I am a freelance writer and journalist with a Bachelors Degree in Mass Communication. I worked as a news writer, program producer and account executive in a radio station in the Philippines. I was a former Young Ambassador of Goodwill during the 26th Ship for Southeast Asian Youth Program (SSEAYP). I love travelling, cooking, gardening, reading books and photography. I am interested learning different cultures and languages.

Written Articles

Batch 1

.free, .EU ADR, .music, AGPRO, Dot VN, Inc, ADMINOM, AllNetBusiness.com, Alliance Registry, AmSoft Systems, Amazon.com Inc., 4U.com, Webagentur.at, AIPMAS, AKMS, ASIP, Arian IT Center, Axxet, BOWE Company, Blue Moose Webworks, Boulevards, BrandProtect, Brandon Gray Internet Services Inc., BuyDomains.com, Cardman, CCIN, CGI.br, CSC Corporate Domains, Inc., Christie, Parker & Hale, EURid, .info, .pro, .au, .biz, .jobs, .net, Center for Democracy & Technology, .nz Registry Services, AGIP, TAGCAITC, AG-IP-Renewals, AGCON, Border Ladner Gervais, CBS International, CERT/CC, CPA Global, BSoft, IBM

Batch 2

EForce Media, EPAG Domain Services, Encirca, Equinix, Europe Registry, Fairview Wireless, FirstMile Telekom, Firstlook, Inc., French Connexion, GLOCOM, Genga & Associates, P.C., Gigalaw.com, Global Internet, AG-IP News Agency, Gowlings, Greenberg & Lieberman, High End Names, Hitfarm.com, Hosting.com, Hostopia, House of Ports, 19 Marketing, IEDR, INDOM, INX, IPARK, InMotion Hosting, InfoSearch Media, Instra Corporation, Local.com, Interlink, Internet Identity, Internet REIT, Internet.bs, Is inter-services, Iovation, Inc., JPRS, JAIPA, ESoftWiz, Tluj.com, TooBaRoo, VeryMark, Visible.net, VD Consult LLC, Epic Media Group, Verizon, Thought Convergence, JPNIC, Google

Batch 3

KISA, KRNIC, Keybanc Capital Markets, Kinghost, Ladas Domains, LatinTLD, Lewis & Hand, LES-AC, Lovells, MCI, MEDEF, Marcaria.com, Marchex, Inc., Markle, Marksmen, Maveron, MaxMD, Merlix, Microsoft, Milbank Roy & Co., Misk.com, ModernDomainer, NASK, NI, NIC.CI, NIDA, NIIEPA, NIXI, Name Intelligence, NameAction Inc., RegistryASP, UKERNA, Digerati, Dinamon, dot.Love, Dotzup, Locke Lord Bissell & Liddell, NamePros, Names@Work, National Arbitration Forum, Net Enforcers, nic.ac, NIC.io, NIC.sh, NIC.tm, AuDA, .com, IPv4, IEEE

Batch 4

Jeff Moss, WLS, BIND, Bill Clinton, Al Gore, White Paper, ICANN Board, STLD, IPv6, Registrar Constituency, AGEIA DENSI, WGIG, ENUM, ISPCP, CABASE, Business Constituency, IPC, SEO, NANOG, ACM, WSIS, ACPA, ISPAI, Internet Computer Bureau, FCCN, WT, NCUC, ALS, Intellectual Property, .org, Domain Roundtable, RFC, APRICOT, SaaS, Cisco Systems, AfNOG, .nxt Conference, TCP/IP, Internet Service Providers Association India, ICANN Fellow, RISG, 1 & 1 Internet, RSSAC, AfTLD, .eu, .name, Root Zone, ICANN Meetings, OpenRegistry, ARC

Batch 5

ICANN Studienkreis, ARPANET, AT&T, ASN, IFWP, APIA, AC, IDN Working Group, Green Paper, DotGreen, FOSSFA, Wikimedia Foundation, Whois Task Force, Russ Housley, Mike Roberts, Overstock.com, Ira Magaziner, DDoS, IAOC, ISO, APEC, John Curran, Robert Elz, Paul Wilson, Jun Murai, GTLD, MAG, HTTP, VPN, Board Governance Committee, AAA, Packet Clearing House, ISACA, FTP, T.R.A.F.F.I.C., IICD, EPP, DotAfrica, Open ccTLD, Apple, FTC, MAAWG, RSTEP, Intel, gTLD-MoU, XRI, AIPPI, IRT

Batch 6

Constituency, SSL Certificate, AOL, HP, WG, Symantec, HKIRC, PayPal, DomainSponsor, NSFNET, DOTZON, NetNames, CRIDO, CADNA, NPOC, Manwin, Jonathan Robinson, Nacho Amadoz, Don Blumenthal, Ivan G. Seidenberg, Joyce Reynolds, Cherine Chalaby, Erika Mann, Raymond A. Plzak, Gonzalo Navarro, Jean Guillon, Comcast, Nomer.com, Matt Serlin, France Telecom, ITU-T, OpenSRS, BBN, Debra Hughes, Will Shorter, Cary Karp, June Seo, Vladimir Shadrunov, Craig Schwartz, Jim Bidzos, IFFOR, FIRST, SOPA, DOMAINfest, Bob Liodice, PIPA, Lawrence Strickling, Ron Wyden, Andrei Kolesnikov, Xavier Calvez

