governmental Organizations]] ||
| [[IFAP]] || [[International Frogans Address Pattern]] ||
| [[INGO]] || [[International Non Governmental Organizations]] ||
| [[inSIG]] || [[India School of Internet Governance]] ||
| [[inSIG]] || [[India School of Internet Governance]] ||
| [[INTA]] || [[International Trademark Association ]] ||
| [[IOO]] || [[ICANN'S Office of Ombudsman ]] ||
| [[IOO]] || [[ICANN'S Office of Ombudsman ]] ||
Line 118: Line 223:
| [[IPN]] || [[Interplanetary Internet]] || computer network in space, consisting of a set of network nodes that can communicate with each other
| [[IPN]] || [[Interplanetary Internet]] || computer network in space, consisting of a set of network nodes that can communicate with each other
| [[IPT]] || [[Implementation Project Team]] ||
| [[IPv4]] || Internet Protocol Version 4 ||
| [[IPv4]] || Internet Protocol Version 4 ||
Line 124: Line 231:
| [[IRP]] || Independent Review Process ||
| [[IRP]] || Independent Review Process ||
| [[IRR]] || Internet Routing Registry ||
| [[IRTP]] || Inter-Registrar Transfer Policy||
| [[ISOC]] || The Internet Society || Sociedad de Internet  
| [[ISOC]] || The Internet Society || Sociedad de Internet  
Line 130: Line 241:
| [[ISPCPP]] || Internet Service Provider And Connectivity Providers Constituency ||
| [[ISPCPP]] || Internet Service Provider And Connectivity Providers Constituency ||
| [[ITU]] || International Telecommunications Union ||
| [[IVLP]] || International Visitors Leadership program ||
| [[JCF]] || [[Joint European Submicron Silicon Initiative Common Framework ]] ||
| [[JNC]] || [[Just Net Coalition]] || Coalición Just Net
| [[JNC]] || [[Just Net Coalition]] || Coalición Just Net
Line 140: Line 257:
| [[LACRALO]] || Latin American And Caribbean Islands Regional At-Large Organization ||
| [[LACRALO]] || Latin American And Caribbean Islands Regional At-Large Organization ||
| [[LORA]] || Long Range||
| [[LORAWAN]] || Long Range Wide Area Network ||
| [[LPWAN]] || Low Power Wide Area Network ||
| [[MEAC-SIG]] || Middle East and Adjoining Countries School on Internet Governance ||
| [[MESWG]] || Middle East Strategy Working Group ||
| [[MESWG]] || Middle East Strategy Working Group ||
| [[MPC]] || Meeting program Committee ||
| [[MSAG]] || Multi Stake Holder Advisory Group ||
| [[MSAG]] || Multi Stake Holder Advisory Group ||
| [[MSWG]] || Meeting Strategy Working Group ||
| [[MTCIT]] || Minister of Transport, Communication and IT  ||
| [[NARALO]] || North American Regional At-Large Organization ||
| [[NARALO]] || North American Regional At-Large Organization ||
Line 153: Line 284:
| [[NIRA]] || [[Nigeria Internet Research Association]] ||
| [[NIRA]] || [[Nigeria Internet Research Association]] ||
| [[NOMCOM]] || Nomination Committee ||
| [[NOMCOM]] || [[Nomination Committee]] ||
| [[NPOC]] || Not-For-Profit Operational Concerns Constituency ||
| [[NPOC]] || Not-For-Profit Operational Concerns Constituency ||
Line 159: Line 290:
| [[NRO]] || [[Number Resource Organization]] ||  
| [[NRO]] || [[Number Resource Organization]] ||  
| [[NTIA]] || National Telecommunications and Information Administration ||
| [[NTIA]] || [[National Telecommunications and Information Administration]] ||
| [[NIXI]] || National Internet Exchange Of India ||
| [[NIXI]] || [[National Internet Exchange Of India]] ||
| [[OC]] || [[ Operational Communities ]] ||
| [[OSC]] || Operations Steering Committee ||
| [[OSC]] || [[Operations Steering Committee ]] ||
