Batch 1

  1. CityLink-CP - Great job on your first article! Please see the comment about referencing on your talk page. Also, please add a logo to the company template. That is not an optional field.
  2. Clarity Consulting- try breaking up those big first paragraphs and making them into their own sections.
  3. Computerwire-CP - Your references don't seem to be accurate. I can't find much of the information you have written in the links. Make sure your references accurately reflect the information you have written. It is important that this be done properly.
  4. Cordance - What is OASIS? explain.
  5. Council of Country Code Administrators- These are some stats worth mentioning here, also explain the connection between the org and Minds + Machines/Antony Van Couvering
  6. There are not enough references in this article (the whole middle section is missing them), and that makes me worry about copy and paste issues. please fix
  8. Consulintel- Please note the marketing spin that this article has as is. While there may not be many other sources available, the article pretty much turns out as a copy of the site, with identical lists from their site repoduced on ours. This is a tricky area. I will soon delete some of the offending sections so you can see how to make an article from a better Neutral Point of View. -AM
  9. Easy Internet Services-AM
  10. Core Competence-AM
  11. EDventure Holdings, Inc- Good article. Please include information on Esther Dyson's history with ICANN
  12. Datacenter Group- Use the logo found here, as the current one is for the wrong division of the company. Use this, and other similar sources to get some history on the company's founding and its ties to Xavier Buck.
  13. VoipGATE-CP - Most sections are lacking references. Please fix.
  14. DomainCocoon-CP - Deleted irrelevant and marketing information.
  15. Domain Capital-CP
  16. Dipcon-CP
  17. Dot FM-CP
  18. Dreams Online-CP - first section needs referencing.
  19. Diversinet-CP
  20. DomainMart-CP - references needed.
  21. DomainTheNet-AM
  22. DotMobi-AM
  23. DotPH
  24. DomainPeople
  25. DotAlliance
  26. DotBerlin
  27. - The top sections need references.
  28. DotVN
  29. Domaindiscount24
  30. Domaininfo
  31. Dot TK
  32. Inc.
  33. Dynamic Network Services, Inc.
  34. Comodo
  35. DomainNews
  36. EBay
  37. DomainIt
  38. Vendare Media
  39. YesDirect
  40. WEBCC
  41. Westlake Consulting
  42. Yahoo
  43. WTO
  44. W3Bank Internet Teknolojileri
  46. DN Sale Price
  47. Zeno Group
  48. WIPO
  49. WHIR - The Web Host Industry Review
  50. TCRA - Tanzania Communications Regulatory Authority
  51. Thomsen Trampedach
  52. TlNIC - Timor-Leste Network Information Center
  53. TW-NIC