30+ Club

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Amadeu Abril i Abril
José Arce
Sébastien Bachollet
Beau Brendler
Mr. Abril i Abril is is a professor at ESADE Law School, Ramon Llull University in Barcelona. He teaches European Union Law, Competition Law, and IT Law. He also serves as a secretary to the Competition Law & Policy Section of the Barcelona Bar where he was admitted in 1985. He has played a significant role in the DNS reform process which resulted in the existence of ICANN and he is considered as one of the pioneers of Internet...Read More
Mr. Arce is a lawyer in the judicial province of Cordoba, Argentina. He specializes in cyber-crime, and online dispute resolution. He has been a fellow at numerous ICANN conferences, and is the current President and Chair of LACRALO...Read more
Mr. Bachollet is the founding CEO of BBS International Consulting, trading since June 2004, which handles consultancy in the Information Systems arena with a particular emphasis on Internet technologies. He was elected to the ICANN Board of Directors as the At-Large selected Board Member, he first took up this position at ICANN's 2010 Cartegna conference. Sébastien Bachollet believes in an open Internet, recognizes that current legislative bodies are often unable to solve the problems international audiences face, and in a governing body that isn't fully entrenched in the U.S. Department of Commerce...Read More
Mr. Brendler is an international online fraud expert, consumer advocate, acclaimed journalist, non-profit executive, and a prominent participant in ICANN. He is a former Chair of NARALO...Read More
Marilyn CadeC.jpg
Keith D.jpg
Calvin Browne
Marilyn Cade
Sabine Dolderer
Keith Drazek
South Africa
Mr. Browne is a Director of UniForum SA. He handles the responsibilities of Financial Director, Vice Chairperson of the board and Joint spokesperson. Mr. Browne is also a founder, director and shareholder in Domain Name Services. He is overseeing UniForum's ZA Central Registry (ZACR), trading as Registry.Africa, which is the African Union supported applicant for the .africa TLD...Read More
Ms. Cade is a longtime representative within ICANN's Business Constituency and a Consultant on issues related to Internet policy matters: Internet Governance, ICANN, NGN, Internet connectivity/International Internet connectivity, IPv6; DNSSEC; Cyber Security, protecting kids online, and social networks..Read more
Ms. Dolderer is the CEO at DENIC eG. She served as Director and Member of the Executive Board at DENIC eG Prior to April 2007, and was responsible for the business and technical services for the .de registry. Sabine has been with DENIC since its inception in 1994, when it was managed by the University of Karlsruhe computing center, and through its founding as a cooperative in 1997...Read More
Mr. Drazek is is the Director of Policy at Verisign. He is a member of the gTLD Registries Stakeholder Group and the Vertical Integration PDP Working Group. Earlier, he was the Director of Government and Industry Relations at NeuStar, where he was responsible for ICANN relations. He represented North America on the ccNSO Council in the years 2006, 2007, and 2008. He was nominated again in 2010-11...Read More
Jorge Etges
Khaled Fattal
Demi Getschko
Hartmut Richard Glaser
43 meetings
Mr. Etges is the Owner of Polo Consultores Associados, and represents IT Trend Consulting at ICANN meetings. Jorge is a Trusted Community Representatives of the Backup Recovery Key Share Holders Group at ICANN...Read More
Mr. Fattal is the Chairman & CEO of The Multilingual Internet Group, which includes The Multilingual Internet Consortium (MINC), and a number of other groups. He is also the CEO of International Business Enterprises Limited, or IBE limited, and President of the Waqalat Arbitration Center in New Delhi, India. He is a founding member of AINC (Arabic Internet Names Consortium), and is its acting Executive Director, amongst many other designations...Read More
Mr. Getschko is the Director and President of NIC.br; he has been the administrative contact for .br since 1989, and was part of the team that first brought Internet connectivity to Brazil...Read More
Prof. Hartmut Richard Glaser is currently the Executive Secretary of the Brazilian Internet Steering Committee in Brazil - CGI.br, director of LACNIC, and the treasurer of LACTLD, representative to the Number Resource Organization, and a member of ICANN's NomCom...Read More
Chuck Gomes
43 meetings
Jennifer Gore
Rob Hall
40+ meetings
Daniel Halloran
Circa 37 meetings
Mr. Gomes has worked within Verisign's management since 1984, and he has been the VP of Policy and Compliance since 1999. He is the primary contact at Verisign with regards to ICANN, and he is a former Chairman of ICANN's GNSO Council...Read more
Ms. Gore is an industry veteran, having attended over 35 ICANN meetings, and one of the most historically involved females in the domain industry. She is currently the Director of Policy for Web.com. As a long-time member of the ICANN community, Jennifer has been involved in a number of supporting groups and constituencies, such as the Registry Stakeholder Group. Given her current position with Web.com, she is now working with the Registrar Stakeholder Group. Jennifer Gore is responsible for developing the first hosting solutions used by Network Solutions..Read More
