Batch 1

  1. CityLink-AM
  2. Clarity Consulting- AM
  3. Computerwire-AM
  4. Cordance - AM
  5. Council of Country Code Administrators- AM
  8. Consulintel- AM
  9. Easy Internet Services-AM
  10. Core Competence-AM
  11. EDventure Holdings, Inc-AM
  12. Datacenter Group- AM
  13. VoipGATE-AM
  14. DomainCocoon-CP
  15. Domain Capital-CP
  16. Dipcon-CP
  17. Dot FM-CP
  18. Dreams Online-AM
  19. Diversinet-CP
  20. DomainMart-AM
  21. DomainTheNet-AM
  22. DotMobi-AM
  23. DotPH-AM
  24. DomainPeople- AM
  25. DotAlliance-AM
  26. DotBerlin-AM
  28. DotVN-AM
  29. Domaindiscount24
  30. Domaininfo-AM
  31. Dot TK-AM
  32. Inc.-AM
  33. Dynamic Network Services, Inc.- AM
  34. Comodo- AM
  35. DomainNews-AM
  36. EBay- AM
  37. DomainIt-AM
  38. Vendare Media- AM
  39. YesDirect-AM
  40. WEBCC-AM
  41. Westlake Consulting-Can you provide details on their findings? What were their conclusions and recommendations?
  42. Yahoo-CP - AM
  43. WTO - CP -This is confusing; can you integrate the Uruguay information into the history section, and actually explain what the uruguay round was?
  44. W3Bank Internet Teknolojileri - Where did this info come from? none of those sources are working
  45. - CP
  46. DN Sale Price-AM
  47. Zeno Group-CP
  48. WIPO-There is a lot of communication and cross-over between WIPO and ICANN; please include an ICANN section, it should be rather extensive.
  49. WHIR - AM
  50. TCRA - CP - find better source than Wikipedia---[have replaced Wikipedia source and have added some more references(Anaya)]
  51. Thomsen Trampedach
  52. TlNIC - Timor-Leste Network Information Center
  53. TW-NIC