TLD | Applicant | Category | Registry Provider | Priority # | Notes |
一号店 | Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. | Brand gTLD | Verisign | 19 | Chinese (Hans/Simplified) for "Number One Store." |
世界 | Stable Tone Limited | Culture | Neustar | 8 | Chinese (Hans/Simplified) word meaning "world, globe, universe" (or similar). |
中信 | CITIC Group Corporation | Brand gTLD | Applicant-run Registry | 5 | Chinese (Hans/Simplified) for CITIC (China International Trust and Investment Corporation). |
中文网 | TLD REGISTRY LIMITED | Technology | Afilias | 35 | Chinese (Hans/Simplified) for "website." |
亚马逊 | Amazon | Brand gTLD | Neustar | 64 | Chinese (Hans/Simplified) for "Amazon.". Objected to by Independent Objector. |
企业 | Dash McCook, LLC | Commerce | Demand Media | 81 | Chinese (Hans/Simplified) for "enterprise, firm, company." |
佛山 | Guangzhou YU Wei Information Technology Co., Ltd. | GeoTLD | CNNIC | 63 | Chinese (Hans/Simplified) script for Foshan. |
信息 | Beijing Tele-info Network Technology Co., Ltd. | Technology | Afilias | 51 | Chinese (Hans/Simplified) for "knowledge" or "message," in the form suitable for communications, storage, or processing, which is closely related to notions of form, meaning, pattern, perception, representation, and entropy. |
信息 | Afilias | Technology | Afilias | 60 | Chinese (Hans/Simplified) for "info." |
健康 | Stable Tone Limited | Health | Neustar | 68 | Chinese (Hans/Simplified) for "healthy." GAC Early Warning: France, Mali |
八卦 | Zodiac (Zodiac Scorpio Limited) | Lifestyle | KNET | 21 | Chinese (Hans/Simplified) for "gossip." |
公司 | Computer Network Information Center of Chinese (Hans/Simplified) Academy of Sciences ?China Internet Network Information Center? | Commerce | CNNIC | 103 | Chinese (Hans/Simplified) for "business organization," or an association or collection of individual real persons and/or other companies. This group usually has a common focus and an aim of gaining profits. |
公益 | China Organizational Name Administration Center | Commerce | Applicant-run Registry | 46 | Chinese (Hans/Simplified) for "public interest." |
商城 | Zodiac (Zodiac Capricorn Limited) | Commerce | KNET | 47 | Chinese (Hans/Simplified) for "mall." |
商店 | Donuts (Wild Island, LLC) | Commerce | Demand Media | 11 | Chinese (Hans/Simplified) for commercial shop or store, selling goods. |
商标 | HU YI GLOBAL INFORMATION RESOURCES(HOLDING) COMPANY.HONGKONG LIMITED | Commerce | Hu Yi Global | 38 | Chinese (Hans/Simplified) for "trademark." |
嘉里 | Kerry Trading Co. Limited | Brand gTLD | Verisign | 30 | Chinese (Hani) for "Kerry." |
嘉里大酒店 | Kerry Trading Co. Limited | Brand gTLD | Verisign | 10 | Chinese (Hani) for "Kerry Hotel(s)." |
在线 | TLD REGISTRY LIMITED | Technology | Afilias | 82 | Chinese (Hans/Simplified) for "online." |
大众汽车 | Volkswagen (China) Investment Co., Ltd. | Brand gTLD | Afilias | 36 | Chinese (Hans/Simplified) for "Volkswagon." Community Application |
大拿 | Verisign | Technology | Verisign | 16 | Chinese (Hans/Simplified) transliteration of "dot net." |
天主教 | Pontificium Consilium de Comunicationibus Socialibus (PCCS) (Pontifical Council for Social Communication) | Culture | ARI Registry Services | 1 | Chinese (Hani) for "Catholic." Community Application |
娱乐 | Donuts (Will Bloom, LLC) | Lifestyle | Demand Media | 54 | Chinese (Hans/Simplified) for "entertainment." |
娱乐 | Zodiac (Morden Media Limited) | Lifestyle | KNET | 57 | Chinese (Hans/Simplified) for "entertainment." |