  1. DotConnectAfrica

Batch 7

  1. Brand gTLD -A
  2. Community gTLD-A
  3. GeoTLD- Please add info re: requirements for geoTLDs (i.e., they need written consent by the local government of the city/region in question)---Info Added
  4. DotBrand Solutions-A
  5. TLDs for Associations (CentralNic)
  6. BrandShelter
  7. Central Registry Solutions
  8. PartnerGate
  9. Registry.net
  10. Knipp Medien und Kommunikation GmbH
  11. Cloud Names
  12. MyTLD
  13. FairWinds Partners
  14. Valideus
  15. ACTA (Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement)
  16. eBrand Services
  17. Brights Consulting
  18. Sedari -here is new news, different important news
  19. ADACOM
  20. Provident Link
  21. Kelley Drye (law firm)
  22. ICANN CEO page, this, this, this, this, this, this
  23. .me here
  24. IRP page, this
  25. Independent Objector here
  26. .bank Use this for and this. more update (New info as of 2/23 here) Info Added
  27. InterNetworX
  28. LookSmart, this
  29. Euro-SSIG
  30. Lucas Roh -Hostway
  31. V.C. Vivekanandan, ALAC Representative (Asia/Australia/Pacific Region)
  32. Chris Martin, Commercial and Business Users Constituency (Large)
  33. Mark Partridge, Intellectual Property Constituency
  34. Giovanni Seppia, ccNSO
  35. Wilfried Woeber, Address Supporting Organization Advisory Committee
  36. Henk Uijterwaal, IAB for IETF
  37. Phil Davidson, Technical Liaison Group (ITU-T Rep) 2011 NomCom Members
  38. Nigel Hickson, this
  39. Jon Leibowitz of FTC, here
  40. Neelie Kroes EC, this
  41. Thomas Embrescia, include involvement in House hearing, and .jobs vs. ICANN arbitration
  42. New gTLD Site
  43. Multistakeholder Model, include praise of Brazil's model, history/development (eg. White Paper), criticism by others
  44. TAS - this, This, this
  45. .co
  46. .xxx
  47. .edu
  48. .arpa
  49. .gov
  50. .green this this

Batch 8

Bigger Edits

  1. Registry-updated
  2. Registrar-updated
  3. IANA-Updated
  4. SOPA- Updated
  5. PIPA updated
  6. .br- page created
  7. IDN- page updated
  8. UPU- updated
  9. Bob Parsons-updated
  10. Deloitte, Key-Systems awards - 2008, 2009, 2010
  11. Top Level Domains Holding Ltd. -Annual Report
  12. .music -this
  13. This to applicable pages (Kroes, Strickling, GAC, New gTLD, gTLD).. Note that this is old news and needs to be implemented to make sense with other background info
  14. GAC page needs to reflect recent controversies, including info from the reports made by the Accountability and Transparency Review Team
  15. Vint Cerf & the beginnings, use this
  16. RAA, add this and other recent developments to RAA article. more help
  17. .coop - 10 year story
  18. Robert McDowell -this, of the FCC, this
  19. Tim Berners-Lee
  20. Include WLS info in Verisign article (not ALL of it, a good summary of the situation.)
  21. This to many applicable pages: .jobs, Employ Media, ICANN, Thomas Embrescia, New gTLD Program
  22. gTLD criticism/reaction and senate hearing info needs to be integrated into the ICANN page
  23. .tv here
  24. RegisterFly - Please improve and fill out this article, the wikipedia article is great, but VERY exhaustive, please focus in on what led to the problems, how ICANN handled it, and what the fall-out was (i.e., improvements to the RAA). Here are sources in chronological order: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.
  25. .бг
  26. .post

Smaller Edits

  1. Add info about the European Commission's authoritarian desires during the WSIS to that page (important info already on EC page, start there)
  2. More new TLD batching, req's, more, add to Batching article
  3. Kurt Pritz page badly needs to be updated to reflect his representation of ICANN at new gTLD events. this stuff
  4. ANA this
  5. Add registrar stats from bottom of article on .pro.
  6. Add to Verisign page.
  7. To Tucows
  8. Add to .me and .co
  9. For ICANN CEO Search Committee, background on 2008 version, letter 1, letter 2
  10. Response from ICANN to Senate re; Dec Hearings
  11. this ICANN, ICM, and Manwin, this
  12. This to RAA
  13. First ICANN CEO Revealed, add to ICANN CEO Search Committee
  14. Add section of "Thick Whois" to Whois page - this
  15. Add this to DDoS page
  16. Apply to UDRP, National Arbitration Forum articles
  17. Combine DomainSponsor and DomainSponsor.com
  18. Combine NameMedia and YesDirect, or find out how they are related/better integrate them.
  19. use this and other sources to add info on a proposed second-round to New gTLD Program page & ICANN page - note that ICANN has confirmed a second round.
  20. Add to NTIA and Larry Strickling
  21. This to NTIA, Larry Strickling
  22. Add info on Applicant Support Program to applicable pages (New gTLD Program..)
  23. Add to GoDaddy, more
  24. Add info on diff types of apps (Community gTLD, IDN gTLD) to new gTLD and gTLD page.
  25. String Similarity Panel
  26. SWORD Algorithm
  27. DNS Stability Panel
  28. Geographic Names Panel
  29. Technical Evaluation Panel
  30. Financial Evaluation Panel
  31. Defensive Registration - this, this
  32. Niche TLD
  33. Add to DNSSEC
  34. Interesting,UDRP page. further developments
  35. Work on SchoolNet Africa page
  36. DNSO restructuring needs to be put in ICANN article
  37. For ICANN & Senate pages : here