ICANN through the Decades

ICANN in the 1990s edit

ICANN is born.
year Nontechnical events technical events consequential meetings key figures CEO & Chair of the Board Key Moments Sources
1997 The International Ad Hoc Committee dissolves, producing a gTLD MoU as its final report, with 226 signatories IAHC History, ISOC
Framework for Global Electronic Commerce directs the Secretary of Commerce to privatize the management of the DNS to increase competition and facilitate international participation in its management. Ira Magaziner
original DNSSEC released
GoDaddy is founded Bob Parsons
1998 the DOC publishes the White Paper, aka 63 Fed. Reg. 31741 aka the Statement of Policy, on the privatization of the technical management of the DNS - Michael Roberts & Esther Dyson ICANN Transition Agreements
The Green Paper, formally titled "A Proposal to Improve the Technical Management of Internet Names and Addresses," was released by the NTIA in the Federal Register
MoU between US DoC and ICANN, completing the transition to Private (non-government sector) Joe Sims, J. Beckwith Burr
NSF ends direct role in Internet
ICANN is incorporated George Conrades, Gregory Crew, Frank Fitzsimmons, Hans Kraaijenbrink, Eugenio Triana, Linda S. Wilson, Geraldine Capdeboscq, Jun Murai, Joe Sims, Michael Weinberg, Zita Wenzel, Michael Roberts Board Minutes, 10/25/1998
first ICANN Board Meeting
1999 Shared Registry System goes into effect ICANN 1 Michael Roberts & Esther Dyson ICANN testbed window
DNSO is created as is the "[Non-Commercial Domain Name Holders Constituency," the only non-business interest group in the DNSO ICANN 1 DNSO Directors: Amadeu Abril i Abril (Spain), Jonathan Cohen (Canada), Alejandro Pisanty (Mexico), NCDNHC: Milton Mueller, Kathy Kleiman
ICANN Bylaws include establishment of ASO, PSO, DNSO ICANN 1 Beginning of Ad Hoc Era
ASO is created, indicating the beginning of global policymaking about IP address delegation APNIC, ARIN, and RIPE NCC join ASO, sign MoU ICANN 3 ASO Directors: Rob Blokzijl (Netherlands), Ken Fockler (Canada), Sang-Hyon Kyong (South Korea)
UDRP is approved ICANN 3
RSSAC is created ICANN 1 Bill Manning, Paul Vixie, Gerry Sneeringer, James Fielding, Maurizio Binello, Doug Engebretson, Piet Barber, David Conrad, Mark Kosters, Lars-Johan Liman, Ray Plzak, Akira Kato, Daniel Karrenberg RSSAC Minneapolis meeting
GAC is created ICANN 2
the Statement of Registrar Accreditation Policy is adopted ICANN 1 Vertical Separation Era
PSO is created ICANN 2 PSO Directors: Helmut Schink (Germany), Vint Cerf (USA), Phil Davidson (U.K.)

