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Company articles needed

Glossary articles needed...being worked on by Dana

Brief definitions of these terms can be found at Glossary However, the glossary page at should not be used as the reference as it will eventually be deleted. Please find outside references to back-up the definition found on the glossary page. Examples of the terms should also be sought out. Example article forthcoming.

The basic definitions for these terms can be found at Glossary - However, whenever possible other sources which define the term should be used as references, and examples of the terms are ideal. Example article forthcoming.

  2. ccTLD-AM
  3. TLD-AM
  4. Whois
  5. CPA
  6. CPC
  7. CPM
  8. CTR
  9. Cybersquatting-AM
  10. Direct Navigation
  11. Domainer
  12. DNS
  13. Domaining
  14. Domain Kiting
  15. Domain Monetization
  16. Domain Name
  17. Domain Tasting
  18. Drop-catching
  19. IDN
  20. PPC
  21. Registrar
  22. Aftermarket
  23. Typosquatting
  24. Semantic Technology
  25. SLDs
  26. Advisory Committee
  27. AfriNIC
  28. ALAC
  29. APNIC
  30. ARIN
  31. ASO
  32. ccNSO
  33. Domain Name Resolvers
  34. GAC
  35. GNSO
  36. IANA
  37. IETF
  38. IP - Internet Protocol
  39. ISOC
  40. ISP
  41. LACNIC
  42. Operations Steering Committee
  43. PDP - Policy Development Process
  44. Phishing
  45. Policy Process Steering Committee
  46. RGP
  47. RSEP
  48. RIR
  49. RIPE
  50. SSAC
  51. SO
  52. UDRP
  53. W3C

Even More Glossary Terms

Very Brief descriptions for these terms can be found by typing the acronym into the Acronym Database - When creating pages for these on the site please supplement them with different references, and examples whenever possible. Completed example articles forthcoming. When doing large articles for larger entities (Like the FCC or Depatment of Commerce) focus on their relation to ICANN:

  1. ACP
  2. ADR
  3. AFA
  4. AFNIC
  5. AFTLD
  6. AIRA
  7. APRAM
  8. APNG
  9. BGC
  10. BE
  11. CAIP
  12. CDT
  13. CIGREF
  14. CNRI
  15. CORE-MoU
  16. CCT
  17. DARPA
  18. DOC
  19. DeNIC
  20. DAG
  21. DT
  22. DRP
  23. EC
  24. ECTA
  25. eCOMLAC
  26. ENRED
  27. ETNO
  28. ETSI
  29. EuroInternet
  30. EuroISPA
  31. EOI
  32. FCC
  33. FOA
  34. FF
  35. FFWG
  36. FAG
  37. GA
  38. GCOT
  39. GPML
  40. GII
  41. HSTLD
  42. IAB
  43. IAHC
  44. ICC
  45. IETF
  46. IESG
  47. INTA
  48. IOPS.ORG
  49. iPOC
  50. JPA
  51. JIG
  52. KENIC
  53. LSE
  55. MoU
  56. MPAA
  57. MOPO
  58. NANC
  59. NANP
  60. NSF
  61. NSI
  62. NTIA
  63. NCSG
  64. NCPH
  65. NOIF
  66. OECD
  67. OSC
  68. OARC
  69. PAB
  70. POC
  71. PDP
  72. PEDNR
  73. PPSC
  74. PDEPDP
  75. PDP-WT
  76. PDDM
  77. PDDRP
  78. RFC
  79. RAA
  80. RyC
  81. RIR
  82. RGP
  83. RAP WG
  84. RySG
  85. RrSG
  86. SRS
  87. SIC
  88. SSAC
  89. SG
  90. SO
  91. SOI
  92. STI
  93. STI-DT
  94. TCP
  95. TDRP
  96. TzNIC
  97. TIX
  98. TOR
  99. TMC
  100. TDG
  101. URL
  102. USPTO
  103. URSS
  104. UPU
  105. USCIB
  106. VI
  107. VS
  108. VIWG
  109. WTO
  110. WWTLD
  111. WG
  112. WGIG
  113. WLS
  114. WSIS
  115. W3C
  116. WT

Glossary/ Company/ Heavily Linked terms

These terms (both glossary terms and company terms) are frequently linked on our site, though they remain without their own page. Creating articles for them will create the wonderful web of information we're looking for.