家電 | Amazon | Technology | Neustar | 97 | Chinese (Hani) for "consumer electronics." GAC Early Warning: Australia |
工行 | Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited | Brand gTLD | Afilias | 41 | The commonly used and wildly recognized Chinese (Hans/Simplified) abbreviation of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC). It is an official registered trademark of ICBC. |
广东 | Guangzhou YU Wei Information Technology Co., Ltd. | GeoTLD | CNNIC | 79 | Chinese (Hans/Simplified) script for Guangdong. GAC Early Warning: China |
广东 | Xinhua News Agency Guangdong Branch | GeoTLD | 1772 | Chinese (Hans/Simplified) script for Guangdong.; Community Application | |
广州 | Guangzhou YU Wei Information Technology Co., Ltd. | GeoTLD | TLD-Box | 104 | Chinese (Hans/Simplified) script for Guangzhou. |
微博 | Sina Corporation | Lifestyle | Afilias | 45 | Chinese (Hans/Simplified) for "microblogging.". The transliteration of applied-for string in English is "Wei-bo." "Wei" means "minute" or "small" and "bo" means "abundant, plentiful, rich" in Chinese (Hans/Simplified). |
微博 | Tencent Holdings Limited | Technology | Verisign | 98 | Chinese (Hans/Simplified) for "microblogging." |
慈善 | Zodiac (Excellent First Limited) | Industry | KNET | 65 | Chinese (Hans/Simplified) for "charity." GAC Early Warning: Australia. Objected to by Independent Objector |
我爱你 | Zodiac (Tycoon Treasure Limited) | Lifestyle | KNET | 50 | Chinese (Hans/Simplified) for "I love you." |
手机 | Beijing RITT-Net Technology Development Co., Ltd | Technology | Afilias | 39 | Chinese (Hans/Simplified) for "cell phone." |
手表 | Richemont DNS Inc. | Technology | Neustar | 1770 | Chinese (Hans/Simplified) for "watches." GAC Early Warning: Australia |
招聘 | HU YI GLOBAL INFORMATION RESOURCES (HOLDING) COMPANY. HONGKONG LIMITED | Industry | Hu Yi Global | 86 | Chinese (Hans/Simplified) for "recruitment." |
政务 | China Organizational Name Administration Center | Government | Applicant-run Registry | 93 | Chinese (Hans/Simplified) for "government" and "government affairs." Community Application. GAC Early Warning Taiwan. |
政府 | Net-Chinese Co., Ltd. | Government | TWNIC | 32 | Chinese (Hani) for public affairs and public sectors, including governmental organizations, public institutions, or any related organizations supported by government to provide public services. GAC Early Warning: Taiwan, Japan |
新闻 | Xinhua News Agency Guangdong Branch | Media | KNET | 29 | Chinese (Hans/Simplified) for "news." |
时尚 | Zodiac (RISE VICTORY LIMITED) | Industry | KNET | 92 | Chinese (Hans/Simplified) for "vogue," "fashion." |
普利司通 | Bridgestone Corporation | Brand gTLD | ARI Registry Services | 1769 | Chinese (Hans/Simplified) transliteration for "Bridgestone." |
書籍 | Amazon | Media | Neustar | 95 | Chinese for "book." GAC Early Warning: Australia |
机构 | Public Interest Registry | Industry | Afilias | 89 | Chinese (Hans/Simplified) for "org" (organization). |
机构体制 | Public Interest Registry | Industry | Afilias | 87 | Chinese (Hans/Simplified) for "organization" or "institution." |
欧莱雅 | L'Oréall | Brand gTLD | Verisign | 72 | Chinese (Hans/Simplified) for "L'Oréal" |
淡马锡 | Temasek Holdings (Private) Limited | Brand gTLD | Afilias | 7 | "Temasek" in simplified Chinese (Hans/Simplified) script. |
深圳 | Guangzhou YU Wei Information Technology Co., Ltd. | GeoTLD | CNNIC | 49 | Chinese (Hans/Simplified) script for Shenzhen. GAC Early Warning: china |