Mr. Hall is the CEO of Momentous and served on ICANN's NomCom as its 2012 Chair Elect. He acts as the Chairman of various Momentous subsidiaries, such as Pool.com and Zip.ca. In 1998, he founded CIRA, the registry in charge of Canada's ccTLD, .ca...Read More
Mr. Halloran is ICANN's Deputy General Counsel. He works with John Jeffrey on all ICANN-related legal matters. His professional area of interest is gTLD registrar and registry matters. Dan is a graduate of Loyola Law School at Loyola Marymount, and has studied at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma of México...Read More
Steve Heflin
Dr. Wolfgang Kleinwächter
42 meetings
Roland LaPlante
David Maher
Dr. Keinwächter is a Professor for International Communication Policy and Regulation within the Department for Media and Information Studies at the University of Aarhus in Denmark. He has been teaching there since 1998. His academic teaching experiences includes work at the Institute for International Studies, University of Leipzig until 1991, the Department for Communication, University of Tampere from 1991 to 1992, and again since 2005, the School of International Services, American University, Washington, D.C, from 1992 to 1994, the Department for Media and Communication Studies, University of Oerebro from 2002 to 2003, the Faculty of Journalism, Moscow State University in 2008, and the Heilbronn Business School in 2008...Read More
Mr. LaPlante is the CMO and Senior Vice President of Afilias; he has held that position since 2001. Mr. LaPlante is on ISOC-Philadelphia's board of directors...Read More
Mr. Maher is the Senior Vice President for Law and Policy of PIR, the .org registry. He is one of the founding members of PIR. He has forty years of experience in Law and Policy. Mr. Maher is a registered patent attorney who specializes in intellectual property, communications and entertainment law. He is admitted to the bar in New York, Illinois, Wisconsin, and the United States Patent and Trademark Office. He is a member of the WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center Panel of Neutrals and of ICANN's Whois Task Force 1 and 2...Read More
Desiree Miloshevic
Ram Mohan
Jacqueline Morris
Jeff Neuman
circa 35 meetings
Trinidad & Tobago
Ms. Miloshevic is the Senior Advisor of International Affairs and Public Policy at Afilias, as well as the Registry Advisor and Representative for Sapphire Networks, the .gi registry, and Chairperson at DoMEn, the .me registry. She is also a Board Member of EURALO, Co-Chair of the Advisory Council at ISOC, and a Visiting Associate at the Oxford Internet Institute...Read More
Mr. Mohan is the Executive Vice President of Business Operations and Chief Technology Officer at Afilias Limited. Ram joined the ICANN Board of Directors as the SSAC's non-voting liaison at the conclusion of the Cairo Meeting in 2008, and he has been appointed to the same position on an annual basis since then. He has worked extensively and led developments on Internet security and internationalization...Read More
Ms. Morris is an Instructor II at the University of Trinidad and Tobago (UTT) and Project Consultant at Media 21 Ltd.. She was on the 2011 NomCom at ICANN, and has been involved in a number of the organization's various bodies as both an officer and participant...Read More
Mr. Neuman is the Vice President of Business Affairs at NeuStar, Inc., and a GNSO councilor at ICANN and Registry Stakeholder Group Vice-Chair. He was previously Neustar's Vice President of Law and Policy...Read More
Ole Jacobsen
Michael Palage
Adam Peake
Alejandro Pisanty
Mr. Jacobsen is the Editor and Publisher of Cisco's The Internet Protocol Journal and he has more than 20 years publishing experience in Internet technical information. He was introduced to networking in 1976. His first involvement was with the Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (NDRE), an early ARPANET site. He serves on the board of the Asia Pacific Internet Association which hosts the annual APRICOT event. In March, 2008, he was appointed by the IESG to serve as a member of the Internet Administrative Oversight Committee. Mr. Jacobsen attends the NANOG, and RIPE community events...Read More
Mr. Palage is an intellectual property attorney and an information technology consultant. He was selected by the Generic Names Supporting Organisation for the ICANN Board, which he served on from April 2003 to April 2006. Mr. Palage currently provides consulting services to domain name registration authorities as the President and CEO of Pharos Global, Inc...Read More
Mr. Peake is an executive research fellow at the Center for Global Communications (GLOCOM), a research institute located in Tokyo.He has been with GLOCOM since 1994 and he currently works on projects related to telecommunications and broadband policy, network and information security, and follow-up activities for the World Summit on the Information Society. He was the 2011 Chair of ICANN's NomCom..Read More