Check out the pages that link to these terms by going to Most Linked to Pages and then clicking on the number of links (in blue parentheses) next to the term in question. Reading these first may provide a greater context and direction to go for the new page. Good luck!

  1. IGF
  2. WSIS
  3. ICANN Board
  4. Name Intelligence
  5. IBM
  6. CENTR
  7. STLD
  8. AuDA
  9. .com
  10. APTLD
  11. IPv4
  12. ITU
  13. Registrars Constituency
  14. IEEE
  15. DNSO
  16. DDOS
  17. Thought Convergence
  18. NomCom
  19. LACTLD
  20. PPC- Pay Per Click
  21. NIC
  23. .net
  24. WGIG
  25. JPRS
  26. VoIP
  27. ENUM
  28. NCUC
  29. Deloitte
  30. CA - Certificate Authorities
  31. .uk
  32. ALS
  33. .au
  34. NeutralSpace
  35. APARLO
  36. ISPCP
  37. CABASE
  38. NIC Chile
  39. CABASE
  40. .biz
  41. EURALO
  42. EURid
  43. Business Constituency

Being worked on by NWG

Batch 5 moved to user page, awaiting next batch/ completion of any final edits..

Being worked on by M.A.R.

Batch 3

  1. Gabriel Ahad-AM
  2. Gabrielle Dumas-AM
  3. Gao Mosweu -AM
  4. Garth Miller-AM
  5. Gary Thompson-AM
  6. George Bundy-AM
  7. Geir Rasmussen-AM
  8. George Kirikos-AM
  9. George Sadowsky-AM
  10. GeorgeVictor Salama-AM
  11. Gerard Meijssen-AM
  12. German Valdez-AM
  13. Gilbert Ramsay-AM
  14. Ginger Paque-AM
  15. Glen de Saint Gery-AM
  16. Glen Ricart
  17. Glenn Roland-AM
  18. Greg Aaron
  19. Greg Frank-AM
  20. Greg Ruth
  21. Gregg Vandenberghe
  22. Guilherme Alberto Almeida de Almeida-AM
  23. Gunjan Singh-AM
  24. Gustavo Arzola-AM
  25. Hassan Lebbadi
  26. Hans Petter Holen-AM
  27. Hagen Hultzsch
  28. Haidar Fraihat-AM
  29. Haja Ramboasalama-AM
  30. Hakan Ali-AM
  31. Hakon Haugnes-AM
  32. Hamida Benlemlih-AM
  33. Hartmut Richard Glaser-AM
  34. Hayden Johnston-AM
  35. Heather Dryden

Being worked on by Ali

Batch 3

  1. Tommi Karttaavi-AM
  2. Tk Tan-AM
  3. Thomas Keller-AM
  4. Thomas De Haan-AM
  5. Jeff Eckhaus
  6. Donna Austin
  7. Mark Kosters
  8. Kurt Pritz
  9. Pavan Budhrani
  10. Lin Nah
  11. Rob Davey
  12. Tina Dam
  13. Thomas Niles
  14. Susan Estrada
  15. Steve Metalitz
  16. Statton Hammock-CP
  17. Rusty Lewis-CP
  18. Robin Gross-CP -- This article needs better citation in the Career section. There's also more info that can be mined from her LinkedIn profile.
  19. Rajasekhar Ramaraj-CP
  20. J. Scott Evans-CP
  21. Dirk Krischenowski-CP
  22. Tim Kelly-CP
  23. Rajesh Chharia
  24. Mark McFadden
  25. Olof Nordling
  26. Marc Salvatierra
  27. Naela Sarras
  28. Diane R. Schroeder
  29. Karla Valente
  30. Savenaca Vocea
  31. Barbara Roseman
  32. Kim Davies
  33. Rodrigo de la Parra
  34. Steve Gobin
  35. Daniel Halloran
  36. John Jeffrey
  37. Marika Konings
  38. Janice Douma Lange
  39. Ken Fockler
  40. Lyman Chaplin
  41. Michael Silber
  42. Reinhard Scholl
  43. Said Slassi
  44. Stefano Bensi
  45. Statton Sclavos
  46. Karim Touray
  47. Kuo Wei Wu
  48. Thomas Narten