游戏 | Donuts (Spring Fields, LLC) | Lifestyle | Demand Media | 40 | Chinese (Hans/Simplified) for "game(s)." |
点看 | Verisign | Technology | Verisign | 66 | Chinese (Hans/Simplified) transliteration of "dot com." |
珠宝 | Richemont DNS Inc. | Industry | Neustar | 1773 | Chinese (Hans/Simplified) for "jewelry." GAC Early Warning: Australia |
盛貿飯店 | Shangri-La International Hotel Management Limited | Brand gTLD | Verisign | 73 | Chinese (Hant/Traditional) for "Traders Hotel(s)." WITHDRAWN |
盛贸饭店 | Shangri-La International Hotel Management Limited | Brand gTLD | Verisign | 43 | Chinese (Hans/Simplified) for "Shangrila." GAC Early Warning: China |
移动 | Afilias | Technology | Afilias | 80 | Chinese (Hans/Simplified) for "mobile." |
网址 | Top Level Domain Holdings | Technology | Minds + Machines | 15 | Chinese (Hans/Simplified) for "netaddress/website". Confirmed.[1] |
网址 | HU YI GLOBAL INFORMATION RESOURCES (HOLDING) COMPANY. HONGKONG LIMITED | Technology | Hu Yi Global | 28 | Chinese (Hans/Simplified) for "netaddress/website" (network address, URL). |
网店 | Global eCommerce TLD Asia Limited | Commerce | ARI Registry Services | 17 | Chinese (Hani) for "webstore." |
网店 | Zodiac (Zodiac Libra Limited) | Commerce | KNET | 31 | Chinese (Hans/Simplified) for "webshop, e-shop." |
网站 | Zodiac (RISE VICTORY LIMITED) | Technology | KNET | 99 | Chinese (Hani) for "website, homepage, portal." |
网站 | Global Website TLD Asia Limited | Technology | ARI Registry Services | 106 | Chinese (Hani) for "website." |
网络 | Computer Network Information Center of Chinese (Hans/Simplified) Academy of Sciences (CNNIC) | Technology | CNNIC | 42 | Chinese (Hans/Simplified) for "network." |
联通 | China United Network Communications Corporation Limited | Brand gTLD | Neustar | 88 | Chinese (Hans/Simplified) for "unicom." |
诺基亚 | Nokia Corporation | Brand gTLD | Afilias | 77 | Chinese (Hans/Simplified) for "Nokia." |
谷歌 | Google/Charleston Road Registry Inc. | Brand gTLD | 84 | Chinese (Hani) for "Google." | |
购物 | Top Level Domain Holdings | Commerce | Minds + Machines | 62 | Chinese (Hans/Simplified) for "shopping". |
通用电气公司 | GE GTLD Holdings LLC | Brand gTLD | Afilias | 1767 | Gecompany |
通販 | Amazon | Commerce]] | Neustar | 59 | Chinese (Hans/Simplified) for "online shopping." GAC Early Warning: Australia |
集团 | Zodiac (Eagle Horizon Limited) | Commerce]] | KNET | 23 | Chinese (Hans/Simplified) for "conglomerate, group." |
電訊盈科 | PCCW Enterprises Limited | Brand gTLD | Does not appear to have selected a registry provider. | 1771 | Chinese (Hant/Traditional) for "PCCW" (Pacific Century Cyber Works). |
飞利浦 | Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. | Brand gTLD | ARI Registry Services | 55 | Chinese (Hani) for "Philips." |
食品 | Amazon | Food & Drink | Neustar | 70 | Chinese (Hani) for "food." GAC Early Warning: Australia |
餐厅 | HU YI GLOBAL INFORMATION RESOURCES (HOLDING) COMPANY. HONGKONG LIMITED | Food & Drink | Hu Yi Global | 78 | Chinese (Hans/Simplified) for "restaurant." |
香格里拉 | Shangri-La International Hotel Management Limited | Brand gTLD | Verisign | 4 | Chinese (Hant/Traditional) for "Shangri-La." |
香港電訊 | PCCW-HKT DataCom Services Limited | Brand gTLD | Does not appear to have selected a registry provider. | 1768 | Chinese (Hant/Traditional) for "Hong Kong Telecom." |
點看 | Verisign | Technology | Verisign | 20 | Chinese (Hant/Traditional) transliteration of "dot com." |
References[edit | edit source]
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