ICANN in the 2000s edit

ICANN org, board, and community grow into a veritable multi-faceted institution.
year Nontechnical events technical events consequential meetings key figures CEO & Chair of the Board Key Moments sources
2000 IANA function contract signed between NTIA and ICANN Michael Roberts & Esther Dyson/Vint Cerf Beginning of IANA Functions Contract Era -
At-Large Membership elects five directors for the ICANN Board of Directors, one for each geographic region ICANN 6 At-Large Directors: Karl Auerbach (USA), Ivan Moura Campos (Brazil), Frank Fitzsimmons (USA), Masanobu Katoh (Japan), Hans Kraaijenbrink (Netherlands), Andy Mueller-Maguhn (Germany), Jun Murai (Japan), Nii Quaynor (Ghana), Linda Wilson (USA) ICANN Studienkreis 2001
First Round of New gTLD Expansion begins ICANN 5
2001 the birth of the Evolution & Reform Committee - Michael Roberts/Stuart Lynn & Vint Cerf -
following 9/11, first ICANN AGM to focus entirely on the security and stability of the DNS ICANN 11
2002 First mention of ICANN's mission and core values make into the ICANN Bylaws ICANN 13, ICANN 14 Jaap Akkerhuis, Rita Rodin Johnston, Steve Crocker (2002-2010) Stuart Lynn & Vint Cerf Beginning of ICANN Reform Era
the Evolution and Reform Process, which also initates an overhaul of the structures and operations that comprise the ICANN community, organization, and board
SSAC formed
GNSO replaces DNSO
PDP formally established
the ICANN Board passes a resolution stating a strong position for the implementation of strict separation of registries and registrars for new gTLDs and prohibiting co-ownership
2003 first GAC correspondence tells nations and territories to reserve their names in .info TLD ICANN 15, ICANN 17 Peter Dengate Thrush, Mohamed Sharil Tarmizi, Hans Kraaijenbrink, Chris Disspain Stuart Lynn/Paul Twomey & Vint Cerf -
first protocol for Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs) by the Internet Engineering Task Force
The NRO is established to coordinate the world’s Regional Internet Registries (RIRs)
The ccNSO is created for and by ccTLD Managers.
NomCom is formed
ALAC, with interim members, is established
2004 first Ombudsman - - Frank Fowlie Paul Twomey & Vint Cerf -
2005 ICANNWiki is founded Raymond King Paul Twomey & Vint Cerf End of ICANN's Reform Era -
AfriNIC joins ASO Tarek Kamel, Adiel Akplogan
The new DNSSEC edition, which is widely used today, is released
2006 Board directs staff to post a Notice of Intent to Advance Implementation New gTLD Process; - ICANN 25 Elise Gerich, Jonathan Robinson Paul Twomey & Vint Cerf second round of nTLDs ICANN Board Resolution - Notice of Intent to Advance Implementation of New gTLD Process, March 31, 2006
ICANN Board approves settlement agreements with Verisign over the SiteFinder litigation ICANN 24
2007 First Organizational Reviews - - - Paul Twomey & Vint Cerf/Peter Dengate Thrush Beginning of Seemingly Infinite Reviews
Acknowledgement of Completion of Joint Project Agreement and Signing of Affirmation of Commitments ICANN 29
Fellowship Program begins ICANN 30
2008 GAC begins providing ICANN with consensus advice on new TLDs - - Paul Twomey & Peter Dengate Thrush Beginning of Transition to Vertical Integration History of Vertical Separation
2009 Completion of First GNSO Organizational Review reveals need for significant changes
call for First Accountability and Transparency Review ICANN 36 Paul Twomey/Rod Beckstrom & Peter Dengate Thrush Beginning of Accountability and Transparency Era
IDN ccTLD Fast Track Process is ICANN Board approved and launched ICANN 36 IDN Fast Track WG
"Scaling the root" study findings released: possible root zone growing pains due to: ICANN policy decisions concerning extensive DNSSEC deployment, IDNs, IPv6, and the sudden addition of many new TLDs ICANN 35 Jaap Akkerhuis, Lyman Chapin, Patrik Fältström, Glenn Kowack, Lars-Johan Liman, Bill Manning ICANN begins preparing to grow Root Scaling Study Report