Being worked on by User:Pulasthi

  1. Young Eum Lee-AM
  2. Sabine Dolderer-AM
  3. Sandy George-AM
  4. Scott Donahey-AM***
  5. Sebastian Bellagamba-AM
  6. Sebastien Bachollet-AM
  7. Sophia Bekele-AM
  8. Rudi Vansnick-AM
  9. Rudi Daniel-AM
  10. Roy Berg-AM
  11. Ted Ernst-AM
  12. Angela Winiata-AM
  13. Ali Drissa Badiel-AM
  14. Anne Solente-AM
  15. Alan Barrett-AM
  16. Suzanne Woolf-AM***
  17. Rob Hoggarth-AM
  18. Kieren McCarthy-AM
  19. Tricia Drakes-AM
  20. Ulrich Essmann-AM
  21. Uma Murali-AM
  22. Alexander Siffrin-AM
  23. Roberto Gaetano-AM---
  24. Rod Rasmussen-AM---
  25. Rodney Bane-AM
  26. Roger Collins-AM
  27. Ron Andruff
  28. Rajnesh Singh-AM
  29. Ram Mohan
  30. Raymond King
  31. Ricardo Vaz Monteiro-AM
  32. Richard Thwaites
  33. Rick Schwartz
  34. Rob Hall
  35. Robert Birkner-AM
  36. Robert Guerra-AM
  37. Robert Kahn
  38. Radha Ramphul-AM
  39. Raimundo Beca
  40. Steve Goldstein-AM
  41. Steve Miholovich-AM
  42. Stuart Duncan
  43. Stuart Lawley
  44. Sylvia Leite-AM
  45. Stephane Van Gelder-AM
  46. Steve Crocker
  47. Peter Lenda-AM
  48. Peter Stevenson
  49. Philip A. Reynolds-AM
  50. Philip Cooper
  51. Pinky Brand

  1. Mohamed Sharil Tarmizi
  2. Misha Halvarsson
  3. Miraj Khaled
  4. Milton Mueller
  5. Mike O'Connor
  6. Luc Faubert
  7. Laura Brewer
  8. Margie Milam
  9. Margarita Valdes
  10. Marco Rinaudo
  11. Mouhamet Diop
  12. Matt Bentley
  13. Matthew Griffith
  14. Max Ralli
  15. Maxine Appleby
  16. Michael Palage
  17. Olaf Kerner
  18. Ole Jacobsen
  19. Oliver Ortiz
  20. Mark McLaughlin
  21. Mason Cole
  22. Nathalie Dreyfus
  23. Neal Brian Blair
  24. Nigel Roberts
  25. Njeri Rionge
  26. Nurani Nimpuno
  27. Paul Twomey
  28. Paul Verhoef
  29. Paul Vixie
  30. Nainil Chheda
  31. Natalia Viera
  32. Ashish Shah
  33. Mike Rodenbaugh
  34. Patrick Vande Walle
  35. Paul Harwood
  36. Paul Stahura
  37. Justin Hayward
  38. Jasmine Begg
  39. Tim Cole
  40. Balram mahendra
  41. Harald Alvestrand
  42. Theresa Owusu
  43. Levi Ferencz
  44. Susan Prosser
  45. Francesco Cetraro
  46. Paul Kane
  47. Richard Schreier
  48. Edna Samudio
  49. Kristina Rosette
  50. Khaled Koubaa