Mr. Pisanty is the Chairman of Board of Corporación Universitaria para el Desarrollo de Internet. He is also the Director of Computing Academic Services at the National Autonomous University of Mexico. He served on the ICANN Board from 1999 to 2003..Read More
Raymond A. Plzak
Nigel Roberts
Glen de Saint Géry
Eduardo Santoyo
Channel Islands
Mr. Plzak is a Member of the ICANN Board of Directors. He was first appointed by the Address Supporting Organization in May, 2009, and his term was extended ahead of the ICANN 44 meeting in June, 2012. Mr. Plzak is also the Chairman of the Structural Improvements Committee, Member of the Board Governance Committee, and a Member of the Risk Committee. He actively participates in the different conferences of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) and the Internet Governance Forum (IGF)..Read more
Mr. Roberts is the Founder, Director, and CEO of the Island Networks group of companies, which run the ccTLD registries for .gg (Guernsey) and .je (Jersey). He was one of the first elected members, representing the ccTLD Constituency, of ICANN's Domain Name Supporting Organisation, the forerunner of today's GNSO and ccNSO. Nigel Roberts has been involved with ICANN since its very beginnings, and took part in the US Government's International Forum on the White Paper in 1998...Read More
Ms. de Saint Géry is ICANN's GNSO's Secretariat, and has worked for ICANN since 2003. Prior to joining ICANN, she worked as a moderator at several meetings, including at the ICANN Brussels Meeting's IRTPB Information and Consultation Session...Read More
Mr. Santoyo is the Corporate Vice President and ccTLD manager at .co Internet S.A.S. Mr. Santoyo has been a long-time participant at ICANN. He has been a general attendee since 2000, and also a founding member of the ccNSO, and a part of the ALAC. He became a founding member of the ccNSO when he was working as the Peruvian ccTLD manager. Staying informed of developments at ICANN and LACTLD is an important part of his continued responsibilities...Read More
Vanda Scartezini
Werner Staub
Ken Stubbs
43 meetings
Dr. S. Subbiah
circa 40 meetings
Ms. Scartezini is an Electronics Engineer. She is Co-Founder and Partner at Polo Consultores, an IT consulting company established in 1985 in Brazil. She has founded other companies, and is an executive member of a number of organizations. She is the current chair of ICANN's NomCom, as well as a member of LACRALO, SSAC, and ALAC...Read More
Mr. Staub is an Executive Committee Member of the CORE Internet Council of Registrars. He is also CORE's Coordinator and Permanent Secretariat. Werner was a panelist at The IGF Workshop on City-TLD Governance and Best Practices, which was held in Vilnius, Lithuania on September 17, 2010. He has been a member of MINC...Read More Mr. Stubbs is the Founding Director of Afilias and is currently a member oits Executive Committee on the Board of Directors. Mr. Stubbs was the Names Council Chair at ICANN and is currently a member of ICANN's Whois Committee. Mr.Stubbs is also the former Chairman of the Executive Committee at CORE. Currently, he is the Chairman of the Policy Advisory Board for dotMobi and is also the owner of Ken Stubbs Internet Consulting...Read More Dr. S. Subbiah is a pioneer of IDN and IDN email who co-invented it with Prof. Tan Tin Wee (ISCO Inuagural Internet Hall of Fame) while leading a team at the National University of Singapore in 1997 to 1998. He coined the term IDN. Chairman of the spin-of company i-dns.net. Formerly a professor at

Stanford University and also the Wistar Institute at University of Pennsylvania. ||

Peter Dengate Thrush
Bruce Tonkin
JC Vignes"""
New Zealand
Mr. Dengate Thrush is a barrister specializing in Internet law, intellectual property, and competition. Mr. Thrush is the former Executive Chairman of Top Level Domain Holdings Ltd., which is the parent company of Minds + Machines. He is a former Chairman of the Board of Directors of ICANN, a positon he held from November, 2007 until June, 2011. During his tenure, Thrush oversaw one of the most important changes to the Internet and TLDs by beginning the process of allowing domains to be registered using non latin characters. He also chaired the Board as they debated and eventually approved the mode for introducing new gTLDs, the .xxx debate, and celebrated ICANN's 10th anniversary. His final ICANN meeting as Chairman, ICANN Singapore, was the historic venue for the approval of the new gTLD process...Read More
Mr. Tonkin is the Chief Strategy Officer of Melbourne IT. He plans the strategies for long term benefit of the company. In June 2011 he was appointed Vice Chair of the ICANN Board.Dr. Tonkin has excused himself from multiple votes on ICANN's new gTLd program as per a conflicts of interest policy passed in 2011 and his employment with a company involved in new gTLD consultancy...Read More
Mr. Vignes is the Founder, Member of the Board, and former CEO of OpenRegistry. He currently serves as Senior Counsel for the domain name practice at French law firm Caprioli & Associés. He is also the Vice-Chair of the Registrar Stakeholder Group at ICANN...Read More