| [[PDP]] || [[Policy Development Process]] || Proceso de Desarrollo de PolIticas
| [[PCRT]] || [[Public-Comment Review Tool]]
| [[PDDRP]] || [[Post-Delegation Dispute Resolution Procedure]]
| [[PDP]] || [[Policy Development Process]] || Proceso de Desarrollo de PolIticas ||
| [[PICISOC]] || [[Pacific Islands Chapter Of Internet Society]] ||
| [[PICISOC]] || [[Pacific Islands Chapter Of Internet Society]] ||
Line 171: Line 308:
| [[PTI]] || [[Public Technical Identifiers]] ||
| [[PTI]] || [[Public Technical Identifiers]] ||
| [[RAA]] || Registrar Accreditation Agreement ||  
| [[RAA]] || [[Registrar Accreditation Agreement]] ||  
| [[RAMS]] || Registry Assignment and Maintenance Systems  ||  
| [[RAMS]] || [[Registry Assignment and Maintenance Systems]] ||  
| [[RALO]] || Regional At-Large Organisations ||  
| [[RALO]] || [[Regional At-Large Organisations]] ||  
| [[RDAP]] || Registry Data Access Protocol ||  
| [[RDAP]] || [[Registry Data Access Protocol]] ||  
| [[RDS]] || Registration Data Services ||  
| [[RDS]] || [[Registration Data Services]] ||  
| [[RIPE NCC]] || Reseux IP Europeens || RIR de Europa y Medio Oriente
| [[RIPE NCC]] || [[Reseux IP Europeens]] || RIR de Europa y Medio Oriente
| [[RIR]] || [[Regional Internet Registry]] || Registro Regional de Internet
| [[RIR]] || [[Regional Internet Registry]] || Registro Regional de Internet
| [[RNIDS]] || [[Serbian National Internet Domain Registry ]] ||
| [[RRI]] || [[Registration Reporting Interface]] ||
| [[RrSG]] || [[Registrar Stakeholder Group]] ||
| [[RrSG]] || [[Registrar Stakeholder Group]] ||
Line 198: Line 339:
| [[RZ-LGR]] || [[Root Zone Label Generation Rules]] ||
| [[RZ-LGR]] || [[Root Zone Label Generation Rules]] ||
| [[SCWG]] || [[Separation Cross-Community Working Group]] ||
| [[SCOPE]] || [[Strategic Community Operations, Planning and Engagement]] ||
| [[SDMX]] || [[Statistical Data and Metadata eXchange]] ||
| [[SEEDIG]] || [[ South Eastern European Dialogue on Internet Governance]] ||
| [[SLE]] || Service Level Expectations ||
| [[SO]] || Supporting Organization || Organizaciones de Apoyo
| [[SO]] || Supporting Organization || Organizaciones de Apoyo
Line 204: Line 355:
| [[SSIG]] || [[South School on Internet Governance]] || Escuela del Sur de Gobernanza de Internet
| [[SSIG]] || [[South School on Internet Governance]] || Escuela del Sur de Gobernanza de Internet
| [[STEM]] || [[Science Technology Engineering Mathematics]] ||
| [[TCI]] || [[Technical Centre of Internet]] || Russian registries
| [[TCI]] || [[Technical Centre of Internet]] || Russian registries
| [[TCoE]] || [[Telecom Centres of Excellence]] ||
| [[TDRP]] || [[Transfer Dispute Resolution Policy]] ||
| [[TEAC]] || [[Transfer Emergency Action Contact]] ||
| [[TF-AIDN]] || [[Task Force on Arabic Script Internationalized Domain Names]] ||
| [[TF]] || [[Task Force]] ||
| [[TF]] || [[Task Force]] ||
Line 212: Line 373:
| [[TLG]] || [[Technical Liaison Group]] ||
| [[TLG]] || [[Technical Liaison Group]] ||
| [[TMCH]] || [[Trademark Clearinghouse]] ||
| [[T&M]] || [[Travel and Meetings]] ||
| [[T&M]] || [[Travel and Meetings]] ||
| [[TSDSI]] || [[Telecommunications Standards Development Society, India]] ||
| [[TTIGF]] || [[Trinidad and Tobago Internet Governance Forum]]  
| [[TTIGF]] || [[Trinidad and Tobago Internet Governance Forum]]  
| [[TTMAG]] || [[Trinidad and Tobago Multistakeholder Advisory Group ]]
| [[UASG]] || [[Universal Acceptance Steering Group]] ||
| [[UDRP]] || [[Uniform Dispute Resolution Policy]] || Política Uniforme de Resolución de Disputas