ICANN in the 2010s edit

ICANN focuses on scaling the root.
year Nontechnical events technical events consequential meetings key figures CEO & Chair of the Board Key Moments sources
2010 The GNSO and the GNSO Council changed, becoming bicameral, and each of its two houses also become bicameral; the overarching difference between the houses is now one of contract with ICANN - ICANN 37 - Rod Beckstrom & Peter Dengate Thrush GNSO Structure Archive, ICANN
ICANN Board holds special meeting to permit vertical integration ICANN 38
First Specific Reviews
The first IDN TLDs are delegated
2011 ICANN approves .xxx - ICANN 40, ICANN 41 Stuart Lawley, Heather Dryden Rod Beckstrom & Peter Dengate Thrush/Steve Crocker
The ICANN Newcomer Program was launched ICANN 40
Foundation of NPOC ICANN 41
ICANN Board approves plan to significantly increase number of gTLDs ICANN 41
GAC corresponds with ICANN Board via "scorecards" shaping the Applicant Guidebook root zone scaling, and the handling of potentially objectionable TLD applications, before the New TLD Program was launched Board/GAC consultations on nTLDs
2012 Whois becomes a lightening rod ICANN 43 Tarek Kamel (2012-2019), Ram Mohan Rod Beckstrom/Akram Atallah/Fadi Chehadé & Steve Crocker Beginning of the New gTLD Program About SAC055, Security Week
The New gTLD Program begins ICANN 43
a working group related to the European Commission sent a letter to ICANN warning that its proposed additions to the RAA would infringe on European Privacy laws ICANN 45 Beginning of Data Privacy Era
2013 ICANN releases updated RAA to protect registrants and improve the reputation of the domain name industry - ICANN 46 - Fadi Chehadé & Steve Crocker 2013 RAA, ICANN blog
2014 ICANN's office in L.A. is diminished and two new hubs for international constituents opened in Singapore and Istanbul ICANN 49 Sally Costerton Fadi Chehadé & Steve Crocker -
IETF, IAB, RIRs, ccTLD ROs, ICANN, ISOC, and W3C welcome IANA Globalization Progress
Expansion of ICANN's Regional Stakeholder Engagement, Office of Global Engagement
NextGen@ICANN initiative started with NetMission Ambassadors ICANN 49
2015 ICANN establishes Global Support Centers; expansion of ICANN Language Services scope - Seda Akbulut, Tammy Yeow, Ajay Data, Abdalmonem Tharwat Galila, Maria Kolesnikova, Lilian Ivette De Luque Bruges Fadi Chehadé & Steve Crocker Beginning of Digital Inclusion Era -
The Universal Acceptance SG is founded
brainstorming about DART/DAAR system begins ICANN 54 Dave Piscitello GNSO Webinar on ICANN Domain Abuse Reporting Tool project
2016 First mention of "multistakeholder process" makes it into ICANN Bylaws due to the work of ICG and the CCWG-IG; Bertrand de la Chapelle Fadi Chehadé /Akram Atallah/[Göran Marby]] & Steve Crocker 2016 ICANN Bylaws, Public Comment, April 21, 2016
Public Technical Identifiers is formed to oversee the operation of the IANA Functions
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is adopted;
the Internet & Jurisdiction Policy Network holds first global conference on "Legal Interoperability"
ICANN adopted new Bylaws that strengthen the Internet community's Accountability Mechanisms vis-à-vis ICANN org;
ICANN Kicks Off Open Data Initiative Edward Lewis, Matt Larson
2017 Third Accountability and Transparency Review - - Göran Marby & Cherine Chalaby -
IANA functions transition complete
Last of New gTLDs Delegated
the Board approved the Information Transparency Initiative David Olive
First DAAR Report is released ICANN 59 John Crain
2018 GDPR becomes enforcable - - - Göran Marby & Cherine Chalaby
The ICANN Board adopts the Temporary Specification for gTLD Registration Data to comply with the European Union's GDPR without breaking existing ICANN contractual requirements and community-developed policies. ICANN 61 ICANN Board resolves to adopt Temporary Specification
Geographic Regions Review Working Group Recommendations Mapping Document is accepted by board, emphasizing the general principle of geographic diversity is valuable and should be preserved
2019 planning the evolution of ICANN's Multistakeholder Model (MSM) begins - ICANN 64, ICANN 65 Brian Cute Göran Marby & Cherine Chalaby/Maarten Botterman Beginning of Evolution of ICANN's MSM

ICANN in the 2020s edit

ICANN streamlines its processes and strives toward digital inclusion.
year Nontechnical events technical events consequential meetings key figures CEO & Chair of the Board Key Moments sources
2020 ICANN announces that all gTLDs now deploy DNSSEC - Göran Marby & Maarten Botterman Beginning of Effort to Streamline ICANN -
ICANN Board approves suspending any further Whois/RDS Reviews ICANN 69
ICANN Board approves converting the org reviews into "continuous improvement" programs
ICANN Board approves delaying specific reviews until the next ATRT
ICANN Board approves creating a holistic review
2021 Prioritization of ICANN's Work Project gets underway ICANN 70 Becky Nash, Xavier Calvez Göran Marby & Maarten Botterman ICANN Strategic Plan FY21-FY25
ICANN org released the new ITI search experience for over 38,000 pages and files on https://icann.org, focusing on making the following searchable and more easily accessible on mobile devices: Accredited Registrars, Acronyms and ICANN Terms, Announcements, Blogs, ICANN News Subscriptions, Registry Agreements and released a much more interactive Public Comment feature and a style guide for the SO/AC websites - ICANN 71
DNS Security Threat Mitigation Program is launched ICANN 70, ICANN 71 -
Transfer Policy Review likelly to lead to fewer requirements for gaining and maybe losing parties, expedited by GDPR ICANN 71