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Company articles needed

Glossary articles needed...being worked on by Dana

Brief definitions of these terms can be found at Glossary However, the glossary page at should not be used as the reference as it will eventually be deleted. Please find outside references to back-up the definition found on the glossary page. Examples of the terms should also be sought out.

The basic definitions for these terms can be found at Glossary - However, whenever possible other sources which define the term should be used as references, and examples of the terms are ideal. Example article forthcoming.

  2. ccTLD-AM
  3. TLD-AM
  4. Whois-Checked by AM, needs something? More historical background?
  5. CPA-AM
  6. CPC-AM
  7. CPM-AM
  8. CTR-AM
  9. Cybersquatting-AM
  10. Direct Navigation-AM
  11. Domainer-AM
  12. DNS - Don't use as a cited reference, other reference is no good as well. Needs good references -> changes made by Dana
  13. Domaining-AM
  14. Domain Kiting-AM
  15. Domain Monetization-AM
  16. Domain Name- This article needs a section on how a domain name is organized, the current one is small and possibly inaccurate.
  17. Domain Tasting-This article needs more representative references, and clarification in the ICANN section about what exactly there role has been with Domain Tasting.
  18. Drop-catching-AM
  19. IDN-AM
  20. PPC-AM
  21. Registrar- redirect to Category:Registrars-> change made by Dana
  22. Aftermarket-AM
  23. Typosquatting
  24. Semantic Technology-Very unclear.
  25. SLD-Needs more about where the rules come from, are they mandated rules by ICANN?
  26. AfriNIC-AM
  27. ALAC-AM
  28. APNIC
  29. ARIN - Will need Business template imported from here and filled out as much as possible.
  30. ASO
  31. ccNSO
  32. Domain Name Resolvers
  33. GAC
  34. GNSO - RK
  35. IANA - RK
  36. IETF
  37. IP
  38. ISOC
  39. ISP
  40. LACNIC - Will need Business template imported and filled out as much as possible
  41. PDP - Policy Development Process
  42. Phishing
  43. RGP - RK
  44. RSEP
  45. RIR -This is an excellent source for more info regarding the RIRs
  46. RIPE
  47. SSAC
  48. SO
  49. UDRP
  50. W3C

Even More Glossary Terms

Very Brief descriptions for these terms can be found by typing the acronym into the Acronym Database - When creating pages for these on the site please supplement them with different references, and examples whenever possible. When doing large articles for larger entities (Like the FCC or Depatment of Commerce) focus on their relation to ICANN:

Batch 1

  1. ACP
  2. ADR
  3. AFA
  4. AFNIC
  5. AFTLD
  6. AIRA
  7. APRAM
  8. APNG
  9. BGC
  10. BE
  11. CAIP
  12. CDT
  13. CIGREF
  14. CNRI
  15. CORE-MoU
  16. CCT
  17. DARPA
  18. DOC
  19. DeNIC
  20. DAG
  21. DT
  22. DRP
  23. EC
  24. ECTA
  25. eCOMLAC
  26. ENRED
  27. ETNO
  28. ETSI
  29. EuroInternet
  30. EuroISPA
  31. EOI
  32. FCC
  33. FOA
  34. FF
  35. FFWG
  36. FAG
  37. GA
  38. GCOT
  39. GPML
  40. GII
  41. HSTLD
  42. IAB
  43. IAHC
  44. ICC
  45. IETF
  46. IESG
  47. INTA
  48. IOPS.ORG
  49. iPOC
  50. JPA

Batch 2

  1. JIG
  2. KENIC
  3. LSE
  5. MoU
  6. MPAA
  7. MOPO
  8. NANC
  9. NANP
  10. NSF
  11. NSI
  12. NTIA
  13. NCSG
  14. NCPH
  15. NOIF
  16. OECD
  17. OSC
  18. OARC
  19. PAB
  20. POC
  21. PDP
  22. PEDNR
  23. PPSC
  24. PDEPDP
  25. PDP-WT
  26. PDDM
  27. PDDRP
  28. RFC
  29. RAA
  30. RyC
  31. RIR
  32. RGP
  33. RAP WG
  34. RySG
  35. RrSG
  36. SRS
  37. SIC
  38. SSAC
  39. SG
  40. SO
  41. SOI
  42. STI
  43. STI-DT
  44. TCP
  45. TDRP
  46. TzNIC
  47. TIX
  48. TOR
  49. TMC
  50. TDG

Incomplete Batch 3

  1. URL
  2. USPTO
  3. URSS
  4. UPU
  5. USCIB
  6. VI
  7. VS
  8. VIWG
  9. WTO
  10. WWTLD
  11. WG
  12. WGIG
  13. WLS
  14. WSIS
  15. W3C
  16. WT
  17. FCCN

Glossary/ Company/ Heavily Linked terms

These terms (both glossary terms and company terms) are frequently linked on our site, though they remain without their own page. Creating articles for them will create the wonderful web of information we're looking for.

Check out the pages that link to these terms by going to Most Linked to Pages and then clicking on the number of links (in blue parentheses) next to the term in question. Reading these first may provide a greater context and direction to go for the new page. Good luck!

  1. IGF
  2. MoU
  3. WSIS
  4. ICANN Board
  5. Name Intelligence
  6. IBM
  7. STLD
  8. AuDA
  9. .com
  10. APTLD
  11. IPv4
  12. IPv6 -needs to be reworked
  13. ITU
  14. Registrars Constituency
  15. IEEE
  16. DNSO
  17. DDOS
  18. Thought Convergence
  19. NomCom
  20. LACTLD
  21. NIC
  23. .net
  24. WGIG
  25. JPRS
  26. VoIP
  27. ENUM
  28. NCUC
  29. Deloitte
  30. CA - Certificate Authorities
  31. .uk
  32. ALS
  33. .au
  34. NeutralSpace
  35. APARLO
  36. ISPCP
  37. CABASE
  38. NIC Chile
  39. CABASE
  40. .biz
  41. EURid
  42. Business Constituency
  43. IPC
  44. RALO
  45. SEO
  46. .us
  47. .info
  48. NANOG
  49. ACM
  50. Registry

Company Overflow Batch

  1. W3Bank Internet Teknolojileri
  2. Walnut Ventures
  3. Web Agentur
  4. WEBCC (Web Commerce Communications Limited)
  5. Westlake Consulting Limited
  6. Whois Source
  8. WTO-Arab (World Trade Organization-Arab)
  9. Yahoo
  10. YesDirect

Being worked on by NWG

New Batch Pending

Being worked on by M.A.R.

New Batch Pending

Being worked on by Ali

Batch 4

Will start soon...

Being worked on by User:Pulasthi

Batch 2 complete. Currently working on Batch 3, see his page.

Being worked on by Alexander Phoenix

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