| [[UDRP]] || [[Uniform Dispute Resolution Policy]] || Política Uniforme de Resolución de Disputas
| [[URS]] || [[Uniform Rapid Suspension]] ||
| [[URS]] || [[Uniform Rapid Suspension System]] ||
| [[USSEC]] || [[U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission]] ||
| [[W3C]] || [[World Wide Web Consortium]] || World Wide Web Consortium
| [[W3C]] || [[World Wide Web Consortium]] || World Wide Web Consortium
| [[WIC]] || [[World Internet Conference]] ||
| [[WIPO]] || [[World Intellectual Property Organization]] || Organización Mundial de Propiedad Intelectual
| [[WIPO]] || [[World Intellectual Property Organization]] || Organización Mundial de Propiedad Intelectual
| [[WSIS]] || [[World Summit on the Information Society]] ||
[[Category:Loose initiatives]]

Latest revision as of 18:54, 7 May 2024

This acronym list, or something similar, is found in every copy of the ICANNWiki Quick Guide.

Spanish translations provided courtesy of the South School on Internet Governance and Dominios Latinoamérica.

Acronym Organization or Group Spanish Translation
AC Advisory Committee
ACPA Anticybersquatting Consumer Protection Act
ADNDRC Asian Domain Name Dispute Resolution Centre
AoC Affirmations of Commitments
AGB Applicant Guidebook
AFRALO African Regional At-Large Organization
AfriNIC The African Network Information Center Central Africano de Información de Redes
aiesec International Association of Students in Economic and Commercial Sciences
ALAC At-Large Advisory Committee Comité Asesor At-Large
ALS At-Large Structure
APNIC The Asia Pacific Network Information Centre Centro de Información de Redes del Pacifico Asiático
APNGC Asia Pacific Next Generation Camp
APrIGF Asia Pacific regional Internet Governance Forum
APRALO Asia Pacific Regional At-Large Organization
APRICOT Asia Pacific Regional Internet Conference on Operational Technologies
APT Asia Pacific Telecommunity
APTI Asociația pentru Tehnologie și Internet
ARIN American Registry for Internet Numbers Reg. Norteamericano de Números de Internet
AROS Automated Registrar Onboarding System
ASN Autonomous System Number
ASO Address Supporting Organization Organización de Apoyo Para Direcciones
ASOAC Address Council
ATRT Accountability and Transparency Review Team
BAMC Board Accountability Mechanisms Committee
BC Business Constituency
BGC Board Governance Committee
BIND Berkeley Internet Name Domain
BIPA Barbados Information & Communications Technology Professionals Association
BTC Board Technical Committee
CADNA Coalition Against Domain Name Abuse
CCAOI Cyber Cafe Association Of India
CDN Content Delivery Networks
CLDP Commercial Law Development program
ccNSO Country-Code Names Supporting Organization Organización de Apoyo Nombres de Dominio con Código de País
CNIC Computer Network Information Center
COP Community Onboarding Pilot Program
CPIF Consensus Policy Implementation Framework
ccTLD Country-Code Top Level Domain Dominio de Alto Nivel con Código de País
CCT Competition, Consumer Trust and Consumer Choice
CCWG AACT Cross community working groups on Enhancing ICANN Accountability
CCWG Cross community working groups
CENTR Council of European National Top Level Domain Registries association of European Internet country code top-level domain registries
CRISP Consolidated RIR IANA Stewardship Proposal
CROP Council Of Regional Organizations in the Pacific
CPE Community Priority Evaluation
CSC Customer Standing Committee
CSG Commercial Stakeholder Group