Being worked on by Virtually Capable

Being worked on by Alexander Phoenix

Finalized list:

  1. Alireza Kashian - DONE, Reference corrections not added in yet
  2. Annette Muehlberg - DONE, Reference corrections not added in yet
  3. Becky Burr - DONE, Reference corrections not added in yet
  4. Chuck Kisselburg - DONE, Reference corrections not added in yet
  5. Clarke Walton - DONE, References not added in yet
  6. Colin Jackson - DONE, References only partial, all not added in yet
  7. Craig Rowe - DONE, References only partial, all not added in yet
  8. Dan Mendell - DONE, References only partial, all not added in yet
  9. Daniel Schindler - DONE -AM' (Will probably add more material to this later)
  10. Daniel Monastersky - DONE, References only partial, all not added in yet
  11. Don McLeod - DONE, References not added in yet
  12. Elisabeth Porteneuve - DONE -AM (Will probably add more material to this later)
  13. Frank Michlick - DONE, References not added in yet
  14. Herman Koster - DONE, References not added in yet
  15. Tina Dam DONE, caricature not added in yet
  16. Stuart Schechter -- DONE, References not added in yet
  17. Thomas Lowenhaupt- DONE, References not added in yet
  18. Thomas Roessler - DONE, References, picture and caricature not added in yet
  19. Rebecca Smith DONE, References, picture and caricature not added in yet
  20. Thomas Murphy DONE, References, picture and caricature not added in yet
  21. Reinhard Scholl DONE, References, picture and caricature not added in yet
  22. Daouda MBaye DONE, References, picture and caricature not added in yet
  23. Jonathan Cohen- DONE, References, picture and caricature not added in yet
  24. Jon Postel DONE, References, picture and caricature not added in yet
  25. Jothan Frakes - DONE, References, picture and caricature not added in yet
  26. Michael Geist - DONE, References, picture and caricature not added in yet
  27. Kent Lewis- DONE, References, picture and caricature not added in yet
  28. Edward Hasbrouck DONE, References, picture and caricature not added in yet
  29. Iliya Nickelt DONE, References, picture and caricature not added in yet
  30. Herb Waye- DONE, References, picture and caricature not added in yet
  31. Hiram Melendez- DONE, References, picture and caricature not added in yet
  32. Jonathan Zuck DONE, References, picture and caricature not added in yet
  33. Hualin Qian- DONE, References, picture and caricature not added in yet
  34. Ian Schray DONE, References, picture and caricature not added in yet
  35. Ivonne Munoz DONE, References, picture and caricature not added in yet
  36. Claudia Kloeckl DONE, References, picture and caricature not added in yet
  37. James Langman DONE, References, picture and caricature not added in yet
  38. Janis Karklins DONE, References, picture and caricature not added in yet
  39. Jason Keenan DONE, References, picture and caricature not added in yet
  40. McTim DONE, References, picture and caricature not added in yet
  41. Matt Bentley
  42. Michael Nelson DONE, References, picture and caricature not added in yet
  43. Rajasekhar Ramaraj
  44. Olivier Crepin-Leblond DONE, References, picture and caricature not added in yet
  45. Tino Vitale DONE, References, picture and caricature not added in yet
  46. Dennis Jennings DONE, References, picture and caricature not added in yet
  47. Patrik Faltstrom DONE, References, picture and caricature not added in yet
  48. Darlene Thompson DONE, References, picture and caricature not added in yet
  49. Larry Coker DONE, References, picture and caricature not added in yet
  50. Clyde BeattieDONE, References, picture and caricature not added in yet
  51. Per WesterdalDONE, References, picture and caricature not added in yet
  52. Jared Stauffer DONE, References, picture and caricature not added in yet

Batch 2

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