CTU Caribbean Telecommunications Union
CZDS Centralized Zonefile Data System
DMLA Dominios Latinoamérica Dominios Latinoamérica
DNS Domain Name System Sistema de Nombres de Dominio
DNSSEC Domain Name System Security Extensions Domain Name System extensions
DRDWG Delegation Re-delegation and Retirement Working Group Delegation Re-delegation and Retirement Working Group
DSCI Data Security Council of India
EAI email Address Internationalization
EBERO Emergency Back-End Registry Operators
EPP Extensible Provisioning Protocol
EPDP Expedited Policy Development Process
EPIC Electronic Privacy Information Centre
EPSRP Extended Process Similarity Review Panel
ERM Enterprise Risk Management
ETA Electronic Transactions Act
ETSI European Telecommunications Standards Institute
EUROSSIG European Summer School on Internet Governance
EURODIG European Dialogue on Internet Governance
EWG Expert Working Group
FOA Form Of Authorization
FOSSFA Free Software and Open Source Foundation
FBSC Foundation for Building Sustainable Communities
FSE Full Time Staff Equivalent
FTTC Fibre To The Curb
FTTH Fibre To The Home
FTTP Fibre To The Premises
FTTN Fibre To The Node
GAC Governmental Advisory Committee Comité Asesor Gubernamental
GCCS Global Conference on Cyberspace
GDD Global Domains Division
GDDIS Global Domains Division Industry Summit
GDPR General Data Protection Regulation
GNSO Generic Names Supporting Organization Organización de Apoyo para Nombres Genéricos
GSE Global Stakeholder Engagement
gTLD Generic Top-Level Domain Dominio Genérico de Alto Nivel
GeoTLD Geographic Top-Level Domain
HRIL WG Human Rights and International Law Working Group
IAB Internet Architecture Board
IANA Internet Assigned Numbers Authority Autoridad de Números Asignados en Internet
ICA Internet Commerce Association
ICANN Internet Corporation For Assigned Names and Numbers Corporación para la Asignación de Nombres y Números en Internet
ICANNITHI ICANN Identifier Technology Health Indicators
ICG IANA Stewardship Transition Coordination Group
IDN Internationalized Domain Name Nombres de Dominio Internacionalizado
IDRC International Development Research Center
IESA India Electronics & Semiconductor Association
IESG Internet Engineering Steering Group
IETF Internet Engineering Task Force Grupo de Trabajo en Ingeniería de Internet
IG Internet Governance
IGF Internet Governance Forum
IGCJ Internet Governance Conference Japan
IGFSA Internet Governance Forum Support Association
IGO International Governmental Organizations
IFAP International Frogans Address Pattern
INGO International Non Governmental Organizations
inSIG India School of Internet Governance
INTA International Trademark Association
IOO ICANN'S Office of Ombudsman
IP Internet Protocol Protocolo de Internet
IPC Intellectual Property Constituency
IPN Interplanetary Internet computer network in space, consisting of a set of network nodes that can communicate with each other
IPT Implementation Project Team
IPv4 Internet Protocol Version 4
IPv6 Internet Protocol Version 6
IRP Independent Review Process
IRR Internet Routing Registry
IRTP Inter-Registrar Transfer Policy
ISOC The Internet Society Sociedad de Internet
ISP Internet Service Provider Proveedor de Servicios de Internet
ISPCPP Internet Service Provider And Connectivity Providers Constituency
ITU International Telecommunications Union
IVLP International Visitors Leadership program
JCF Joint European Submicron Silicon Initiative Common Framework
JNC Just Net Coalition Coalición Just Net
KISA Korean & Internet Security Agency
KSK Key Signing Key
LACNIC Latin America and Caribbean Internet Addresses Registry Registro de Direcciones de Internet Latinoamericano y del Caribe
LACRALO Latin American And Caribbean Islands Regional At-Large Organization
LORA Long Range
LORAWAN Long Range Wide Area Network
LPWAN Low Power Wide Area Network
MEAC-SIG Middle East and Adjoining Countries School on Internet Governance
MESWG Middle East Strategy Working Group
MPC Meeting program Committee
MSAG Multi Stake Holder Advisory Group
MSWG Meeting Strategy Working Group
MTCIT Minister of Transport, Communication and IT
NARALO North American Regional At-Large Organization
NCSG Non-Commercial Stakeholder Group
NCUC Non-Commercial Users Constituency
NIRA Nigeria Internet Research Association
NOMCOM Nomination Committee
NPOC Not-For-Profit Operational Concerns Constituency
NRO Number Resource Organization
NTIA National Telecommunications and Information Administration
NIXI National Internet Exchange Of India
OC Operational Communities
OSC Operations Steering Committee
PCRT Public-Comment Review Tool
PDDRP Post-Delegation Dispute Resolution Procedure
PDP Policy Development Process Proceso de Desarrollo de PolIticas
PICISOC Pacific Islands Chapter Of Internet Society
PTI Public Technical Identifiers
RAA Registrar Accreditation Agreement
RAMS Registry Assignment and Maintenance Systems
RALO Regional At-Large Organisations
RDAP Registry Data Access Protocol
RDS Registration Data Services
RIPE NCC Reseux IP Europeens RIR de Europa y Medio Oriente
RIR Regional Internet Registry Registro Regional de Internet
RNIDS Serbian National Internet Domain Registry
RRI Registration Reporting Interface
RrSG Registrar Stakeholder Group
RySG Registry Stakeholder Group
RSSAC Root Server System Advisory Committee
RSEP Registry Services Evaluation Process
RZERC Root Zone Evaluation Review Committe
RZMA Root Zone Maintainer Agreement
RZ-LGR Root Zone Label Generation Rules
SCWG Separation Cross-Community Working Group
SCOPE Strategic Community Operations, Planning and Engagement
SDMX Statistical Data and Metadata eXchange
SEEDIG South Eastern European Dialogue on Internet Governance
SLE Service Level Expectations
SO Supporting Organization Organizaciones de Apoyo
SSAC Security, Stability, and Resiliency Advisory Committee Comité Asesor de Seguridad y Estabilidad
SSIG South School on Internet Governance Escuela del Sur de Gobernanza de Internet
STEM Science Technology Engineering Mathematics
TCI Technical Centre of Internet Russian registries
TCoE Telecom Centres of Excellence
TDRP Transfer Dispute Resolution Policy
TEAC Transfer Emergency Action Contact
TF-AIDN Task Force on Arabic Script Internationalized Domain Names
TF Task Force
TLD Top Level Domain Dominio de Alto Nivel
TLG Technical Liaison Group
TMCH Trademark Clearinghouse
T&M Travel and Meetings
TSDSI Telecommunications Standards Development Society, India
TTIGF Trinidad and Tobago Internet Governance Forum
TTMAG Trinidad and Tobago Multistakeholder Advisory Group
UASG Universal Acceptance Steering Group
UDRP Uniform Dispute Resolution Policy Política Uniforme de Resolución de Disputas
URS Uniform Rapid Suspension System
USSEC U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
W3C World Wide Web Consortium World Wide Web Consortium
WIC World Internet Conference
WIPO World Intellectual Property Organization Organización Mundial de Propiedad Intelectual
WSIS World Summit on the Information Society